MultiAV cable for SNES/N64

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MultiAV cable for SNES/N64

Postby Stone » June 7th, 2008, 5:18 am

First of all, I had to rebuy the N64 and the SNES a few years ago due to an unfortunate event. I think I've already explained this event in another topic and I don't want to bore you with my personal history :)
The good thing was that happened around 2000, so there was no problem buying a fresh N64. It's even one of those nice transparent N64, something that wasn't available when I bought the first one in its release week.
The bad thing: I had to buy a SNES second-hand. Of course, the second-hand shop only had those f****** RF-switches.
(For an unknown reason the seller also wanted to impose a SNES without Multi-Out on me, but for me there were just two choices: SNES with Multi-Out or no SNES. Such a bastard...).
Thus I have only one proper cable for both consoles.

Switching often got annoying in the past years and I couldn't use both in different rooms, so I bought a Gamecube SCART cable (second-hand) today. The connection looks the same but doesn't work that well.
I just have the sound now, but no video. Any ideas what to do?
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Re: MultiAV cable for SNES/N64

Postby Kiddy14 » June 27th, 2008, 10:10 am

2 months ago I bought a AV cable for my SNES. The video was bad, sometimes purple and there was no sound. I could see the Rareware logo at the start of DKC but then everything became blurry.

I ended up with my coaxial cable :D

Sorry this doesn't helps much, but I might have the same problem you do.
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Re: MultiAV cable for SNES/N64

Postby Jomingo » June 27th, 2008, 11:00 am

The plug works for SNES, 64, and Gamecube, right? Well, I use the one that came with the 64, for both the 64 and the SNES, and it works fine. If you need to find a cord, go check out some local game stores, like Gamestop and Play n Trade. They might have it, and there'll probably overcharge you, but it'll work.
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