DKC: I do like the envirements + music of Millstone Meyhem/Temple Tempest and Vulture Culture/Forest Frenzy, the music probably won't be playing if I lived there though

, but I can picture it right now, I can live in the temple of temple tempest, and rule all the animals!
DKC2: Umm... I don't really feel safe living on a pirate ship. Living in the carnival might be fun, but awkward. The swamp, well, just doesn't feel great either. Everything else seems like a not-very-good home. DKC2 doesn't have very good envirements.
DKC3: How would living with Blue on the seashore be? How would living with on top of the snowhill with the snowbear be? (But I wouldn't feel very safe living near Bleek). What about being the manager of the factory? There does have a couple of good places.
All in all, I would like DKC1. Of course, living in where I am now with my family is nice too.