Do the Kongs eat bananas?

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Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby The Kirby » May 26th, 2008, 2:32 pm

This is a rather odd question to ask, but I've been thinking about it...

I can't think of an instance from the top of my head where the Kongs are mentioned to have ever eaten bananas (except possibly where bananas are regarded as 'delicious') let alone actually seeing one eat a banana. It seems that the Kongs just have a very unhealthy habit of keeping them in stashes without ever eating them (you'd think they'd get ripe and start rotting after awhile.)

This might possibly explain why the Kongs have all sorts of 'modern' conveniences around the island, since the Kongs, unlike normal simians, are intelligent enough to realize that banana harvesting is a way to gain material goods through the capitalist market, and decided to export large quantities of bananas in exchange for overseas products.

The Kremlings probably wanted the bananas for similar purposes, after seeing how the Kongs were using them for material gain, and it wouldn’t be surprising, considering that the Kremlings seem to be a sort of pirating group who steal for a living.

If we consider DK64 as part of DKC canon, the Kongs never eat the bananas they collect, but rather give them to Scoff, who eats them in exchange for helping you open the boss door, so it’s not too far-fetched to believe that the Kongs are willing to use bananas for trade. The Golden Bananas probably weren’t edible (I mean, they are gold, right?)

The banana coins in DKC2 are probably the currency used between the Kongs, since bananas don’t have any intrinsic monetary value among members on the island, since bananas grow everywhere. Same goes with the krem/bear/bonus coins, which those particular individuals don’t find valuable for anything.

There are points I’m probably not considering, since this is pretty complicated, such as the fact that bananas also appear on Krocodile Isle for some bizarre reason, which would seem to negate the need for the Kremlings to steal DK’s banana horde in the first place.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby CM August » May 26th, 2008, 5:53 pm

Donkey Kong's the only one we know who stockpiles bananas; it's his personal hoard, and it's never been implied that he trades them for anything. Cranky Kong for example doesn't give two hoots about it. "Banana Milkshakes" have been mentioned on more than one occasion, so the Kongs almost certainly eat them. Golden Bananas are in fact edible, since there are several discarded peels within the hoard cave.

The export of bananas is an interesting idea, and it's fairly plausible, but there's no real proof either way so...
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Qyzbud » May 26th, 2008, 11:00 pm

The banana concept is handled rather strangely throughout (and beyond) the DKCt. DK himself wilfully offering them up to Troff & Scoff seems a prime example of this strangeness. I know the island's at stake, but it's very peculiar to see the big guy parting with his pride and joy like that. I must say it supports your theory, Kirby... but I'm finding it a bit unlikely, even moreso than the concept of Mario & co.'s attempted colonisation of DK Island.

It is a bit weird to have such an enormous mound of bananas just sitting around in a cave, though.

Back to a vaguely on-topic notion you brought up; the trails of bananas found in DKC2 (and DKC3) have not been explained, have they? The story of DKC made sense of the bananas being left around the levels (dropped by the Kremlings, as they hastily made off with the hoard), but what's the deal with them being in the sequels? I know DKC established them as the standard collectable item, but how does/can it fit with the storyline? Perhaps DK was leaving a trail for Diddy to follow? Maybe Cranky played a part in it, knowing/assuming that Diddy and Dixie would need all the help they could get... Or I guess it's possible that K. Rool grabbed another cartload of bananas during DK's kidnapping - just to be extra nasty.

I guess that's straying from the topic at hand... but maybe we could have this be a somewhat broader Bananas in the DKC Storyline topic.

Maybe it's a separate enough discussion to warrant its own topic. But then I also want to know how DK's bananas 'magically reappeared' in his hoard after he defeated King K. Rool. We know DK didn't do it, judging by the way Cranky speaks of the situation... "Go and look in your hoard, I think you'll be in for a surprise!"

Ah, such mysterious fruit. ;)
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby The Kirby » May 27th, 2008, 2:08 am

I think Donkey leaving the bananas as a trail in DKC2 is certainly a possibility, despite the logical problems of a single gorilla having that many bananas on hand to leave behind (of course, this game has floating barrels that can shoot you out, so anything is possible.) Although, I don't think it would explain DKC3's bananas, since that game's areas aren't in a straight path to the final boss (now that I think about it, DKC2’s Lost World shouldn’t have any bananas, either. Maybe the Cranky explanation is better?) I just assume that the bananas in DKC3 (and possibly DKC2) are naturally grown bananas. Kremlings don't seem to be interested in those as much as the BIG bananas that are found in the hoards, so it's understandable why they'd disregard the small ones.

As for DK's banana hoard... it seems that Donkey has at least two stashes of bananas: The ones in DKC and the ones in DK64. Either that or they're the same hoard, but Rare changed the terrain of the surrounding area for gameplay reasons or DK moved the hoard to a different location at one point. If they're indeed separate hoards, than it'd fit the whole "selling bananas" idea a bit more, since DK wouldn't risk leaving one of his hoards vulnerable while watching the other one, so he'd probably only have ONE hoard at a time, sell that hoard, and then move to another jungle location on the island to gather more bananas for a new hoard. The income he gets from doing this would allow him to afford making more treehouses and homes to facilitate his traveling.

As for the dietary needs of the Kongs... the 'banana milkshakes' sounds familiar, so I certainly buy that. Funny that one of the only times the Kongs are mentioned to actually eat bananas is in a more 'cultured' form. I guess the Kongs became gourmets after they started selling the bananas for profit. ;)
I'm not absolutely sure about the banana peels that can be found in DK64's banana hoard cave. They don't shine gold like the golden bananas do, but this might be due to technical limitations, because they certainly look big enough to belong to golden bananas. Perhaps the Kremlings ate some while they stole them (I think the Kremlings do eat fruit, such as the Klumps that occasionally eat an orange grenade.)

You know, considering how much Cranky focuses on how DK performs, it's possible that Cranky moved all of the boss level hoards back himself. He probably saw it as a bit of a reward to DK for actually living up to his extremely high standards by getting 101%. Cranky would certainly have had access to them, since his cabin exists in all of the six areas of the island, and each has a banana hoard. Although, DK64 strongly implies that Cranky's physical prowess is exceptionally poor, he probably wouldn't have been able to do this, but it's also possible that Cranky was slightly younger during DKC, and may have been able to actually pull it off.

On the topic of golden bananas again... could it be possible that the bananas in the DKC hoard were also golden bananas too, and that DK64 made it clear? If so, that might explain why DK treasures both hoards, and might possibly explain why he'd want to sell them (gold's worth a lot on the market.)
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Kiddy14 » May 27th, 2008, 6:58 am

The DKC theory is right. The Kremlings were leaving some bananas in their way.

DKC2's theory is ok too. But maybe The Lost World can be explained. Its main (and unique) terrain is the jungle, which makes sense since the jungles are one of the places where bananas grow.

In DKC3, Dixie and Kiddy are exploring un-seen parts of the DK Island (supposedly, seems to big to me for being part of the island). And Wrinkly lives there, Funky has his Rentals, and Swanky has his Sideshow. The bananas can be some left ones by Wrinkly, Funky, or even the Brothers Bear, even though I've never heard of a bear eating bananas, I've also never heard of a bear eating green jelly =P
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Jomingo » May 27th, 2008, 9:58 am

I was pretty sure that they mentioned in the DKC2 manual that they kidnapped DK and stole the hoard again. Then in DKC3 maybe DK and Diddy left it behind for Dixie to follow. I don't think that they grew there naturally, since we never see any banana trees in the northern Kremisphere. In some magazine of Mario Super Sluggers they show DK eating a banana I think. I'll try to track that down.

Anyway, I always thought that the Kongs ate the bananas as they gathered them, which is why they would gain lives as they ate 100. I guess theres no evidence that supports this though.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Kiddy14 » May 27th, 2008, 10:07 am

Yeah! I have the manual and I didn't remember it? T_T
Jomingo wrote:Anyway, I always thought that the Kongs ate the bananas as they gathered them, which is why they would gain lives as they ate 100. I guess theres no evidence that supports this though.

That wouldn't make sense, so they vomit the bananas when a Yellow Klobber knocks them? xD
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Jomingo » May 27th, 2008, 10:14 am

Good point, I never thought of that.

EDIT: I found that Super Sluggers picture of DK eating a banana.
It's on this topic of the DKU:
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Qyzbud » May 27th, 2008, 12:54 pm

Here's a link to that pic Jomingo alluded to above, for those who got as lost as I did when searching for it.

As for the story behind the golden bananas, and some more thoughts on the matter, this DKU thread/post is worth a read.

Graf Saecula, in a post on the DKU forum wrote:I found something a while ago that may help in solving the mystery of the great banana raid once and for all.

I found scans of the German DKC SNES manual online and browsed a bit through them, as I had never owned the manual of the original. I was immediately hooked on the atlas with the level archetype descriptions and the beautiful small renders. And guess what I discovered? An explanation why the Kremlings wanted these damn bananas so badly.

The first sentence of the factory level description says:
"The factories were built by the Kremlings to turn bananas into gold."

This was news to me at the time, and it goes some way to explaining some of what we're discussing here. Perhaps the Kremlings were stealing those big bananas of DK's and turning them into the Golden Bananas. That explains why the empty hoard has non-golden peels.

Just thought I'd bring that to the table, I haven't time to get into this further just now. ;)
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby CM August » May 27th, 2008, 10:34 pm

K. Rool refers to them as Golden Bananas long before they actually steal them, unless you're referring to bananas originally stolen in DKC. Really though, that German manual is almost certainly an innaccurate translation, with more than a little liberty taken. Much like Japan's interpretation of K. Rool's aliases as 'relatives', except in this case the German manual does't neccessarily contradict anything. That doesn't make it remotely correct, however.

Jomingo wrote:I was pretty sure that they mentioned in the DKC2 manual that they kidnapped DK and stole the hoard again.

K. Rool was holding Donkey as ransom in exchange for the banana hoard.


The Kirby wrote:You know, considering how much Cranky focuses on how DK performs, it's possible that Cranky moved all of the boss level hoards back himself. He probably saw it as a bit of a reward to DK for actually living up to his extremely high standards by getting 101%. Cranky would certainly have had access to them, since his cabin exists in all of the six areas of the island, and each has a banana hoard. Although, DK64 strongly implies that Cranky's physical prowess is exceptionally poor, he probably wouldn't have been able to do this, but it's also possible that Cranky was slightly younger during DKC, and may have been able to actually pull it off.

He tosses a TNT barrel with one hand in the very opening sequence, so it's not impossible... just extremely unlikely. That hoard was humongous.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby The Kirby » May 28th, 2008, 12:02 am

The boss banana hoards are handled rather oddly. When Donkey/Diddy kills a boss, a single, giant banana with a "Nintendo" label falls down, and the Kong gets excited about it. Is there some sort of significance to this?

And I can certainly agree with the fact that K. Rool kidnapped DK in exchange for his banana hoard, which is mentioned in the DKC2 American manual. I don't know if it's ever mentioned in the game, though. K. Rool seems to have lost interest in the banana hoard by DKC3. He was probably royally pissed for being foiled by the Kongs twice in a row (and the second time destroyed the home island of the Kremlings,) and was motivated more by revenge than the bananas. It would also explain why K. Rool's next attempt would be to destroy the island itself in DK64; he just wants to kill them by that point. I haven't played any of the later DK games, so I don't know if he solely targets the Kongs in those like he does in DKC3 and DK64.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Qyzbud » May 28th, 2008, 12:33 am

Hmm, I must say I like that 'turning bananas into gold' idea, even if it is just some German fellow's take on the situation.
As for Cranky's method of hauling DK's bananas back to the hoard; I'd say he had Rambi do all the muscle work. :D
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 28th, 2008, 6:20 am

Yeah, I think that the Kongs eat most of the bananas on their travels in the DKC series. It just makes more sense than having to carry them around all the time. And in a picture at the end of Jungle Climber's credits, we see Xananab and his biotch treating the Kongs to an all-you-can-eat banana buffet.

Donkey Kong 64, however, is a bit harder to explain... maybe the fact that there is a set number of bananas for each Kong could have something to do with it? Maybe they were saving them to put in their hordes (bananas don't regenerate upon revisiting a level in DK64 as they do in DKC), but they figured that freeing K. Lumsy and defeating K. Rool was more important, so they just fed their bananas to Scoff.

And I really can't see anything to contradict the theory of turning bananas into gold... It explains why the bananas in DK64 are gold in the first place. You can't eat those, folks.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Jomingo » May 28th, 2008, 6:44 am

Is that in the American Manual? I'll check later, it seems to make sense.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 28th, 2008, 7:17 am

As I understand it, the bananas-into-gold explanation is only in the German manual for Donkey Kong Country. But like you said, it makes sense when you think about it.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby CM August » May 28th, 2008, 5:41 pm

Personally I'm not keen on fanwank, preferring actual facts and evidence to wild theories, but different strokes and all that. At least we can reasonably say the Kongs eat bananas, which was the original point of the topic.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Rodent » September 6th, 2008, 10:08 pm

Of course they eat bananas. They're apes.

And the Kremlings stole the bananas either because they wanted to eat bananas too, or because they wanted to piss off DK. It's that simple.

If anyone needs proof, look in the GBA ports at the banana peels between the levels.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 24th, 2009, 6:32 am

I think this whole thread is a little pointless :| .
DK would'nt refer to the bananas as delicious if he didn't know how they tasted. So the kong's have obviously eaten bananas!
Also the kremlings do eat bananas (or at least K.Rool does), check out the peels on gangplank galleon. And in King of Swing, when you collect bananas you can see the peel. I don't think the kongs just unwrap bananas. :?
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby The Guy » February 24th, 2009, 9:41 am

Even though this post might be pointless...

Of course they do!

Why would there even be a hoard?
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Cosmicman » March 1st, 2009, 2:33 pm

I thought all you do while you play is eat bananas. You play through the levels, find the bananas flying in the air, eat them, reach 100 bananas and get an extra life! :lol: Or am I the only one here that thought when you touched a banana you ate them until you reached 100 and felt relieved enough to gain one life.
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby JadeRoseofChaos » June 19th, 2009, 3:34 pm

Ummm. I remember the opening story sequence of Donkey Konga referred to the Kongs eating bananas....

DK and Diddy were daydreaming about getting enough money from their Bongo playing. After daydreaming, their like, "ALL THE BANANAS WE CAN EAT!"

Then Cranky said "You have to practice first, boys..."

Anyway, this definitely confirms the idea that Kongs do INDEED eat bananas... well, Diddy and DK anyway...
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » June 19th, 2009, 3:37 pm

Exactly, If they don't eat bananas- what do they?
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Tailikku » January 4th, 2012, 1:06 pm

Katastrophe Kong wrote:Exactly, If they don't eat bananas- what do they?

I'll take you to the fridge:

Walnuts, peanuts, pinapple smells,
Grapes, melons, oranges and coconut shells
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Qyzbud » January 6th, 2012, 12:05 pm

^ A worthy bump, haha. :D

(even if it is a DK64 reference)
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 22nd, 2012, 3:58 pm

I'm not trying to be mean, but that seems like a ridiculous question. In DK64, there are banana peels on the ground in DK's banana hoard, but of course, the Kremlings could have had a snack before they took DK's bananas. :)

Cosmicman wrote:I thought all you do while you play is eat bananas. You play through the levels, find the bananas flying in the air, eat them, reach 100 bananas and get an extra life! :lol: Or am I the only one here that thought when you touched a banana you ate them until you reached 100 and felt relieved enough to gain one life.

But remember, balloons are lives, and if you look on the cover of DKC, if doesn't appear like DK is trying to eat the bananas, it looks more like he is trying to just hold on to them. Maybe he makes a balloon out of bananas?
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Re: Do the Kongs eat bananas?

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 21st, 2023, 5:00 pm

Kongs eat bananas. This was certainly rooted in Rareware's minds. Everything is banana themed. Banana birds, Banana fairies, Banana hoards, Banana coins, etcetera.
Potentially, the kongs do export bananas.
There was an interesting game theory video on DKC and the bananas.
Probably, the Klobbers hit you hard enough to make you nauseate bananas.
If you collect 100 bananas, I'd like to think that gives the kongs more strength to continue.
Balloons are probably loaded with a hundred bananas. That doesn't explain how they float away, though.
At some point, one of the kongs do mention bananas tasting good. But maybe the kongs have a old legend about Cranky's great-great-great-great...great-great-great...great-great...great grandfather eating bananas. This turned out to be a fake story, but who cares. And yes, that was a worthy bump with the DK64 reference. I thought that was hilarious.
Also, bananas into gold, makes sense because of the greedy nature of the kremlings. It has already gone into my book, and the kremlings find an alternative. (Not published, in the draft stages of a currently unreleased chapter.)
The trails of bananas are probably because they were an established collectible, and the kremlings probably had more bananas than the banana hoard considering their undetermined amount of time domination of the island. Potentially, areas like Kremkroc and Chimp Caverns were only owned by the kremlings for a long while.
Who puts the bananas back in the banana hoard, though. I think Cranky is the most likely candidate for this. :parry:
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