Where would you rather live?

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Where would you rather live?

Postby Swing King » September 29th, 2008, 3:14 am

So, if you could choose to live in the beautiful jungles amongst the temple ruins on Kong Island, the gloomy dark swamps of Krockodile Isle, or the paradise-like Northern Kremisphere, where would you rather live? For me it would definitely be the Northern Kremisphere. I live up in Pennsylvannia and when I first played DKC3, I liked it because it looked familiar. And DKC3 is my favorite DKC.(I don't care what anyone says, Kiddy is the greatest Kong!)
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Jomingo » September 29th, 2008, 3:36 am

That's a tough one. The NK is great, what with all the water and everything. But the Kong Jungle would be cool, not to mention Tree Top Town.....
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Swing King » September 29th, 2008, 7:02 am

Tree Top Towns are cool. Watch this, no one will say Krockodile Isle. To tell the truth, I hated Krockodile Isle. I downright didn't like DKC2 much, wich is weird considering I liked the Pirate Theme and the music. Maybe it's also because I don't like games that are too dark. Example;
DKC-loved it, DKC2-didn't like it, DKC3-greatest sidescrolling DK game EVER
I could do this with mostly any game series, but that would be off topic.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Gnawzooka » September 29th, 2008, 10:38 am

Nah, the Hornet Hives of course, free honey 24/7!And a roller coaster within walking distance!
Seriously though.....hmmmmm..........
I dunno, I'll have to think on it a bit. :?
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » September 29th, 2008, 12:15 pm

I've ALWAYS wanted to live in the Northern Kremisphere! And it would be cool to bunk out in the Monkey Museum, I suppose. :D
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby gamer_boy997 » September 29th, 2008, 2:02 pm

DKC: I do like the envirements + music of Millstone Meyhem/Temple Tempest and Vulture Culture/Forest Frenzy, the music probably won't be playing if I lived there though :lol: , but I can picture it right now, I can live in the temple of temple tempest, and rule all the animals!

DKC2: Umm... I don't really feel safe living on a pirate ship. Living in the carnival might be fun, but awkward. The swamp, well, just doesn't feel great either. Everything else seems like a not-very-good home. DKC2 doesn't have very good envirements.

DKC3: How would living with Blue on the seashore be? How would living with on top of the snowhill with the snowbear be? (But I wouldn't feel very safe living near Bleek). What about being the manager of the factory? There does have a couple of good places.

All in all, I would like DKC1. Of course, living in where I am now with my family is nice too.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby DK4Ever » September 29th, 2008, 3:07 pm

Jungle Japes (Be out there hangin' with DK himself), NK, or Tree Top Town. Seriously. How amazing is Tree Top Town?
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Gnawzooka » September 29th, 2008, 7:44 pm

Yeah, I'll go with TTT I think. :D Who actually lives there though? :o
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Swing King » September 30th, 2008, 7:35 am

I always assumed other Kongs.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Jomingo » September 30th, 2008, 7:45 am

Yeah, I assume Big Ape City and TTT are all inhabited by Kongs.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby DK4Ever » October 2nd, 2008, 2:34 pm

What's Big Age City, again?

But yeah, TTT is Kongs, I'm sure. Who else would live there? Zingers? :)
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Goe » October 2nd, 2008, 11:03 pm

DKC: I'd like to live in DK's tree house
DKC2: in Gank Plank Galleon
DKC3: hum...maybe in the wordl with 2 aquatic stages(i don't remember the name)
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Jomingo » October 3rd, 2008, 6:04 am

DK4Ever wrote:What's Big Age City, again?

It's a big city world in Donkey Kong Land, which also revealed that the construction site that Mario fought DK in in the DK arcade game took place there.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 21st, 2009, 1:08 pm

Big Ape City: The only spark of urban in the island of the kongs, I could rent an apartmant and crash there. :lol:

Tree Top Town: Bunk with the beavers, those ewok tree houses look pretty cozy to me. ;)

Dk's Treehouse: Hanging with the king of kongs with a couple Monkey Milkshakes, lazying the day away...
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Rodent » February 24th, 2009, 8:34 am

I'd probably build a house similar to DK's or buy a shack at the Northern Kremisphere. Somewhere in the overworld, sunny and with water.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 24th, 2009, 10:11 am

Actually, who needs Donkey Kong Country when you have...
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Qyzbud » February 24th, 2009, 7:56 pm

Hahaha :lol:

That's great. How long did it take to make? I'm very impressed. 8-)

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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 25th, 2009, 12:05 am

Dude, that is very nice. You have earned my humble respect. :ugeek:
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 25th, 2009, 11:59 am

I did'nt make it but I want to someday, ;) I found it on google.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 25th, 2009, 1:53 pm

Oh. Still, though, I assume you've already eaten your banana, so...Thanks for finding it!
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Gnawzooka » February 25th, 2009, 4:49 pm

It looks delicious. :)
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Raccoon Sam » February 26th, 2009, 6:09 am

Cotton-top Cove.
The place looks comfy
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 26th, 2009, 2:30 pm

Agreed, my friend! That or Barnacle's pirate ship in the GBA version of DKC3. That would be sweet.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby DK4Ever » February 26th, 2009, 2:40 pm

I'm going to live on the Flying Kroc.

Just the Flying Kroc.

I have no idea how I'll get there, but I'll do it, yep.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby Rodent » February 27th, 2009, 6:54 pm

That cake was damn cool.

And DK4Ever just took the best place to live. You could call Pimp My Kroc to do it up, and put a bed and all that inside the shuttle.
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Re: Where would you rather live?

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 16th, 2009, 5:13 pm

LOLZ Rodent. Anyway, I wold have a vacation home in Tree Top Town, but I`d build a cabin in Lakeside Limbo`s background. Right at the beach, in front of mountains... looks alot like South Lake Tahoe, Calafornia, where we live.
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