The Current Generation of Gaming Consoles.

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The Current Generation of Gaming Consoles.

Postby FranticFactory64 » September 3rd, 2009, 12:08 pm

Is it just me, or do gaming systems seem to be getting less practical? Gaming companies seem to be focusing only on innovation and gimmicks instead of the actual playability of the games. One of my biggest problems is the wireless controllers. I wouldn't be so bothered with this if it was optional, but they come packed with the system, and I haven't seen any wired controllers in any of the stores I have been to. Because of this, you also naturally have to keep buying batteries for your controllers if you wish to keep playing the games. This seems like a step backwards to me. I thought this issue was already covered when the original Game Boy Advance was replaced with the GBA SP, which was back-lit and no longer required batteries. So now we've gone back to having to buy batteries in gaming again? :x Personally, I didn't see the wired controllers as a major problem.

Also the newer systems are more resource consuming. They require better hardware, more power, better TVs, etc. This also makes them much harder to emulate, which is probably why decent emulation stops at the N64 level. I thought the original XBOX was just fine, but the 360's graphics just seem a little over the top to me. Do people really think better graphics equals a better game? :|

Edit: Also about the handheld market: What is so great about having a touch screen? GBA games got along just fine without them, and they lasted longer (and they had an actual button on the Game Boy to switch off the light). Also those chips or whatever (the actual games) are too small. The cartridges seemed so much more sturdy (not that I have broken any), and easier to find. :x

Does anybody else agree with me?
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Re: The Current Generation of Gaming Consoles.

Postby Jomingo » September 3rd, 2009, 1:39 pm

Although I agree with your general sentiment, I can understand most of the reasons why the current gen is the way it is.

First of all, about wireless controllers. The 360 ones are rechargeable, and they also have large quantities of good old wired ones if you want. The Wii is understandable, as having you wave your controller through the air and swing it about would be difficult if it were wired. I'm not sure about the PS3.
Basically, wireless is the future. As wireless technology improves so will the battery life, and it'll become less complicated. I don't have any problem with going wireless, it just seems like a logical step to me.

Newer systems have always been that way. The N64 may not be much now, but when it came out it required better hardware, more power, etc. The move to HD was a little too sudden, as the majority of people still have standard definition tvs, but other than that all of the hardware progression has again seemed like a logical step. I mean, what would be the point of having a new console if it looks the same as an old one? If Xbox 360 games were the same looking as Xbox games, then why should you buy the next console?

Next, Handhelds. The touch screen is just a toy that the industry wants to play with for now, as it's pretty new to consumers and a lot can be done with it. It won't replace normal handheld gaming. I agree that the DS game carts are too small.
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Re: The Current Generation of Gaming Consoles.

Postby FranticFactory64 » September 4th, 2009, 5:07 am

Thanks for your reply. :D Your argument for the wireless controllers makes a lot of sense. I guess I just wish the gaming companies had made controllers with rechargeable batteries more readily available (like the GBA SP's rechargeable lithium ion battery). I also think it would be cool if developers still made games for the older consoles, but then again, I guess that wouldn't make much sense from a financial point of view, which seems to be the most important thing to the gaming industry right now.

While high definition does seem to be the logical next step in gaming, they are definitely going too fast with it, as can be seen in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, especially when you don't have access to the updates and can't get a patch for the microscopic text. :x

As for Nintendo, it seems like they are moving away from games and more towards toys and gimmics like the touch screen and motion sensor (and the balance board, which lied about my weight :x ), not to mention Wii Music and a Mario game that can play itself. I'm actually kind of glad I went with Microsoft after the N64, especially now that Microsoft has Rare on their side, plus they stuck with controllers, instead of going to remotes (WiiMotes?), which ended up not being used (without attatchments) that much in the long run.
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