Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Talk about Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for Wii U (and Switch!), developed by Retro Studios.

Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Soniccuz » December 4th, 2013, 1:06 am

Qyzbud wrote:H does feel like a bit of a shame not to have another "new" SNES-era Kong return to the series

If Cranky's playable than who's running the shops? :gnawty-lol: (Oh who am I kidding. It'll probably be squawks or something)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby sonosublime » December 4th, 2013, 10:25 pm

I think that new boxart was confirmed as a photoshop.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » December 4th, 2013, 11:56 pm

I think you ought to provide a link/reference to substantiate this "confirmation". :P

Seriously, if this is a fan-created photoshop/hoax, I'm thoroughly impressed. I've never seen one this convincing before — well, not on an official Amazon product listing, anyway. ;)

Soniccuz wrote:If Cranky's playable than who's running the shops?

Good question! I honestly don't think there's any genuine need for shops, but they are a nice touch, and I do hope there will be a few more helper Kongs this time. The island-hopping aspect of the game is a good excuse to reopen Funky's Flights, at the very least. :funky:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » December 8th, 2013, 3:25 pm

sonosublime wrote:I think that new boxart was confirmed as a photoshop.

Think again!

It's legit... Cranky's very much in the game — and it looks like he can make good on his boasting! :nicework:

Plus, according to IGN, we also have a confirmed release date: February 21!

Put that in your calendars, ladies and gents. :swanky:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Geno » December 9th, 2013, 11:07 am

We better be able to play as Cranky only in singleplayer, he looks interesting to play as.

In fact, the ability to play as any Kong by themselves in singleplayer would be great. (In other words, play as Diddy or Dixie in 1P, without DK)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » December 9th, 2013, 11:19 am

I agree that having a choice of lead Kong would be a big plus, and it's a bit baffling that we haven't been able to give DK a breather thus far... but I haven't heard anything to suggest that Diddy, Dixie or Cranky will get a chance to lead the single-player adventure this time around.

Still, hope springs eternal.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Phyreburnz » December 9th, 2013, 11:53 am

I just don't understand the way they programmed these games... they make the other Kongs fully playable.... but you can only play as them if you're doing multiplayer... I just totally don't understand why the other Kongs are just freaking powerups... Not only that, but every time they show off the new characters, they show them IN the multiplayer mode, so they obviously know that people want to actually play as that Kong, and not just have them as a powerup. :shakehead:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Blaziken257 » December 9th, 2013, 2:17 pm

The Cranky revelation is interesting, to say the least. He's rarely been a playable character in the DK series -- the only two times that I can think of where he has been playable is in the 2003 Diddy Kong Pilot prototype (as an unlockable character) and in the Cranky's Dojo minigame in DKC3 GBA. But this would be his most significant playable appearance! I bet some people were hoping to see Kiddy again though, especially since he hasn't had an appearance since 1996 1997 2000 2005, which has been over 8 years ago now. Maybe one day, though...

The cane is interesting as well, though how are you going to be able to cross spikes as other characters? I guess certain levels are only going to be playable with certain characters, somewhat like how certain levels in the SNES/GB games are meant to be played with the various animal friends. I guess it adds variety to the game, at least. Seeing him throw barrels at will (in classic Donkey Kong fame) would have been nice to see, though.

As for the Kong Pow move, it reminds me somewhat of the POW Block in Super Mario Bros. 2, as well as the Crash and Mike abilities in various Kirby games. It could certainly be useful in situations with many enemies. And when you collect 100 bananas, does the Kong Pow move occur instead of getting an extra life like in other DK games? And can you use it in single player mode? I sure hope so... By the way, the way that you need to collect 100 bananas to get it also reminds me of the 5 cherries needed to get a Starman in Super Mario Bros. 2, or the mechanic in Super Mario Land 2 where defeating 100 enemies earns you a Starman. Sorry, I'm going off a tangent here.

In addition, is one of the levels seriously called Bramble Scramble? This isn't the first time a level name was reused from one DK game to another, but it's weird that they aren't using original level names. For those curious, here is a list of reused level names throughout the series:
  1. The first level in DKCR is called Jungle Hijinxs, which was also the name of the first level in DKC.
  2. There's a world called Vine Valley in DKC and a level called Vine Valley in DKCR.
  3. In DKCR, the Spanish name of Wigglevine Wonders is Lío de Lianas, which was the Spanish name of DKC's Ropey Rampage.
  4. Most level names in DKC2 were also reused in DKL2, except for Haunted Hall and Castle Crush (renamed to Krazy Koaster and Dungeon Danger). Crocodile Cauldron and Krem Quay were also merged into Krem Cauldron.
  5. K. Rool Duel was also reused in DKL3.
  6. Many Japanese names of DKC3 levels were later reused in DKL3.

In any case, I still find the reuse of a level name odd.

And now for overdue commentary of mine for past videos/announcements...
In a different video, there is a minecart level that involves different gates and you have to move left and right to dodge them. It is a creative way to use different camera perspectives, but WOW it looks tough. Is it me, or does it feel somewhat reminiscent of Level 3 in Battletoads? You know, the level that most people who have played that game can't get past? It doesn't help that the gates move right when you are near them too, so when you think you are dodging them, you're not. Then again, it reminds me of those Golbats large blue bats in Crowded Cavern, which fly up or down as soon as you approach them. Those threw me off when I first played it. So I guess I shouldn't be THAT surprised.

The level also reminds me of those minecart areas in DK64 where you have to collect a certain amount of coins, such as the one that Diddy has to do in Jungle Japes. Interesting.

Also, I'm surprised that the game uses the gamepad. When I went to the Best Buy demo back in mid-June this year, the only control method involved the Wiimote/Nunchuk, just like DKCR. The controls were the exact same. Maybe the gamepad controls weren't implemented yet back in June? I imagine that some people will like them better, though. I wonder if the controls will be similar to DKCR 3D... and I also wonder if the game will use the original Wiimote/Nunchuk controls at all now. That way, everybody would be happy if there are different options.

Oops, I kind of wrote a lot again.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby CaptainEddie » December 9th, 2013, 4:13 pm

Wasn't Cranky playable in Barrel Blast, too?

I honestly don't know what use Kiddy would be. He was pretty much a DK clone in DKC3, I don't see him being interesting or different here.

I assume there will be other ways of crossing the spikes. Cranky, as I understand, will be a powerup like Diddy and Dixie. His cane will be helpful, but not required (except for some of the puzzle pieces). Which was my only problem with Diddy in Returns... he made it too easy. I guess I won't be spending much time with the old ape. :rant:

Same thing with the Kong Pow move.

Did you still have to shake for the roll, Blaziken? I assumed that it would get a button on the Gamepad.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Soniccuz » December 10th, 2013, 11:56 am

Well consider me excited. Cranky wouldn't of been my first choice but after everybody clamored for him to be the super guide guess this works as an ultimatum. :thumbs:
I'm really liking the cane mechanic. Looks like it'll really set him apart form the others, and I can't help but point out the DuckTales reference. :mrgreen: Scrooge, and Cranky must shop at the same place.

CaptainEddie wrote:I honestly don't know what use Kiddy would be. He was pretty much a DK clone in DKC3, I don't see him being interesting or different here.

Assumed Kiddy or Funky precisely because of their similarities to DK. With Dixie, and Diddy being of equal builds. Figured the fourth would match him size.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby CaptainEddie » December 10th, 2013, 2:10 pm

You have a point- if you'd asked me about Dixie before she was announced, I would've said the same thing. That I couldn't see her being any different from Jetpack Diddy. And she really isn't all that different at all. But I think it's at least more than what we would have gotten out of Kiddy.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » December 10th, 2013, 2:58 pm

If you think about it, the amount of gameplay variety and moveset diversity brought to the table by a new character is only limited to how the developers choose to implement them.

Diddy was already doing what I'd expect Dixie would have done (extending horizontal jumps and slowing vertical descent), but Retro gave her an ability she's never had before — effectively a double jump. Now, despite my opinion of how illogical it is for Diddy and Dixie to have seemingly swapped abilities (think of Diddy in DK64, if you're confused), this goes to show how flexible designers can be with character abilities.

Kiddy has always had the bulk of DK (and then some) with the item-carrying technique of Diddy... so apart from his unique, signature move — the tricky, but excellent Water Bounce (AKA Water Skip) — he was already somewhat of a hybrid/replacement character. That said, with Tropical Freeze's new addition of water levels, Kiddy's water bounce would have been perfect to add some diversity to the gameplay; Cranky and Dixie can both gain extra height — but not necessarily over vast stretches of water.

There are plenty of other abilities Kiddy could be given (ground-shaking tantrums, ear-splitting screams, pacifying pacifiers, etc.), but his other key attribute from DKC3 — his weight, which allowed Dixie to launch him onto fragile ground to break through — could also have been put to great use — especially at DK's disposal.

Bottom line is; any character can be made fun, interesting and worthwhile to use — it just depends on how they're designed.

Also, yes CaptainEddie; Cranky was playable in Barrel Blast, too. :geek:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 15th, 2013, 4:29 pm

lol I'm back (inb4 rage) soo...

Cranky. First of all, awesome, about damn time. However, there are some things I'm not really happy about (surprise!) Mainly, and this is the number one complaint I'm seeing in all online communities: you can't be that motherflipper in one-player. f--- this. It's so absurdly stupid and everybody on planet Earth thinks so. They just want an excuse to force people to be Donkey Kong. Well, spoiler alert, Donkey isn't the most interesting Kong. I'll readily admit this. But like, look at Super Mario 3D World that just came out. Yes, it has five characters. Mario is still the main character in the game and there's no confusion about that. I heard someone else say it (possibly on this board) and I'll reiterate: Nintendo seems to have this obsessive need to "compensate" for two effing games from two decades ago that had Donkey Kong in the title yet didn't feature him as a playable character. Did some people actually buy the game, expecting to be able to play as Donkey Kong, only to find they couldn't? Possibly; but even in the 90s I'd imagine that number was pretty low. It's 2013 now. We have the Internet. People research the games they buy. No one's going to get this game and think "oh good, they're forcing me to be Donkey Kong! I'm so thankful or else I'd forget he existed!" f---.

And there's the lame-ass cane pogo bounce move. I had seen some people predict it, I guess it's from some effing Scrooge McDuck game or whatever the f---, but f--- that. Cranky's cane is a solid wooden object. It's literally just a piece of effing wood. On what earth or universe could that possibly function like a pogo stick? If they had used the design of Cranky's canes from DKC2, where there's a curved handle and a little rubber covering at the end, then maybe it could have worked. But I'm just surprised Retro/Nintendo (I assume Retro is responsible) is stooping so low as to rip off a Scrooge McDuck game. That's not how I want the Donkey Kong series to operate, although DKC does owe a bit of debt to the Mario platformers that came before it (that debt is extremely small, mind you, and of course DKC ended up surpassing those games in every regard. Although perhaps this is a moot point since Donkey Kong was the first platforming game in existence, except for Space Panic where you can't effing jump.)

So, what else. Well, of course I hope Rambi and Engaurde make it in. Though it'd be funny if Hoofer was in, I'd never get tired of that $#!@storm. Oh, and I hope K. Rool stays far, far, far the f--- away from this game. Don't mention him, don't show him, don't allude to him. He must return in Smash. That is not a question. Retro had their chance, blew it, and they are never allowed to touch the Kremlings as long as they live; which probably suits them just fine, because they actually do hate the Kremlings. No, seriously, I wanna ask you guys this: Does anyone here honestly think that Retro likes the Kremlings? Or Donkey Kong Country, for that matter? If they did, guess what they would do: Put Kremlings and cool crap in their video games. They like Donkey Kong, certainly, and they like the most basic distillation of the idea of Donkey Kong Country, but I wish a Retro higher-up would've come out and said "Yeah, we hate Rare and don't give a f--- about them or their work." Would've been less painful.

I'll end this post, but here is the real reason why I hate Retro and proof of their fundamental misunderstanding of the series, from this IGN article:

The Blasphemer wrote:There are no crocodiles in the game. (laughs) ...Mr. Miyamoto's guidance was, "You are making a better DKC." It's a new game. Everything that people liked about DKC we're taking and doing the very best we can to improve on them.

See, that's it right there. That part in bold. Here's what Retro and Miyamoto never understood: You can't make a better Donkey Kong Country. It is already a masterpiece in every sense of the word and no one will ever, ever improve upon it. That applies equally for all three games. You can add to them, sure; Rare themselves did that, and quite admirably. I love the ports. But no one will ever, from the ground up, build "a better Donkey Kong Country." If your aim is to do that, then you are destined to fail.

One thing I am anxious to see: the "Returns" instruction booklet contains the obligatory and arbitrary statement that Cranky is DK's grandfather. I wonder if this game will do the same. I only say this because Donkey Kong "continuity" has been bothering the hell out of me lately and I really want to put this behind me once and for all. I considered postulating the existence of alternate universes; one where current DK is the original DK and Junior is his son, another where Cranky is the original DK and current DK is his grandson, and yet another where current DK and Junior are one and the same, but it just seems like it would get too confusing. Well, maybe not. I'll work on it. Anyway, I'm off. (To play DKC2 on the same cartridge I've owned for the past fifteen years! Disc-based media, please f--- yourself.)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Simion32 » December 16th, 2013, 6:26 am

To be completely blunt, for the Wii U... instruction booklets these days are like 2 pages in total. Controls and that's it. :roll:

Yeah there's an on-disk viewable digital manual but they all look Wii-interface-ified (it's NOT ANYTHING LIKE looking at a PDF file of a real manual) and they suck horribly.

*inb4 one-player hack codes to enable the other Kongs*
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby sonosublime » December 17th, 2013, 1:33 am

Moderator Says: Huge Boss Spoiler!

Looks like the boss of the jelly jungle world will be a polar bear. That's freaking badass.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby CaptainEddie » December 19th, 2013, 4:58 am

This image of Funky Kong has popped up online, but it's unclear if he's taking over as shopkeeper. That's what most people seem to be assuming, and it's probably the case, but I've yet to find any official word on his inclusion. The image surely can't be fake, though.

funky_kong.jpg (71.33 KiB) Viewed 189801 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » December 19th, 2013, 9:40 am

Certainly looks legit to me — perhaps he's lending his wings to help the Kongs island-hop?

Also, I've just woken up to a very cool reveal! Take a look at Nintendo's official DKCTF website; there are several new videos to check out, including a new trailer, and our first look at the game's opening cinematic!

Edit: Here's a medium-quality video of the intro, followed by some character-focussed gameplay:

Very cool. B/
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Sockpuppet » December 19th, 2013, 10:27 am

There was a bit of footage in the newest Nintendo Direct as well:

It's mostly the same as the other videos, although it does show DK doing a water bounce very similar to Kiddy's (at around 2:05)...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » December 19th, 2013, 10:46 am

Oh wow, that's definitely similar to Kiddy's move... I'm not sure how I feel about that...

I appreciate the extra ability to play with in the game (and of course the nod to Kiddy), but it does make me think the likelihood of Kiddy himself ever showing up in a Retro title is even more remote, now that another Kong has his key ability.


I suppose DK having this move is better than no water bounce at all. :roll:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby sonosublime » December 19th, 2013, 1:31 pm

Man, this game is looking more and more awesome.

Some more videos:

Also, Funky as an NPC is confirmed: ... -wii-u-us/

"Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze: Veteran Cranky Kong joins playable characters Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong as companions for Donkey Kong. Cranky Kong comes with his own set of special moves that allow him to bounce off enemies and obstacles using his cane. Players who collect 100 bananas in a stage can execute a new move called the KONG-Pow, which turns all enemies on the screen into items. Now that Cranky Kong is setting off on an adventure, instead of overseeing the in-game shop as he did in the Donkey Kong Country Returns game, the aptly named Funky Kong will assist players by offering them items for trade in the game. The game launches Feb. 21 in stores and in the Nintendo eShop."
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » January 15th, 2014, 8:53 pm

I haven't read it in full yet, but I thought I'd share this treasure trove of Tropical Freeze tidbits I've just happened upon — again, courtesy of Nintendo Everything: Tons of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze details – upload times/replays, more

A bunch of new level names and other such details are revealed, so if you want the finer points of the game to be a surprise... the above link is not for you. ;)

3-3 Frantic Field: set against a hurricane, with small tornadoes, and lightning as obstacles; eventually you reach the eye of the storm

Sounds like an excellent, challenging level idea, to me!

Next stage takes place in a forest, with sections on fire due to the previous levels lightning

We've seen a video of this level in action — now we know there's a story behind it, and continuity between levels has been considered. :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby sonosublime » January 21st, 2014, 6:47 pm

Thanks for the article, Qyzbud. It's awesome to hear they'll be taking level continuity into account - sounds like real potential.

Here is the link to an article, which also contains a video of Level 3-1. ... b_platform

That music, man... THAT MUSIC! It sounds like something out of the 'Lion King'! I love it!

EDIT: ...

'Sawmill Thrill' minecart level also has a toboggan thing halfway through. Throwback to DKC3?

Final link is to an IGN preview which shows off a lot of features about the game, including Funky's shop and the fact that the world maps feature the actual Kongs, rather than icons. It also does a damn good job of hyping up the game.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby sonosublime » February 4th, 2014, 1:15 pm

Stickerbrush Symphony, Aquatic Ambiance and Lockjaw's Saga confirmed:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Geno » February 5th, 2014, 9:44 am

I didn't really like Stickerbrush Symphony or the underwater version of Lockjaw's Saga, but the others were great.
Also, Aquatic Ambiance sounds like a mix between the original track, and DKC3 GBA's Water World.

It's funny how the Stickerbrush Symphony remix is used in water levels, when the original theme was meant to be for water levels. :gnawty-lol:

Still, the originals are better

I wonder if any DKC3 SNES, DKC3 GBA, or DKL tracks will show up in the game?

Hearing a remix of "Blimp Off", would be great if it was done right.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » February 9th, 2014, 12:20 pm

Calling all Canadians!

Guess how many bananas are frozen inside this block of ice, and you could win many fabulous prizes! :gift: Hurry now! :swanky:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Geno » February 10th, 2014, 6:32 am

Id' try, but I stay away from Facebook, and I already have a black Wii U.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Mayo » February 14th, 2014, 10:17 pm

I've made sure I'm not entirely spoiled for this game, but I HAVE looked up a few nice interesting videos showing some cool easter eggs and details in Tropical Freeze. I'm sure all you DKC fans will love these!

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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » February 22nd, 2014, 6:12 am

After much store camping and anticipation, :scratch: I finally snagged my copy of Tropical Freeze! :dixiehappy: But instead of rushing off and embracing the game in all its glory by playing it, I will wait for my family to return so we can play it together! :nicework: So, see you all soon, as well as on the other side! :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby CaptainEddie » February 22nd, 2014, 8:43 am

I am jealous, SuperLuigi. I'm going to have to wait a couple weeks for my birthday. :shakehead:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » February 22nd, 2014, 11:19 am

Call me Super Luigi, please. Or you can call me SL. Just don't call me Shirley! Anyhow, please don't covet me. I feel bad enough already. You will soon enjoy the freezing tropics too CaptainEddie. Until then, have a banana!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Simion32 » February 22nd, 2014, 2:09 pm

I just got it without any hassle at all. :dixiehappy:

I've played up until the beginning of level 3. So far: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

For anyone stuck on 3-1, cut the grass with a roll. ;)

The game is a real treat, especially since you are no longer forced to do shakerolls. The Wii U pad control scheme allows classic SNES-style play, except that rolling is reserved for ZL/ZR (and rightly so, since Retro series rolling behaves and controls differently than the original's rolling).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Qyzbud » February 22nd, 2014, 4:30 pm

Well, I had to buy a Wii U just for this game... but woah. I regret nothing.

I'm near the end of world 3 (Bright Savannah), and have been very impressed with the gameplay, level design, graphics and soundtrack. There's so much diversity, and lots of wonderful little touches everywhere. Joy. :D

I've torn myself away to write this, but I must get back to it — those tropics aren't going to unfreeze themselves!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Geno » February 23rd, 2014, 1:32 am

Well, I started playing and DKC:TF seems to have much better physics than DKCR.

Also, I noticed something on the Kong Family section of the figurines menu.

There's spots for DK, Diddy, Dixie, Cranky, & Funky on the top, but then there's 4 extra spaces at the bottom.

First thing I though of was, Kiddy, Lanky, Tiny, and Chunky figurines?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Blaziken257 » February 23rd, 2014, 3:12 am

I got the game yesterday (along with a Wii U), and it's quite fun... but I've been stuck on the second boss for a while! For a second boss, it's quite hard! By comparison, I don't remember Master Necky, Kleaver, or even Arich being this hard!

First of all, I've seen at least three phases so far, and each one seems to take three hits. ONE of these would have been enough considering that it's early in the game, and they all have specific patterns that you have to memorize. The part at the end involves NUMEROUS horned enemies that you have to dodge (reminds me of the last part of Five Monkey Trial, which was insane), and some of them come so fast that I can't seem to dodge them! I'll keep trying, I'm sure there's a pattern, but I must reiterate that this is the SECOND BOSS! And if I'm comparing it to Five Monkey Trial, I imagine that the game will only get a lot harder from here. Wow!

Oh, and the first boss wasn't exactly easy either, at least when compared to Very Gnawty, Krow, and Belcha... or Wild Sting (or whatever his name is) for that matter. Or even Mugly. That took me a couple or so tries to beat... and that also took more than the typical 3 or 4 hits as well.

Another thing that I have to mention is that the text is very hard to read on my TV (it's an SDTV from 2000), so I've been playing it on the Game Pad, and it looks gorgeous there. Maybe I should get an HD monitor, but I've heard that HD screens have severe lag issues, so I am skeptical about this.

It's still fun, despite the difficulty.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Simion32 » February 23rd, 2014, 5:31 am

Yeah, the second boss was unexpectedly hard. I love it though! :D

Anyone figure out how to go back to the *earlier* islands yet? I'm a bit stumped.

Maybe you get this ability later on in the game? I'd hate for you to not be able to go back... :s

@Blaziken: Get an adapter and play on your computer screen. ;) It works for me at 720x1280 (just be sure your screen is capable of doing the appropriate upscale).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby TheAvengerButton » February 23rd, 2014, 11:22 am

I'm sure you've figured it out by now, Simion32, but if you just hit the "Back" button it brings up the island select.

I know this may not be a popular opinion, but from what I've played of this game, it might just be the greatest Donkey Kong Country game ever made.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Blaziken257 » February 23rd, 2014, 4:01 pm

So I decided to do a few levels in Time Attack mode, mainly 3-5 Twilight Terror and 5-2 Reckless Ride. I then uploaded my times to the leaderboard. And... I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed by my ranking. Here's my time for Twilight Terror (my times are in yellow here):


And here it is for Reckless Ride:


In both of these cases, I get very close to the Global top rank, but not quite. Well, I definitely plan to try to beat my own times to attempt to make it to the top seven...

EDIT: I did manage to make the Global top rank for 3-6 Cannon Canyon! I got a time of 01:03.37. Currently, I am #7 on the list, which is the lowest necessary to make the list. That's good enough for me! I decided to take photos to prove it, because I know that someone will beat this record eventually:


I never thought I'd see the day where this would happen! :D

EDIT: I didn't initially realize that you could upload screenshots from the Wii U using the browser... so I went ahead and did that, and now I have better quality screenshots! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » February 24th, 2014, 12:33 am

i got the game at midnight the 21st via download on nintendo e shop. its truly epic. my favorite part of the game so far is, funkys shop, the intro, one of the levels on world 2 where youre riding on a mine cart and you switch to riding a boat. I also like the trophy system similar to the one in Smash Brothers Brawl that they have included in this title. definitely worth purchasing a Wii U.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » February 24th, 2014, 10:17 am

Well, my brother and I just beat World 1. We're going through the game as DK :thumbs: and Cranky :nicework: , unless we need the other Kongs for finding puzzle pieces or secrets. Oh, and speaking of puzzle pieces, I do not like them, and I definitely despise collecting them, ESPECIALLY 9 OF THEM IN ONE LEVEL. :headache: Most are visible and others require you too collect a group of things or kill some enemies, but the absolute worst piece belongs to W1-B. Let me explain. As you progress through the level, you'll come across a suspiciously long vine. Naturally, you know a puzzle piece is hidden somewhere here, so you'll jump around and fail to find it as Squawks laughs at you. What do you have to do, you ask?

There is a star-shaped opening in the leaves blocking your view, and you must STOP for 2 seconds for a puzzle piece to appear!

But enough of those, this game is great. Naturally, I don't think Tropical Freeze quite captures the feel of the original series, but I knew that going in. :krool: As such, I'm appreciating the game for what it is. Oh, and I'm also going for Shiny Gold medals in all the Time Attack levels, because I know I won't have anything else to do.

On second thought, I have more thoughts to express. I think (I'm not too sure.) I might be turning into Tiptup Jr., at least with Tropical Freeze. There's just something wrong with the game. Perhaps because I'm forced to be DK all the time? Hmmm, maybe, but I think the real problem just might be the puzzle pieces. And the Time Attack. And the fact that Funky Kong is only here because Cranky Kong can't run the shops. And the vast amount of useless items. And the gumball machine. And the music, despite being composed by David Wise himself, isn't as memorable and seems to be a simple collection of shoddy remixes instead of original pieces.

And that's all I have to say about that. :rant:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Simion32 » February 24th, 2014, 4:42 pm

Made it to what I think is the final boss, but I've yet to defeat him. ;)

Still plenty of levels remaining that I've not even found.

Game so far = AAA material.
Music so far = Great in its own right, but steers away from the old DKC tunes quite frequently. Probably a good thing.

Oh and
That polar bear is a total badass! Freakin awesome. B/
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » February 25th, 2014, 5:23 am

I just thought of this last night. If you're by yourself and want to play as the other Kongs, simply enable two-player, choose who you want to be, enter a level, and then proceed to mericlessly kill DK and never revive him. Voila! And since you can take two hits, this method is somewhat like the original trilogy!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby sonosublime » March 3rd, 2014, 10:59 am

Super Luigi, if you want to play as other Kongs:

I have heard there is a hard mode you can unlock that enables you to choose which Kong you want to play as.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » March 3rd, 2014, 4:02 pm

Up to World 3 now, and while I don't mind playing as DK too much, I've already heard of what you put in the spoiler. However, while I'm not sure if it works, I will wait and see! :dixiehappy:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » March 10th, 2014, 1:47 pm

Does anybody know how to unlock the secret levels? I mean there are a lot of them as you can see as you progress throughout the maps, I haven't found a way to unlock even one! I know in DKCR you purchased keys from Cranky at the shop, but that doesn't seem to be an option here. Ideas?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » March 10th, 2014, 2:21 pm

The same way you did in Returns! :dixiehappy:

:k: :o: :n: :g:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby sonosublime » March 10th, 2014, 8:11 pm

To unlock the secret levels:

There are secret alternate exits in certain levels (which levels can be determined on the map screen by looking at which level is adjacent to a secret one). These unlock certain secret levels. Then, you must collect all the KONG letters on every level in a world (including the secret ones) to unlock the K temple of that world. Once you complete all the K temples, you will unlock a secret world).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Super Luigi! » March 22nd, 2014, 3:47 am

(Perhaps-Not-So) Happy One Month Anniversary of Tropical Freeze's release! Would anyone care to comment on this game? Here, I'll go first.

Well, my brother and I are about halfway through World 4 now (Yes, World 4. The world names are not as memorable as, say, Gorilla Glacier, Krazy Kremland, or Mekanos, but that's besides the point.), and I must say, the game has definitely improved. Remixes of our favorite water level tracks actually bring justice to the originals, jigsaws are mostly in logical places, and the levels themselves are more fun to play through. Donkey is a fine Kong :thumbs: , even though I'd rather choose someone else from time to time, Cranky assists everywhere except the K levels :nicework: , Dixie is the best choice for said levels and is also very enthusiastic :dixiehappy: , and Diddy continues to stay shunned and silently sit this adventure out :scratch: . Funky could prove himself more useful by giving us free items, freeing Diddy, Dixie, and Cranky from their respective barrels in his shop, and just by flat out flying us straight to the final boss of DK Island! But, where's the fun in that?!?

And that's all I have to say about that! :rant:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby CaptainEddie » March 23rd, 2014, 6:20 pm

School has kept me (mostly) busy and away from Donkey Kong, but I have had time to get to the DK Island (World 6) boss.

This game is absolutely wonderful, its brimming with personality. The controls feel tight and the environments are gorgeous. The enemy designs are a huge step up from Returns in my opinion, and the level design is great.

The other Kongs have been left snugly in their barrels while DK is out adventuring. :P
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Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Postby Tiptup Jr. » April 18th, 2014, 10:02 am

To those who own this game, can anyone tell me if the game or manual make any reference to Cranky's relationship to DK? Returns still calls him his grandpa, I just wanna see if that's followed up on.

And in response to Super Luigi's "I'm turning into Tiptup Jr." comment: I lol'd. And welcome to the world of common sense and rational thought.
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