Commander Keen anyone?

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Commander Keen anyone?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » April 10th, 2009, 6:38 pm

Has anyone here heard of Commander Keen? Its a real cool game.

It's about this kid in a purple shirt, jeans and a football helmet. And he goes into space with his spaceship he built, and he goes to different planets are stuff. If you haven't played it, there are websites where you can download the episodes.
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Re: Commander Keen anyone?

Postby gamer_boy997 » April 11th, 2009, 9:13 am

Hey! I used to play games in that series years ago! I forgot the name of these games, with the exception of the main character's name sounding something like "King", but thanks to you, it's all coming back to me!

There are lots of other games like this I have played too, like this wierd one where you play as this green lizard type guy. I think his name was "Cosmo". I only downloaded and played the demo version, and I was always left at this cliffhanger of Cosmo beint eaten by a dino, and I never found out what happens, because I never played the real version :( .

Still though, thanks for reminding me about this!

EDIT: I found out that the name of the "Cosmo" game is, "Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure".
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