I'm looking for DKC1 editor

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I'm looking for DKC1 editor

Postby mitja » December 27th, 2015, 4:54 am

Before any of you tell me that I should use DKCRE I will tell you that I have a problem when I open the rom.


I don't know how to fix that I looked up on the internet and no results at all. This is why I'm asking for another DKC1 editor. Also please I can't use dkEdit it's just horrible I can't even move anything in it.
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Re: I'm looking for DKC1 editor

Postby Kingizor » December 27th, 2015, 5:21 am

Everything required for DKCRE to run should be included in the provided zip found in the release topic. The error message suggests something is wrong with at least one of the ini files you have. First thing to try would be to redownload the program and try running it again to see if you get the same issue.

If that doesn't work, then it could be something a bit more finicky. The first thing I'd suspect would be something to do with permissions, possibly caused by UAC or an overzealous antivirus?
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Re: I'm looking for DKC1 editor

Postby mitja » December 27th, 2015, 6:44 am

Can you explain im having a hard time.
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Re: I'm looking for DKC1 editor

Postby Kingizor » December 27th, 2015, 6:56 am

An antivirus present on your system may be quarantining executables such as DKCRE, preventing it from accessing files on the filesystem and therefore preventing it from accessing the ini file it needs to function properly. If this is the case, disabling your Antivirus temporarily could make a difference.

User Account Control on versions of Windows newer than XP could also be the cause. This can depend on a number of things, such as where your DKCRE directory is located. The quickest way to circumvent this without messing around with UAC settings would be to run the program as an administrator.
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Re: I'm looking for DKC1 editor

Postby Simion32 » December 27th, 2015, 6:06 pm

My guess is, as Kingizor has stated, an Antivirus is blocking DKCRE from using the included INI file.

One more way things could go wrong is if you copied only the program itself out of the zip. The EXE needs all of the stuff that comes in the download to work.

You should ONLY be downloading this from DKC Atlas. Anywhere else I'd question it even being uploaded. **Gotta get this program onto RHDN**

I'll note this down as a potential user error **problem**; perhaps it would be a good idea to provide some backup mechanism inside DKCRE itself to restore the files and/or access them internally. :scratch:
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