Cities and Towns in DKC

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Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Liu_Kong » October 13th, 2012, 8:48 pm

What are the cities, towns, and other settlements in DKC?

There are, of course, Big Ape City and Tree Top Town in Donkey Kong Island. Kremlantis could have been a city (if not a whole civilization). I don't think there have been any towns or cities described in Crocodile Island, with the exception perhaps of Krem Quay, since it has been described as having been "a port", which could imply it was a coastal city.

In Timber's Island there were Frosty Village and Greenwood Village, while in Future Fun Land there was Star City.

Did I miss anything?
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Katastrophe Kong » October 14th, 2012, 3:04 am

Have you ever played the game "Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus"? Well in the game there is this area called "Slig Barracks". It's basically this huge industrial military camp where all the stock enemies (creatures called Sligs) live and train for what I assume to be the majority of their lives.
See this picture? Those aren't trees. Those are hundreds of tents.

After reading your post, I began thinking where the Kremlings could come from and I automatically thought of this place. Since K. Rool is a dictator anyways, and I naturally connect Donkey Kong Country to Oddworld due to them both being masterpieces, I guess he has a similar place for the Kremlings.

As for the Kongs, Kongo Jungle looks like a village to me. You have DK's Treehouse, Cranky's Cabin, Funky's Flights, and Candy's Save Point.
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Liu_Kong » October 14th, 2012, 8:38 pm

Katastrophe Kong wrote:Have you ever played the game "Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus"? Well in the game there is this area called "Slig Barracks". It's basically this huge industrial military camp where all the stock enemies (creatures called Sligs) live and train for what I assume to be the majority of their lives.
See this picture? Those aren't trees. Those are hundreds of tents.

After reading your post, I began thinking where the Kremlings could come from and I automatically thought of this place. Since K. Rool is a dictator anyways, and I naturally connect Donkey Kong Country to Oddworld due to them both being masterpieces, I guess he has a similar place for the Kremlings.

Of course I know Oddworld, it's absolutely awesome :D I believe Oddworld and Donkey Kong Country connect in another sense as well - both series provide a world that feels alive. If we had got to see how Crocodile Isle looked like before K. Rool went on his pirating mania, it is quite possible that there would be something there like the Slig Barracks (as the Kremlings of DKC1 were industrialists in a sense perhaps comparable to the Glukkons of Oddworld).

As for the Kongs, Kongo Jungle looks like a village to me. You have DK's Treehouse, Cranky's Cabin, Funky's Flights, and Candy's Save Point.

I wouldn't call it a village - there are a few huts, but they are too widespread over a large jungle to be considered a village or a settlement.
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Qyzbud » October 21st, 2012, 2:19 pm

Oh Oddworld, how I love you. As a Nintendo fan, Abe's Oddysee was the only PlayStation/PC game that really caught my eye... the characters and environment were so full of life (and, erm, death...), and the whole gameworld was fascinating. Definitely akin to DKC2 in art style and sinister awesomeness.

As for the topic at hand; Liu_Kong, you mention Tree Top Town... perhaps the powder-covered cabins of DKC3's snow levels (Skidda's Row, for instance) could be seen in the same way. See this pic:

skiddas-row-houses.png (39.5 KiB) Viewed 28228 times

Hopefully any occupants of these houses are comfy — opening their front doors would likely fill the place with snow!
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Liu_Kong » October 21st, 2012, 9:44 pm

You're right! They certainly could be considered villages... the only thing is that we don't have a name for any particular one of them, since AFAIK all the names of the snow levels don't refer to the location of the levels per se, but rather to an event taking place in the level (like Lemguin Lunge).

I also wonder who lives in them...maybe Skiddas (since they are only found in the snow levels, and are the type of enemy that most often hang around the cabins)?
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » October 22nd, 2012, 3:55 pm

I would guess that bears live in the cabins, since they have their other cabins throughout the world map.
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Qyzbud » October 23rd, 2012, 12:31 am

Ahh, good point! There must be many bears in the Northern Kremisphere... more than just the brothers we encounter during DKC3... that would certainly explain the cornucopia of cabins. Your idea of Skiddas living in them sounds good too, Liu_Kong. :)

Liu_Kong wrote:They certainly could be considered villages... the only thing is that we don't have a name for any particular one of them [...]

Well, 'Skidda's Row' is a play on the term 'skid row', which refers to a neglected area with a large population [paraphrased], so perhaps that's a reasonable name for that 'village'. :)
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Phyreburnz » October 23rd, 2012, 8:31 am

Actually.... I have another un-answerable inquiry... why is it that the only places with houses are the snowy areas? And why are there only huts in trees in the first DKC? Hmmm... you'd think those places would be the last areas with houses (also, the factories don't count as houses... I don't think anybody would live there).
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Tompa » October 23rd, 2012, 7:35 pm

There is also the level Clam City in in DKC. The fish have to have a place to live too, right? :D
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Re: Cities and Towns in DKC

Postby Ribbedebie » December 20th, 2012, 6:03 am

In Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast, there's small settlements in the jungle, beach, and snow levels. There's a shipload of little monkeys cheering you on in these games (some do this while sitting in hot springs, lazy bums), so I presume they live there. There's a city able to be seen in Donkey Konga 2 (one of these features as a backdrop during songs, I guess it's the same city). I toy around with the idea of this being an early Showdown Town from Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, but that's just wishful thinking. (After all, DK, Banjo, and Conker all seem connected somehow.)

I always figured that the worlds of DK Land are on another island. Still, I wonder what lives in Big Ape City. Apes? Kremlings? Bears? Mushroom Kingdom immigrants? All of the above?

Somebody once mentioned that the towns in Tree Top Town were inhabited by monkeys like Diddy, you know, with tails. I quite like that idea.
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