Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

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Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

Postby The Guy » May 18th, 2009, 9:57 am

Yeah, long title.

Anyway, in New Super Mario Bros. I'm ussually Shell Mario and I run at the start of levels and I just slide through the rest of them... I always think of the Mindcart Carnage music from DKC when doing this...

It only works in certain stages and you should first try World 1-1 first, although I first did this on 5-1.
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Re: Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

Postby Cyclone » May 18th, 2009, 11:25 am

The main thing I do in games (especially adventure games) is take my time and explore all the areas of the levels, all the details. I pan the camera around and look at everything, walk in all the different areas and explore how the game was put together, instead of just trying to beat the game as quick as possible.
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Re: Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

Postby Qyzbud » May 18th, 2009, 4:32 pm

Long title perhaps, but a good topic.

Like Cyclone, I really enjoy exploring every last nook and cranny of a game. For some reason I find that really rewarding; especially in games which have particularly interesting areas with lots of attention to detail. You never know what you might find. ;)

I also enjoy finding alternative ways to achieve goals - especially ways that may not have been intended to be possible... and setting myself my own unnecessarily challenging goals is another method I employ to get the most out of a game.

Speedrunning and glitch hunting are both awesome, too. :D
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Re: Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

Postby Gnawzooka » May 18th, 2009, 6:16 pm

Qyzbud wrote:I also enjoy finding alternative ways to achieve goals - especially ways that may not have been intended to be possible...

Ah yes, that's always fun. I tend to try and go places that the game is obviously telling me not to go too. :lol:
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Re: Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 21st, 2009, 1:19 pm

Play them on a day without school/work/something that you have to do or go to and just grab some snacks with no one else around, it always hits the spot.
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Re: Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

Postby KremKrawl » May 22nd, 2009, 12:52 pm

DKC: Gltches. End of story.
Pokemon Sapphire and Emerald: Do little side-quests such as legendary pokemon capturing.
Pokemon Platinum: GTS. 'Nuf said.
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Re: Things you do in Video Games to make them more worthwile...

Postby Rodent » May 25th, 2009, 9:44 am

I normally do what Cyclone said. I just take my time and look through all the doors and stuff.
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