DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

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DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

Postby Qyzbud » October 10th, 2012, 12:24 am

The other day I was watching a trailer for a game called Ski Safari when I spotted a familiar name:

Ski-Safari-game-trailer-snapshot-(Animal-Antics).jpg (24.15 KiB) Viewed 23380 times

'Animal antics' is one of the gameplay aspects they were advertising, and I couldn't help but screenshot it and post it. ;)

Rather than just post this in The Random Thoughts Topic or something like that, I thought it might be fun to start a new topic for things like this, and see if anyone else comes up with some cases of DKC names/concepts spotted 'in the wild*!' :D

*by 'in the wild' I mean anywhere in the world outside of DKC-related media... and no, don't post here if it's a direct reference to the Donkey Kong Country thing - just if it's a matching name, concept, etc. used in a different context.
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Re: DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

Postby emerald editor » October 12th, 2012, 6:30 am

A series of children's novels by Ian Whybrow - the Little Wolf series- contains a book in the series called "Little Wolf's HAUNTED HALL for small horrors" (Haunted Hall= DKC2 level name as you know.) And that's the only sighting I can remember right now but if I remember any others I'll add them here

edit: Creepy Cavern (DKC3 level) is also a Mario Party 3 board's name, but that's still within the same Nintendo Mario/DK universe, so I don't know if that counts as "the wild"
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Re: DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

Postby Qyzbud » October 12th, 2012, 4:31 pm

Yes, well spotted on both counts!

Here's the Little Wolf book for those curious:


I'd say the Mario Party 3 board (Creepy Cavern) is a similar enough name, and isn't referring to DKC at all, so that counts. :)


...and look, a complete game with the actual level name:

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Re: DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

Postby Qyzbud » October 19th, 2012, 12:48 am

Another game with a familiar name:


Bonus 'Coral Capers' related image is in the spoiler below...
This is an artwork by Donald James Waters titled Coral Capers:


And here's yet another game, with a similar name to Lemguin Lunge (DKC3):


Bonus 'Penguin Plunge' image is in the spoiler below...
This is a promo image for a 'Penguin Plunge' event (which is probably what gave Rare the idea for the name 'Lemguin Lunge'):

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Re: DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

Postby Geno » May 17th, 2013, 9:32 am

Ohno bump.

The official name for the "Music B" track in the SNES version of Yoshi's Cookie is 'Frantic Factory'.

Perhaps that name may remind you of a certain N64 game staring a bunch of primates...
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Re: DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

Postby Qyzbud » December 18th, 2013, 9:09 am

I just happened upon this concept art for a game called Polycraft, which has just enough DKC resemblances that I figured it was worth sharing:


I'd say it's largely coincidental, but I think the hero's design (especially the red tie, quiffed hair and fur-brown cuffs) gives off a very Donkey Kong vibe.

The bright, colour-saturated visual style also reminds me of Rare's art — and even more so, Sammy Hall's 'Returns concept art:

Also, there's a little fella with two (proportionally) large swords, and — of course — a dude riding a rhino. :rambitongue:
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Re: DKC names/concepts spotted in the wild!

Postby Ribbedebie » February 23rd, 2014, 12:05 pm

I saw a kids' book dubbed Angry Aztecs at an English book store on my trip to Amsterdam today. Of course, I was immediately reminded of the similarly-named DK64 level. :P
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Real-life banana birds!

Postby Ribbedebie » December 25th, 2014, 1:07 am

Remember collecting those little banana birds for Wrinkly Kong in DKC3?
Well, apparently, Epoch had the wonderful idea to create these little guys as tiny collectable figures and phone straps. While they are unaffiliated with Nintendo or Donkey Kong, the comparison was quickly made.

And they're adorable. I considered them a must-have and quickly bought a set. Course, the first thing I'll do when they get here is make photos of them along with my Dixie and Kiddy figures.



(Found out about 'em on Tumblr (even if I'm on a hiatus there now), more on them in this post I reblogged.) I thought this would be fun to share, heh!
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