There might be some errors, I cannot ask parents at the moment...
One of my first experiences was at the age of approx. 4-8 on an Arcade machine. That's funny, because Arcades were already banned in Germany in all shops etc. kids could get in.
So there is no way it could have happened at home, it actually was on our holidays in Hungary. We went there 3 times through my childhood, 2 times we stayed at the same town.
What games I've played? I can't remember everything, but I've seen the obligatory Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter Arcades, as well as a cool Terminator flipper and a jump 'n' shot game named Rolling Thunder (it lasted until this year to finally find out what game that was, because the only thing I was sure about were the color combination of the hero's clothes).
Most of my money I spent for Final Fight, together with a boy from Germany I met there. Unfortunately, I cannot remember his name and luckily I also cannot remember how much money the Arcade sucked out of my pockets. Damn thing!

A bit later (1993?) I've had a friend who owned a SNES, we were playing Street Fighter, Mario Kart, Aladdin and Mickey's Magical Quest a lot.
After that, it was clear that I had to beg my parents for buying a SNES. (Without him, I probably wouldn't have heard of Battletoads, too)
For the sake of completeness, my parents bought the SNES package that included Mario World, Super Soccer and F-Zero.
I'm going to ask my parents when we were in Hungary exactly (although I could at least find errors by watching the Arcades release dates), but there may be some additional events I've forgotten (like even earlier experiences).
Watch out for an update