AvCon 2009 is here! (Gaming Conventions/Gatherings)

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AvCon 2009 is here! (Gaming Conventions/Gatherings)

Postby Qyzbud » July 26th, 2008, 11:53 am


Well it's AvCon time again in my home town of Adelaide, South Australia - I'll be there all day Saturday and Sunday, I think... should be a blast! There are all kinds of great things to see and do - see the schedule for a full run-down.

The event's being held at the Adelaide Convention Centre this year (used to be at Adelaide Uni). It would be great to meet up with any Atlasers who are going along - I'll be taking part in the Smash Bros tournaments, so look for a smartly dressed primate with a red 'DK' tie... That'll be me. ;)

Info in a nutshell:
Adelaide Convention Centre
Friday: 5pm Launch Party
Saturday: 10:30am - 7pm main events (then movie/quiz night)
Sunday: 10:30am - 7:30pm (then closing ceremony)

For more AvCon details, click here.

Original post:
Today and tomorrow, I'm going along to AVCon, an Anime and Video Game convention being held in Adelaide, my state's capital city. Should be a bit of fun, but I don't think I'll get to show off any DKC skills, unfortunately. One thing I could have done, though... I was thinking of creating little 'business' cards with some useful DKC Atlas details (URL, about the site, random tip, glitch screenshot etc...) to hand out to people, and grab us a few new local (to me :)) Aussie members. Ah well, maybe next year.

Well, at least I'll be wearing my Donkey Kong Arcade T-shirt. ;)

Any other news/info/experiences regarding gaming conventions and gatherings can be posted in this thread.
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Re: Gaming Conventions/Gatherings

Postby Jomingo » July 26th, 2008, 12:05 pm

To make a quick way of doing that just type the basic information in a very consise Word Document, hit enter a few lines and then add a border with hyphens, like so:


And then Copy and paste the thing over and over again. Then just cut on all the hyphen lines, and hand out these very simple (and a little unproffesional looking but good enough do to time constraints) peices of paper to people.
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Re: Gaming Conventions/Gatherings

Postby Qyzbud » July 27th, 2008, 11:55 am

I'm about to head off to day two of the convention. Yesterday was lots of fun, and although DKC coverage was minimal, I clocked the day's record Riverside Race time on my first and only play. Personal best, too - 1:01.?? 8-) (It's a shame that I don't remember the fractions of a second...)

There was lots of Brawl being played, and the final four players in the tournament were two sets of brothers. ;)

The awesomeness gene must run in the family.
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Re: Gaming Conventions/Gatherings

Postby Jomingo » July 27th, 2008, 11:56 am

They had DKC3 there? Wow, I didn't see that coming.
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Re: Gaming Conventions/Gatherings

Postby CaptainEddie » July 28th, 2008, 10:11 am

Aw, Qyzzy. Now I'm jealous. I could have won that tournament.
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Re: Gaming Conventions/Gatherings

Postby Kowbrainz » August 17th, 2008, 4:19 pm

I've been to a couple of the official Nintendo events, but those are always pretty rubbish in my opinion. Conventions which are hosted by Gamers for Gamers are generally the best kind.

I've been to a couple of Smash Bros meets in the past, but the drive to get to them took ages and I'm not really into SSB that much anymore anyway.

I'd like to go to one of these in the future... depends what games they have on show though, and whether they just showcase new games or old classics, too. Laughing at cosplayers would be fun, too. :P
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Re: Gaming Conventions/Gatherings

Postby Rodent » December 1st, 2008, 12:03 am

A few girls from my school went to Avcon, but I didn't think to post it until now. I might have to catch up with you there next year, Qyz.
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AvCon 2009 is here!

Postby Qyzbud » July 25th, 2009, 1:45 am

Well it's AvCon time again in my home town of Adelaide, South Australia - I'll be there all day Saturday and Sunday, I think... should be a blast! The event's being held at the Convention Centre this year (used to be at Adelaide Uni). It would be great to meet up with any Atlasers who are going along - I'll be taking part in the Smash Bros tournaments, so look for a smartly dressed primate with a red 'DK' tie... That'll be me. ;)

I haven't heard from Rodent in the last week or so, but he and I might be teaming up for the 2v2 team Brawl tournament at 1pm on Sunday! Classic DK/Diddy tag-team all the way! If Rodent doesn't make it, I'll be looking for a new team mate. :lol:

Wish us luck!
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Re: AvCon 2009 is here! (Gaming Conventions/Gatherings)

Postby Rodent » August 12th, 2009, 11:09 pm

Yeah, cash was short this year and I couldn't make it with exams and everything coming up. We'll kick major ass next year though.
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