How good are you at DKC games?

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How good are you at DKC games?

Postby The Guy » August 3rd, 2009, 4:22 am

Eh, on DKC3 GBA I can beat Lake Orangatanga, Kremwood Forest and Mekanos without losing a life. However, sometimes I lost a kong and then press Start and Select to restart. Now I'm working on K3.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby FefeRawft » August 3rd, 2009, 7:50 am

DKC - Beaten, working on 100%
DKC2 - Beaten, working on 100%
DKC3 - Beaten GBA 100%, stuck on the sea urchin boss on SNES

I'm fairly good with the DKC games.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby The Guy » August 3rd, 2009, 8:51 am

I forgot to mention that I atleast try to do all Bonus Levels once in each level.

I also beaten K3 and now I'm on to Cotton-Top Cove.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby FefeRawft » August 4th, 2009, 3:20 am

I don't generally go for the bonus barrels until I've played through the world once. But if I come across one, right in front of me, I will crawl into it.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby CaptainEddie » August 6th, 2009, 2:53 am

I've beaten all of the SNEs games. I am pretty good, because sidescrolling platformers are my specialty. I don't have any of the GBA games, though. Are they harder?
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby The Guy » August 6th, 2009, 3:03 am

I'm not so sure, but the final level of DKC3 is made slightly harder by having unkillble Red Buzzes (Green Buzzes replace some of the places where Red ones used to be, though.)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby FefeRawft » August 6th, 2009, 3:17 am

Of course it's harder, they added a whole new world into the game.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 6th, 2009, 3:18 am

I'm pretty good at the DKC games. I have completely beaten each of them multiple times.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby The Guy » August 6th, 2009, 3:26 am

FefeRawft: Yeah. Sunken Spruce was a little tricky and Ripcurl Reef was pretty challenging.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Tompa » August 7th, 2009, 8:15 am

I'll sum it up with: I'm good enough :P.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby The Guy » August 8th, 2009, 2:55 am

Y'know, I don't really see how some people think Ripsaw Rage and Ropey Rumpus are hard... (Really. I've saw someone on YouTube who says the second hardest cliff level is Ropey Rumpus, and, pretty much, he listed them in the order they are encountered.)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby thetoad11 » July 6th, 2010, 9:12 am

Well, I beat Donkey kong Country when I was 6, though it took me forever, and I have 101% on DKC, 102% on DKC2, and 103% on DKC3. All Snes though, havn't bothered with the GBA versions. I can't say that I can do many levels perfect though.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby DK4Ever » July 6th, 2010, 3:18 pm

I'm fairly decent, I've beaten them all numerous times, but, shamefully, I've never actually tried for 100% on any of them. (Yeah, and I call myself a hardcore DKC fan. =/ )

I can get through, or I have in the past, gotten through Gangplank Galleon, Croc Cauldron and Krem Quay without losing a life, which was quite a feat. Bramble Scramble is unfortunately the bane of my existence, as my Let's Play has shown. Ugh!

I'd have to say DKC3 was probably the easiest of the three for me, but some of those bosses are tougher than in other games. (Oh man, that damn Barnacle.)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 8th, 2010, 12:39 pm

I like to think that I'm, y'know, extremely skillful at them. But I'm ashamed to say sometimes I die constantly at the exact same part. :(

On the GBA version of DKC3, I got 105% in 2:35... but I don't really have a 105% time to compare that to. I still think it's pretty good.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby neekerisanni123 » September 12th, 2010, 12:40 am

Guess I'm pretty good. I've beaten 'em all, but not 100%. I'm more of a speedrunner, although I try to grab as much DK-and Bonus Coins as I can. =)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby ALV » October 1st, 2010, 3:18 pm

I've completed all of the snes DKC games with 100%. I'm pretty good at playing the games though i'm not a speedrunner.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Cody » October 3rd, 2010, 6:11 am

I got 2:52 a few years ago (between late 2005 and early 2006), Tiptup. I'm sure with my current skills that I could prolly beat it in under 2 hours. :P

Meanwhile, I recently went through all 3 DKCs on the SNES at their maximum percentages.

DKC = 1:30 - 101%
DKC2 = 3:35 - 102%
DKC3 = 5:44 - 105%

Granted, there were several things that went wrong with the SNES ones (such as me spending 30 min trying to find the first bonus in Barrel Drop Bounce) but those are my latest times. I'll try to actually speedrun them and not just go around completing them carelessly :P
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby A7Penn » November 8th, 2010, 8:25 am

Sadly enough I can beat DKC in under an hour and DKC2 under 2 hours consistently. If I'm ever bored I'll just decide to whip out DKC and beat it. Who remembers what cranky says at the end of DKC1? He says he beat the game in under an hour using only one life. I could do that. I've played that game far too many times for my own good. I could probably beat DKC2 in about an hour and a half but I don't speedrun it as often. DKC3 I've never tried because its not as interesting.

Cody wrote:I got 2:52 a few years ago (between late 2005 and early 2006), Tiptup. I'm sure with my current skills that I could prolly beat it in under 2 hours. :P

Meanwhile, I recently went through all 3 DKCs on the SNES at their maximum percentages.

DKC = 1:30 - 101%
DKC2 = 3:35 - 102%
DKC3 = 5:44 - 105%

Granted, there were several things that went wrong with the SNES ones (such as me spending 30 min trying to find the first bonus in Barrel Drop Bounce) but those are my latest times. I'll try to actually speedrun them and not just go around completing them carelessly :P
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Markster » June 10th, 2011, 11:12 am


I got from 1-1 to 3-3 in 15 minutes (Not all bonuses though)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Phyreburnz » June 19th, 2011, 3:50 am

Okay, I'll be the first to admit I'm a terribly dedicated fan... I once put it upon myself to beat the first in under an hour with 101%. I thought because Cranky said in the credits something like, "I beat this game in less than an hour... and it only took one life!" that Rare would have had some kind of even more special ending. So, I played through and would save when I got to Candy's, every time I died, I'd reset. And finally, I beat the game. But I think the first time, it was either exactly an hour or an hour and one minute. So I played through again! I finally got it: 59 minutes 101%. But there was no special ending like I'd hoped. I thought because Rare always has tons of stuff in the game, and because Cranky would give you hints that they'd have something special. I was so disappointed. Although, my eventual goal is to play the game straight through, without saving, without dying, 101%, in under an hour. I'd love to be able to tape it and put it on youtube or something.

I'll have to get the exact times later, but I've beaten:
DKC1 101%
DKC2 102%
DKC3 105%
DKL1 100% (Or maybe it's 101... either way, It's beaten the whole way through)
DKL2 Beaten, but not everything
DKL3 103% (It's beaten the whole way)
DK64 101%
DKC GBC 101%
I'd like to get the DKC's for GBA eventually. I remember playing the second one at gamestop or something. And I might have played and beaten roms, but I don't remember.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 22nd, 2011, 3:08 am

Well, let's see my stats:

DKC---Can't get pass Treetop Town so not very good in this one.
DKC2---Beat Kerozene after the 50, 000, 000th time so not as bad as DKC but still bad.
DKC3---Don't even get me started on what I can and can't do in this so to sum it up, worse than DKC.
DK64---Still trying to beat Pufftoss in Gloomy Galleon and Dogadon in Fungi Forest all by myself and King Kut-Out is giving me some hassle and several of the bonus barrels confuzzle me. And I'm also still trying to get the Nintendo Coin from the DKA game(FINALLY beat Jetpac and got the RareWare Coin). I also discovered an easy way to get the RareWare Coin in Jetpac---stay on the first level. So not very good on this game but better than the DKCs.
DK: KoK---Not so good but better than the others.
DK: BB---Played it a little before I got it for Christmas so I'm actually pretty good at it. I've been on expert since day twenty and was on pro by day two so probably better than the others combined.

(OMG Lindsay is catching up to me on that one! XD)

In total---Better than I probably think.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Phyreburnz » June 23rd, 2011, 1:15 am

Well, I have my stats for everything except for the DKC's!
DKL1 1:49:47 100%
DKL2 7:20 100%
DKL3 4:29 103%
DKC GBC 3:02 81% I think I beat this before, but maybe I erased it. Oh well! I'll just play it again :D
DK64 19:13 101%
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby floranicolas » February 10th, 2012, 7:37 pm

Like earlier Donkey Kong Country games, Donkey Kong Country Returns is a side-scrolling platformer, but although the game contains classic references, as well as levels and activities reminiscent of earlier games in the series, it is far from a remake. In fact, Donkey Kong Country Returns stands very much on its own not only in its nearly 3D status, but also in its new visual treatment and control scheme. The game features the familiar team of Donkey Kong and his little buddy Diddy Kong.

Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby DKCFan188 » February 11th, 2012, 12:30 pm

I have beaten DKC2, 102% :)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Super Luigi! » February 11th, 2012, 3:31 pm

I've completed all three games with maximum percentage. But I'm sure almost everyone here can do that. Plus, I can beat a whole world as one character.
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby DKCFan188 » February 11th, 2012, 3:55 pm

Super Luigi! wrote:I've completed all three games with maximum percentage. But I'm sure almost everyone here can do that. Plus, I can beat a whole world as one character.

Nice lol. I'm almost done DKC3, i just need to get this last banana bird but i can't seem to and that's cool, I'm pretty sure i can do the same but i always get killed so some levels are just plain annoying.xD
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby The Banana Bird » February 13th, 2012, 3:02 am

I beat all the games completley on the GBA, almost on the SNES until I lost the system and all of the games :x.

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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby DKCFan188 » February 13th, 2012, 1:34 pm

The Banana Bird wrote:I beat all the games completley on the GBA, almost on the SNES until I lost the system and all of the games :x.

Post 250 so.......The Banana Bird is evolving!....DUH DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUH DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUH *poof!* The Banana Bird has turned into Queen Banana Bird!

oh that must be a bummer.x.x :(
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 14th, 2012, 3:03 pm

It took me FOREVER to learn that stupid "roll on the water" trick with Kiddy :x
I've almost beaten every DKC game full percentage on the GBA. I've only ever fully beaten DKC3 on the SNES. I'm sure I could if I wanted to it's just that I'm kinda lazy. And there's so many new games I'd like to beat so that makes it pretty hard.
Also, anyone else think it's weird how DKCR is harder than the original trilogy despite having two hearts per kong?
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby The Banana Bird » February 15th, 2012, 11:37 am

Was it really harder? I never played it, better get me a disk.
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