DKCRE v0.0.6.8 - Bug Reports

Report any bugs you find with the newest release of DKCRE here.

DKCRE v0.0.6.8 - Bug Reports

Postby Simion32 » June 13th, 2012, 3:15 am

Post Here to Report Bugs only involving DKCRE v0.0.6.8

Critical Bugs:
The Issue or Problem Proposed Solution
None currently known. - - -

Noncritical Bugs:
The Issue or Problem Proposed Solution
Vertical/Water Level Objects Disappear! DKCRE needs to understand "vertical" camera data.
ALL INPUT AND MENU INPUT BUGS: Fix with delta input updates.
Program is sluggish on old computers. Implement the new NitroGUI layering upgrade.

The Issue or Side Effects Explanation
Level exits to Slipslide Ride after F5. It's the only place the savestate fully works.
My hack crashes at place xyz! Certain object combinations will/can crash DKC.

(No feature requests are allowed here. Any such posts will get deleted.)
Sage of Discovery
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Stop 'N Go Station Bug

Postby _Q_ » February 27th, 2013, 10:18 am

I just discovered a nasty bug involving Stop 'N Go Station. Just after the location the shortcut/warp drops you, there are several objects that are not displayed properly. Once you walk a little further, the screen turns black and the game locks up. To replicate the bug, just open up the stage in DKCRE, start playing the stage, walk into the shortcut, and continue on with the level (the bugs will happen even if you don't use the shortcut).

I haven't figured out why this bug occurs, but based on the way the objects glitch up, I have a suspicion that it has something to do with the order DKCRE arranges the objects in the game's code.

I hope that helps.
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Re: DKCRE v0.0.6.8 - Bug Reports

Postby Simion32 » February 28th, 2013, 12:56 pm

No, this is strictly related to the game being designed only with the exact levels and object positions in mind. There's a lot of sensitive memory manipulation going on behind the scenes in DKC, and having and values overlap (or be plain wrong) anywhere can cause a crash or any number of undefined behaviors. DKCRE just follows what the game does for sorting objects (sort by X, then Y, then object digit) and there's a chance that the object in question is stored out-of-order in the actual game.

The solution for this particular spot is to turn on viewing of all objects and delete the Compound Objects (the white folder looking objects which DKCRE cannot yet display the contents of).

Verdict: That's not a bug in DKCRE, it's DKC's fault for not being a resilient game engine.

Since this is a ROM editor, please do not assume all bugs you see are DKCRE's fault. DKC was not designed for its levels to be arbitrarily edited like we are able to with RE.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKCRE v0.0.6.8 - Bug Reports

Postby edevore » September 19th, 2013, 1:07 pm

Sorry about the bump but I'm sure this is a bug that is either fixed for or will be considered before, I havent been around much lately sorry about that.. well back to the point:

Bug 1: When I was testing ver0.0.6.8 of Resource Editor I found that the content above a level line Jungje Hijinks is outside of the window and well the content should be outside of view but the problem is, when you move or test the level the content above the camera such as the return warp barrel, auto cannon and two baloons are not there and get deleted durning the testing phase, you can move the content outside but the game seems to notice we go outside the window all the objects stop working.

Bug 2: If I remember correctly when you move or replace certain objects with the correct type... the issue is if you replace a standard object with a scenery object the currently selected object is deleted, when you enable scenery in the advanced menu they are fine and the scenery objects can be replaced with objects but not vice-versa though.

thankyou, Evin DeVore
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