Great, that's what I was aiming for. To me, this demo seems better than the last (in more than just features) because I didn't rush its development. Also I managed to dump the reliance on extra programs for music and extraction, respectively.Cosmicman wrote:The program worked perfectly and dealt with the extraction fast too! Everything loads in a blink plus it looks very clean.
You're leaving out the Level Builder... or do you specifically mean the DKCRE because it is more ROM-oriented? I won't be targeting much of my efforts on the DKCRE and its ROM-editing until DELTA is mostly complete...Qyzbud wrote:...on which we can feature a DKCRE promo page/minisite...
It's now rather blatant to repeat this, but DELTA will be able to handle all of that.edevore wrote:...change some music, change all maps, change most level order, move level object placements, merge all three games in one and use Dixie/Diddy as the main players...
Hmm.. I doubt it would matter whether there are characters/enemies/objects.Cyclone wrote:The only thing I noticed is the game slows down quite a bit when enlarging the window, and this is whithout any characters or backgrounds on screen.
Simion32 wrote:You're leaving out the Level Builder... or do you specifically mean the DKCRE because it is more ROM-oriented?Qyzbud wrote:...on which we can feature a DKCRE promo page/minisite...
This "decimal" value will indeed be used when the physics are integrated; it just always reads 00 because I didn't set the scrolling to lower than 0x100 (a value of 0x100 means one pixel, 0x80 is half a pixel, 0x40 a fourth, etc).Qyzbud wrote:Just curious; there's a decimal point after the camera's location, but it seems to be unnecessary, as the following digit always reads an even '0'. Is this level of display accuracy going to be relevant at all? It would really only be useful for sub-pixel precision, right?
This is so that the program doesn't include any copyrighted data (or as little copyrighted data as possible) when you download it... by inputting a ROM, it will extract this data to files that it can use.Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:Don't want to be a pain, either, but I fail to understand why you're giving a ROM-using utility when the actual program isn't meant to use any ROMs? Because the program asked for me to import a ROM, and I can't do anything else without one....
I am going to remake the engine first. Really, there is no way to make a level builder if you don't have levels working in the first place. I have no idea how long this will take.Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:Also, when are we going to get a taste of the Level Builder? Or are you working on remaking the engine first? If so, how long should this take, if all goes fine?
Simion32 wrote:This is so that the program doesn't include any copyrighted data (or as little copyrighted data as possible) when you download it...
Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:I am strictly trying to not download ROMs illegally... -_-
Tis' still illegal, since it would not be your copy of the game. Also, it's probably not possible to get games off of the VC. Even if you could, it would still probably be illegal.Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:Well, by 'ROMs legally', I mean download ROMs while having the original cartridge. Or is that illegal?
There are two different projects, sorry if I may be confusing you...Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:Also, I am STILL confused as to whether this will be a ROM editor or not... >_<
I never said I needed a ROM, I was stating that I thought doing that was impossible (and it would NOT work regardless, since the DELTA/DKCRE use version 1.0, the VC uses version 1.2).edevore wrote:Simion32 wrote:it's probably not possible to get games off of the VC. Even if you could, it would still probably be illegal.
I am able to rip the roms off of the "VC"...AT "SIMION32" ONLY: If you want them "PM" me and I will upload the rip.
I'm currently not sure when some basic physics will be done; but before that, I may make a few smaller update(s) to add things that were missing from this demo (tall levels, maybe bonus levels).edevore wrote:I have a question though, could we expect a new demo before the new year or are you not sure?
Simion32 wrote:From what I can tell, it uses a very strange system where physical "tiles" are 16x32, and a byte in the physmap will refer to one "build" of physical tile. I think that the bytes are actually pointers to functions that do the physics work.
The only value I can confirm, is that $45 represents a flat ground piece in which the bottom half is solid and the top half is non-solid.
This is going to be a pain to convert, especially since everything is likely ASM-based.
Simion32 wrote:I'm still not completely sure how the physics work, as my previous observations led to incorrect conclusions...
I hacked DKC's jungle physmap, and played it in an emulator. Using a debug emulator is easier since you can edit while playing (so the effects would be immediate).edevore wrote:Did you play the game, Watch someone else play, made a demo to autoplay some game code (if this were a possibility..), or somthing else?
Well, I have some Idea of what I would make the GUI like, but I'm not sure the CFH has the same ideas. I will, however, implement some ideas into my own separate version (it should be a little different than CFH's; you can then choose which GUI you like best).Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:Do you have any plans on what the Level Builder GUI will be like?
It's always going to require a ROM. No exceptions. Sorry, but it must be this way to avoid copyright infringement.Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:Ok, so since I can't use the current engine demo without using a ROM
Right now, I'm investigating those physical tiles I was talking about earlier. The last tile will crash the game for some unknown reason (apparently it was left blank and points to junk data).Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:I'll ask... how much progress did you make, and what's next?
Things have been added, removed, the whole thing has be restarted, and several other things. In this order, is what has changed, a bit of a timeline if you will (click the spoiler):Jeff_Ray Barrels wrote:since the small engine demo with the Gnawties in Jungle Hijinx coming out of the skull barrel, what was added?
Simion32 wrote:NEWS EDIT: I am currently adding Fullscreen Modes to DELTA.![]()
Also, apparently the program has to deal with too much when copying a large scaled image to the screen. At x5 scale, or when using fullscreen w/stretch, I get slowdowns even if I'm using priority "#4 - Very High". I'll be dealing with this by adding code that will switch the actual screen resolution. Of course, this screen size switch will only be available with full screen modes.
Unfortunately not much progress has been made on the editor yet, so I can't say anything for certain about its features. However, the Engine itself has made good progress.Bahmo wrote:Does it have procedurally-rendered sprites yet, or must all sprites still be placed down manually?
Out of 100% for each game in the trilogy:csg999 wrote:Any idea of ur current % of the editors completion?
Uh-oh... I think that explains why it's so choppy. Most likely, your hardware doesn't support a vsync interrupt (a vsync occurs when the drawing lazer in your screen reaches the bottom-right and moves to the top left. The point is to copy all graphics during this time so that the image doesn't appear "torn" and is displayed all at once). Without that, the engine will probably be very choppy.Cyclone wrote:It's kinda hard to tell since the fps counter didn't change
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