Halo 3

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Halo 3

Postby L Lawliet » September 11th, 2008, 11:01 am

Hello Everyone! I would like to know if there are any Halo 3 fans lingering around in this forum and want to play.
If you could go by this Format, it would be appreciated.


Gamertag(s): OmgIgotsnipedLAWL, pooppants65, roflcopter1
Rank:(Gunnery Sargeant, General, Brigadier, etc)
Highest Skill:(50, 40, 35, etc.)

I am currently playing on my accounts, which are xFullCircle x2 and L Lawliet Eru.

Hope to see you online!
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Re: Halo 3

Postby CaptainEddie » September 11th, 2008, 11:11 am

Oooh, an L fan! I actually had xbox live, but don't anymore. Noe my brother is going to get it, but he won't let me play unless he's there too.
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Re: Halo 3

Postby L Lawliet » September 11th, 2008, 11:14 am

CaptainEddie wrote:Oooh, an L fan!.

Yeah....umm if you can get online sometime, add xFullCircle x2.
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Re: Halo 3

Postby CaptainEddie » September 11th, 2008, 11:16 am

Yeah, my brother doesn't know what his gamertag will be yet, so I'll get back to you on that. It will probably be something uncreative. :roll:
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Re: Halo 3

Postby L Lawliet » September 11th, 2008, 12:01 pm

Sounds good.
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Re: Halo 3

Postby SLY JO » October 26th, 2008, 4:53 pm

Gamertag(s): xSLY JDx
Rank: Brigadier
Highest Skill: 47

I'm from Australia, the country that never pulls host lol.
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