So, what did you think of this game?

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has been out for quite a I was wondering what everyone thought of it. Even if you haven't played it, do you like what you've seen? As for me, I've beaten this game 3 times, collected quite a bit of the unlockable content and I've just played it to death. Needless to say...I love this game. Its my favorite Donkey Kong Country game so far and its the first game to make me legitimately glad to own a Wii U. (Nintendo needs to get off their bums and release some more games already)
I think its way more accessible than Returns because its level design is a bit more friendly to the player while still remaining challenging. Its not as punishing as Returns but I think its about as difficult as a Donkey Kong Country needs to be. But on top of that the levels are SUPER replayable and each one has its own gimmick, visual style and music track that makes them all feel different. My only issues with the gameplay is the underwater controls and the rocket barrel sections. Donkey Kong underwater controls like...well a monkey swimming underwater. He's very difficult to control underwater and its very easy for him to go careening off into a hazard. And then...the rocket barrel. I'm not a fan of it at all and for some reason someone at Retro Studios thought it would be a brilliant idea to bring them back. Its just not fun for me and thank god there are only 4 stages with it.
Speaking of music, this game's soundtrack is incredible. The amount of effort that was placed into the soundtrack for this game is astounding. (they even made music for the individual checkpoints. WHO DOES THAT?!) While pretty much every song in Returns that wasn't a remix of an older song was forgettable (and on top of that the game just had generally bad sound quality), I can't think of a single track I don't like. Trunk Twister, Busted Bayou, Windmill Hills, Horn Top Hop, Sawmill Thrill AND its beginning section music, Wing Ding, Funky's Shop, Grassland Groove, Twilight Terror, Canon Canyon, Deep Keep, Amiss Abyss, Irate Eight, Harvest Hazards, Frosty Fruits, Punch Bowl, Seashore War and Aquaduct Assault are my faves....just to name a few. One of my only issues is that some remixes feel like they're favored more than others. Aquatic Ambiance gets not one, not two, but THREE remixes, Lockjaw's Saga gets two and some random song from the GBA version of Donkey Kong Country 3 nobody cares about gets two remixes for some reason. And then we get to the rocket barrel...bleh. Its bad enough the song recurs 4 times, but one of them completely overlaps the fantastic Stickerbrush Symphony remix. Sure, the songs sound fine but a little variety in the rocket barrel music would have been nice.
The reintroduction Dixie Kong and the addition of Cranky are fun additions to the game which add a little bit of variety, but honestly I found myself using Dixie ALL the time! Diddy just feels like a weaker Dixie and I only remember using Cranky when he's needed to get a puzzle piece or something. Plus, Dixie is needed to access most of the secret exits, and that's kinda silly. I wish Diddy and Cranky had more utility, and its also a shame you can't play as them by themselves outside of Co-Op and hard mode. It seems kinda silly to me.
Hard mode is kinda silly too. I don't mind you can only take 1 hit, but did they really have to remove checkpoints too? It feels like they're rubbing salt in an open wound! Also you can buy stuff at Funky's shop...except the only things I bought on my initial playthroughs were extra lives and didn't end up buying other things until I went after all the Kong pieces. Speaking of which, the collectables are a mixed bag. The KONG letters are always on the main path and the puzzle pieces you have to go out of your way to find. For some reason you loose all your KONG letters whenever replaying a stage so you have to get them in 1 go and thats kinda dumb. And I wouldn't have a problem with the puzzle pieces but some of them are hidden in jerkish locations, some of them even appearing AFTER the goal. I hate that! There is also no variety in the bonus stages (aside from layouts, that is). All of them are collect the bananas.
But other than the rocket barrel and other questionable decisions, Tropical Freeze has to be one of my favorite games ever. Its great fun, I've played it many times already and Ill probably play it even more times in the future. Thanks for reading my mini-essay on why I think this game is so good!
What do you think?
I think its way more accessible than Returns because its level design is a bit more friendly to the player while still remaining challenging. Its not as punishing as Returns but I think its about as difficult as a Donkey Kong Country needs to be. But on top of that the levels are SUPER replayable and each one has its own gimmick, visual style and music track that makes them all feel different. My only issues with the gameplay is the underwater controls and the rocket barrel sections. Donkey Kong underwater controls like...well a monkey swimming underwater. He's very difficult to control underwater and its very easy for him to go careening off into a hazard. And then...the rocket barrel. I'm not a fan of it at all and for some reason someone at Retro Studios thought it would be a brilliant idea to bring them back. Its just not fun for me and thank god there are only 4 stages with it.
Speaking of music, this game's soundtrack is incredible. The amount of effort that was placed into the soundtrack for this game is astounding. (they even made music for the individual checkpoints. WHO DOES THAT?!) While pretty much every song in Returns that wasn't a remix of an older song was forgettable (and on top of that the game just had generally bad sound quality), I can't think of a single track I don't like. Trunk Twister, Busted Bayou, Windmill Hills, Horn Top Hop, Sawmill Thrill AND its beginning section music, Wing Ding, Funky's Shop, Grassland Groove, Twilight Terror, Canon Canyon, Deep Keep, Amiss Abyss, Irate Eight, Harvest Hazards, Frosty Fruits, Punch Bowl, Seashore War and Aquaduct Assault are my faves....just to name a few. One of my only issues is that some remixes feel like they're favored more than others. Aquatic Ambiance gets not one, not two, but THREE remixes, Lockjaw's Saga gets two and some random song from the GBA version of Donkey Kong Country 3 nobody cares about gets two remixes for some reason. And then we get to the rocket barrel...bleh. Its bad enough the song recurs 4 times, but one of them completely overlaps the fantastic Stickerbrush Symphony remix. Sure, the songs sound fine but a little variety in the rocket barrel music would have been nice.
The reintroduction Dixie Kong and the addition of Cranky are fun additions to the game which add a little bit of variety, but honestly I found myself using Dixie ALL the time! Diddy just feels like a weaker Dixie and I only remember using Cranky when he's needed to get a puzzle piece or something. Plus, Dixie is needed to access most of the secret exits, and that's kinda silly. I wish Diddy and Cranky had more utility, and its also a shame you can't play as them by themselves outside of Co-Op and hard mode. It seems kinda silly to me.
Hard mode is kinda silly too. I don't mind you can only take 1 hit, but did they really have to remove checkpoints too? It feels like they're rubbing salt in an open wound! Also you can buy stuff at Funky's shop...except the only things I bought on my initial playthroughs were extra lives and didn't end up buying other things until I went after all the Kong pieces. Speaking of which, the collectables are a mixed bag. The KONG letters are always on the main path and the puzzle pieces you have to go out of your way to find. For some reason you loose all your KONG letters whenever replaying a stage so you have to get them in 1 go and thats kinda dumb. And I wouldn't have a problem with the puzzle pieces but some of them are hidden in jerkish locations, some of them even appearing AFTER the goal. I hate that! There is also no variety in the bonus stages (aside from layouts, that is). All of them are collect the bananas.
But other than the rocket barrel and other questionable decisions, Tropical Freeze has to be one of my favorite games ever. Its great fun, I've played it many times already and Ill probably play it even more times in the future. Thanks for reading my mini-essay on why I think this game is so good!
What do you think?