Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

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Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby FefeRawft » December 31st, 2009, 1:41 pm

This is taken from a post over at ZCR in a topic I made called "Oh God, he did it to my Zelda too!"

FefeRawft at ZCR wrote:Most of you probably know something about the super guide in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I was snooping around the internet and found this:

Nintendo Wiki wrote:A patent by Miyamoto was revealed that contains possible information regarding Zelda. Within was the following info:


* Normal: Allows the player to play the game as they would in any other. A hint system is placed at the top (view below) that allows them to view tutorials on a particular puzzle that have been made by other players.
* Digest: Allows the player to simply watch one of the designers play the game. This is basically for those who simply want to see the story without having to play. However, if a player wants he can start to take the place of the A.I. and play it himself.
* Scene: Allows a player to skip to a previously played part of the game.

Hint system

The patent suggests that the game will feature an in-depth hint system for those new to the series who haven't adapted to "core" games yet. According to one of the images released, the hint system button will be featured at the top right of the screen. Once pressed, you'll be able to view a user made tutorial of how to complete a certain level. This will be the second hint system in Zelda history, after the Tingle Tuner in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

Replaying a level

Another feature mentioned was being able to go back and conquer particularly fun dungeons or puzzles again. In all previously released Zelda games besides Majora's Mask, once you were finished with a dungeon you could go back inside, though all the puzzles were already complete and you couldn't do it again or defeat the boss again. This will allegedly change with the new Zelda game, that will allow you to choose which dungeon you want to complete again.

So I guess there will be no difficulty in Zelda again?


Nintendo Wiki wrote:The Legend of Zelda for the Wii is a video game that has yet to be released. Satoru Iwata in 2008 confirmed that the game was in development, though the game wasn't officially unveiled until a year later in 2009 when series creator Shigeru Miyamoto showcased artwork featuring Link and an unknown girl. Miyamoto has confirmed multiple times that Wii MotionPlus will be integrated in the game.

Series producer Eiji Aonuma has announced that the game will have a different structure than what Zelda fans are used to, stating "[Miyamoto] and I agree that if we are following the same structure again and again, we might not be able to give long time Zelda fans a fresh surprise.", later stating that he is "really hopeful that people will be surprised with the changes we have implemented for this Wii version."

I'm disappointed. Anyone else?

I'll translate that last paragraph for you:

"Series producer Eiji Aonuma has announced that the game will have a crappier structure than what Zelda fans are used to, stating "[Mr. Cheater] and I agree that is we are following the good structure again and again, we might not be able to piss the long time Zelda fans a fresh surprise.", later stating that he is "really hopeful that new fans that don't know what a real game is will love the changes, and veteran games that have been with us for years will get pissed with the changes we have implemented for this Wii version."

Any thoughts?
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Cyclone » December 31st, 2009, 4:30 pm

How accurate is the source?

I don't see anything to be dissapointed about. If you can turn off the hint system etc then I'm fine with that. I like the idea of replaying the dungeons. I sure hope that it's not an "on-rails" Zelda game though. Now that would be dissapointing.
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby gamer_boy997 » January 1st, 2010, 6:26 am

A cheat system in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, now this. I understand how this is optional and all, but I mean... if you beat the game manually, but notice that you could have used an in-game cheat feauture the whole time... you wouldn't really feel as much accomplishment :cry: .

What's next? A game where once you put the disk in, you win automatically?
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Jomingo » January 1st, 2010, 7:54 am

First of all, I doubt this is credible information at all. I don't think you have anything to worry about until a real gaming news organisation mentions it, and so far they haven't.

Regardless of whether this is true or not you guys have to realize that it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Listen, there is no "cheat" system in NSMBW. I have the game now, and I have never made the Super Guide pop up, and I'm not that good. If you're bad enough to make Super Guide pop up, then you really do need the game to help you a bit. It is better to provide hints or other forms of help then just let people get stuck and quit playing. I myself have never been a fan of Zelda, and have yet to like a Zelda game, and I am a very hardcore gamer. If Nintendo wants one of their star franchises to appeal to the Wii's audience, they have to lower the learning curve and find some way to make it so everyone can play. This won't necessarily have any impact on the usual fans experience, but at the same time it will help other people who normally wouldn't have played it actually have a chance to experience the franchise.
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby FefeRawft » January 1st, 2010, 8:19 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:A cheat system in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, now this. I understand how this is optional and all, but I mean... if you beat the game manually, but notice that you could have used an in-game cheat feauture the whole time... you wouldn't really feel as much accomplishment :cry: .

What's next? A game where once you put the disk in, you win automatically?

I think he understands what I'm getting at. What I'm trying to say is that games seem to be getting dumbed down more and more every time they release a new one. Better?
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Jomingo » January 1st, 2010, 9:03 am

I understand that you agree with him but what I'm saying is that his point has no validity. The fact is that the Super Guide in NSMBW made no impact whatsoever. If you can play through the game and never even notice it why should you care if someone else plays and needs it. Games aren't getting dumbed down, they are just being fitted to a wider audience. The Wii has expanded so that more people than ever before play it. This means that they have to accommodate these peoples skill levels. Not everybody is motivated by a games difficulty; some people find a games difficulty a reason not to play. So if they are going to incorporate a couple features to help these people play while not effecting you whatsoever than I say go for it. If it's not going to differ your game any, then why fuss about it?
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Gnawzooka » January 1st, 2010, 5:13 pm

Jomingo wrote:I have the game now, and I have never made the Super Guide pop up, and I'm not that good.

Yeah, It only popped up twice for me, and both times I knew exactly how to do it, I just kept failing. :lol:
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Jomingo » January 1st, 2010, 7:29 pm

I am not very far and I'm sure it'll pop up for me at some point but that doesn't mean I'm gonna use it. I can say that it is not an easy game and there are a lot of families out there that bought the game and probably will never beat it without some feature like this.
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Gnawzooka » January 2nd, 2010, 12:15 pm

It's easier than the old SMB games though, but much harder than NSMB DS...
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby The Guy » January 3rd, 2010, 3:16 am

Well, with all the stuff like the spin jump with the propeller hat, I'm sure it's nowhere near as hard as SMB3...
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Sockpuppet » January 3rd, 2010, 10:31 am

Believe it or not, this could actually be a good thing for us too. I heard that because of the hint system in NSMBW, Nintendo decided they were able to make the game harder. And unless I just suck, they certainly did make it quite hard. I'm only up to World 4 and the game's already offered me the Super Guide once (I didn't take it). And if you want to get 100%...
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby Gnawzooka » January 3rd, 2010, 12:10 pm

The first time I played through I accidentally found a warp to World 5...
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Re: Wow Nintendo, Just Wow....

Postby DK4Ever » April 15th, 2010, 7:06 am

NSMBW is much harder than the DS version, it's not more difficult than NES Mario games, but I don't think it should be compared to those.

An example of the difficult segments of NSMBW would be the 9th world. Even the first level was extremely challenging, and I didn't find the firts 8 worlds to be tough, really, except for pobably the Bowser stage.

Nintendo games have gotten a bit easier but difficulty still exists, but I think it's more just..random, or always near the end. As another example, the part of Twilight Princess I found was toughest and most annoying was the third stage of the Ganon fight.

That's some BS.
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