Hello everyone! How are you all doing today? Well then, I've finally gathered enough courage to create this topic and an account with MediaFire (which took at least 6 hours to upload!). Now, allow me to explain what it's about. Over the past four and a half years, I've been creating my own video game series that's appropriately named "Super Luigi Brothers!" (SLB) with a program called Super Mario Brothers X (SMBX), made by a highly intelligent and respected man by the name of Andrew Spinks A.K.A. Redigit. Over the course of those many years, my level designing skills have increased, which can be noticed by playing the series in order.
Throughout my trilogy, my friends and I go on adventures across many lands and see numerous colorful characters. Although you might think my games are full of drama, suspense, and tragic love stories, at the end of the day, they're really just about a bunch of friends having fun. However, here are some summaries:
Super Luigi Brothers!
Created in August of 2009 and ending in Christmas time of 2010, this game marks my debut on the level-making scene. And to think, it all came about because of my cousin's and my love for Pop-Tarts! In SLB, two brothers named George and Kevin set out on an adventure. Along the way, they meet both new and old friends, and then go on even bigger adventures! There are many mountains, colorful characters, and precious Pop-Tarts to be had!
Super Luigi Bros. 2: The New World
One day during the Summer of 2011, while looking around in SMBX, I was listening to a soundtrack from a mostly forgotten Nintendo game titled Panel de Pon, when an idea for a sequel to SLB hit me in the face! The second game took until Summer 2012 to create, but it was worth it! So in this game, all of the stars from the first game go on yet another adventure after so much time away. However, they soon become trapped inside the Land of the Popples. Luckily for our heroes, they gain the trust of the Queen, A.K.A. Lip, the Fairy of Flowers. She, along with all of her friends, then set out to return the Super Luigi Bros. party back home.
Super Luigi Bros. 3: The End
All things must come to an end sooner or later! Not really, but it sounded catchy! Almost immediately after finishing the second game, I began work on the third. Development began around August of 2012 and didn't quite finish until yesterday, February 7, 2014. This time, there are four different stories that are held together by a mysterious red bandana-wearing girl. Who is she? What is her name? When did she come into being? Where did she come from? How does she know our heroes? Why am I asking you all these questions? Only time will tell, dear Atlasites and hopefully future players!!
One last note, the events in my games are historical fiction, meaning they didn't really happen exactly the way I depicted them. Please don't attempt to track me down by using the games either, as I'll be upset and tell you that you should have just called. Have a nice day, and vote Lip for Super Smash Bros. 4!
Now, let's go play together. Together, under the clearest of blue skies!
Here is the download link:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/fe1h7 ... t/SMBX.zip
P.S. The Level Editor and all the information I used are inside the above folder as well. Meaning, if you want to create your own levels, then go right ahead! Also, I'll take requests for levels, if anyone actually wants me to make levels for them that is! Just promise me you won't take MY levels and call them your own. Please? Oh, and one absolutely last note, SMBX supports online level editing and play.
EDIT: Ooops! It would seem I still failed to spot some errors. Here, take this Epilogue 9 folder,
unzip it, and post THE .lvl FILE in the Third World folder in SMBX's worlds folder. While you're in the worlds folder, unzip this Elias folder
and paste the unzipped FOLDER inside the New World folder. Yes, save over for both. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience for anyone. Although the monstrous download time is more of a hindrance!