Music in Games

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Music in Games

Postby Cyclone » June 26th, 2009, 3:49 pm

I was listening to some game music the other day and it got me thinking what makes a game most memerable. Is it the graphics? Is it the gameplay? Is it the story? Or is it the music?

For me it seems that listening to music can really take me back to the game I played. It can remind me of certain levels and events and how much I enjoyed playing it. Without the music it seems that a game is way less memerable. Think... even if a game has a horrible story or horrible graphics a game can still be memerable based on it's music(if its good music lol). The only other factor to consider is gameplay. Who wants to play a frustrating game even if the music is great?

The Donkey Kong country series for example has great music that really helps to hold its place in the list of SNES classics.

So what do others think? Do you think good quality music in a game is an important factor in making a game memorable for you?
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Re: Music in Games

Postby Gnawzooka » June 26th, 2009, 6:30 pm

In my opinion, music can make or break a game.
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Re: Music in Games

Postby Qyzbud » June 30th, 2009, 2:32 pm

I definitely agree; to me music is perhaps the most memorable of all game elements. A game can still be great without a noteworthy musical score, but a quality soundtrack can make an enormous difference to the overall experience. Many of my favourite games; Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, Rock N' Roll Racing (and of course the DKC trilogy) have something truly special in the audio department, and I don't think it's a coincidence that I remember the tunes from them so well.

Although I'm very fond of good video game music, I think there's also a place for atmospheric environmental sound in place of music, especially in games with particularly realistic 3D worlds. Sometimes I feel these natural soundscapes make for a more immersive experience, even if they aren't as memorable.
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Re: Music in Games

Postby Jomingo » June 30th, 2009, 2:39 pm

I agree. The atmospheric jungle noises of a game can give it a very memorable feel, but memorable in a "hey, those jungle sounds were great" kinda way, as opposed to a catchy sound track that you can actually hum in the shower. Hell, whenever I play through Pokemon Gold I can here that music in my head for a week. In fact, I have some BK music in my head right now!
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Re: Music in Games

Postby Gnawzooka » July 1st, 2009, 6:22 pm

Ugh... something is seriously up with the GSC pokemon games, when I play them for a while I can actually hear the music sometimes even when I'm not playing.

It mjst be the beepiness of it...
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Re: Music in Games

Postby CoolStyleE » July 11th, 2009, 4:29 pm

Oh yeah, the music's one of the most memorable things in a games. I hum lots of tracks from games, especially the DKC & GT games. The music lets you know how childish (Or not) a game is gonna be before you even make a move.
Of course, this is my opinion
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Re: Music in Games

Postby Rodent » August 12th, 2009, 11:17 pm

Gnawzooka wrote:In my opinion, music can make or break a game.

The music in Animal Crossing City Folk broke it for me. It was rehashed DS music, and it was crap.

Music doesn't break a game alot though, only when it is horrifyingly bad. Good music makes a game about ten times better, but I only notice extremes of them. DKC2 is the best soundtrack ever, and I will buy it on CD one day. The Conduit had a good soundtrack too.
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