Very cool level designs, everyone! I have a little project going myself involving drawing custom levels, and I've made two so far, using a mix of terrains and sprites from each of the 3 DKC games (all of the stuff is credited). They're only one-layer images, but hopefully they're detailed enough to be nice to look at.
Since this is my first post, I haven't quite figured out the best way to link to images. I don't have an account for any standard image-hosting websites, so I used Google Photos instead. Hopefully the links will work, but if not please let me know.
1-1 Quirky Quay

- Quirky Quay (Pic).png (55.48 KiB) Viewed 165024 times
Full level: first level, this has a mix of several different terrain types, including jungle, docks, and coral reef. They don't fit together
perfectly, but I tried to make it look reasonably nice. A variety of enemies are included, mostly from DKC1. The stage also has 3 bonus levels, which are shown at the far right.
1-2 Kling Klamp Kavern

- Kling Klamp Kavern (Pic).png (50.15 KiB) Viewed 165024 times
Full level: is a DKC3 cave type level that has you mostly climbing up ropes. The start is near the bottom of the level, and the end is near the top. There are plenty of enemies, but especially Klingers and Klampons, hence the name. It might look like some pieces of the ground are a bit cut off, but those spots are supposed to indicate bottomless pits. Once again, the stage has 3 bonus levels, which are shown at the bottom.
I have some more levels in progress. Each one takes a few days to make, the hardest part definitely being piecing all of the terrain together. I'm pretty satisfied with how they turned out, though! Please let me know what you guys think of them, as well as if there are any problems regarding mistakes I've made due to my noobishness. (Even though I read the rules inside and out, you never know, there might be some stuff that you can only know with experience...)
Also, I tried not to go overboard with the smilies to avoid looking even more like a noob. But I'm sure just one would be fine...

EDIT: Added sample screenshots of the two levels.