I've got to agree with Kiddy, Jo, I think you're over-reacting just a bit, and I think Angry Sun, you might need to just chillax a bit too.
Geno for SSB4 and all that jazz.
K. Rool for SSB4
Banjo & Kazooie for SSB4 DAMMIT!
Isaac for SSB4
Mr. Virtual Boy for SSB4
Mr. X for SSB4 (Yes, him)
Goroh for SSB4
Mewtwo for SSB4 (Keep Lucario too, he's my new main, and I'm loving him)
Klumps and Zingers for ATs! (Klumps toss exploding oranges, Zingers drop exploding fruit, ala DK64, but Zingers are in the air, so it's like, a team attack!)
Louie for AT! (He should throw whatever new Pikmin are introduced in Pikmin 3, assuming Olimar doesn't get them added to his squad)
STAGE IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DK Isle Kruise : A DK64-esque stage, first stage being a showdown on a flat sandy beach. Then the stage morphs, and the players are on top of trees, on opposite sides of the map, and there's a vine suspended between them, that the players use to get between the tree-tops.
Naturally, the original Jungle Japes music plays here.
The stage then shifts to Angry Aztec. The players stand atop a large stone platform. On either side of this platform is quicksand, which damages and after standing in it for 2 seconds, the players begin to sink.
Frantic Factory transition : This one doesn't last long, but the platform is now a conveyor belt. Players fight, but need to try and stay on the platform (There are small edges they can grab on to, don't worry)
Gloomy Galleon transition : They stand atop the Gangplank Galleon (I KNOW that was the ship that pulled into the harbor...) It's a regulation-size ship stage, with water surrounding the players, and it's dark, and the lighthouse is moving in the background. Nothing unusual happens, really.
Fungi Forest transition : The large clock sits in the middle, hands spinning slowly, and two mushrooms are on either side of the clock tower. They are kinda bouncy, like the upper platform on Distant Planet. A switch occasionally appears on the tower, and anyone who hits it changes the scenery and time in the backround (Night to Day, vice versa, you know how it goes)
Crystal Caves transition : Players stand in an open space, with no hazards or ledges, with crystals on the ground around them. Every now and then, however, the hazard music will play, and the stalactites will fall from the ceiling, and must be dodged.
Creepy Castle : Guess WHAT? No hazards here!!! Players end up in the crypt, with the glowing green stuff, and the moaning voices, but it's all on a platform, with ledges, and the moaning voices are in the background. Sounds fun, eh? Nostalgia Trip!
Hideout Helm: Yep. This will be included! The players stand inside Hideout Helm (Or rather, on an elevated platform, face to face with the blast-o-matic.)
After 15 seconds of fighting, the timer on the blast-o-matic (Which starts 5 seconds after the transition) will finish, and blast the stage from the background, and players need to dodge this. The transition back to the sandy beach immediately occurs after this.
Sounds FUN eh? I'd sell my Wii to get a Smash game with this stage (And K. Rool) in it, it'd just be too great to play on I think!

Recommended Music (Will change for each individual transition, My Music does not apply to this stage)
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/aztcboss.mid Angry Aztec Music
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... ngeons.mid Creepy Castle Dungeon Music
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... k_isle.mid DK Isle Theme
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... y_ssbm.mid Frantic Factory Theme
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/DK64_-_Dogadon_(Forest).mid Fungi Forest Boss (This is a must, this was an amazing piece)
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... n-v1_1.mid Gloomy Galleon
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... s-v1_2.mid Crystal Caves
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... t_Helm.mid Hideout Helm (This is pretty great too, despite how little it would be played)
http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/ni ... es_arr.mid Jungle Japes
That's all the music that ought to play on that stage,
in my opinion (Oh, and each transition (other than Hideout Helm) should take about 30 seconds to a minute)
Thoughts? Got tomatoes to throw? Lemme know what you think