Smash Bros. 4: What do you want/expect?

Re: Smash Bros. 4: What do you want/expect?

Postby Super Luigi! » March 13th, 2014, 3:32 am

I have a solution for that, CountryFan. Just give her bloomers to wear and the problem is solved! If you want more arguments for Lip's inclusion, check out this topic on smashboards, written by Young Horsetail. He (She?) :scratch: has developed many reasons why Lip should star in the next Smash Bros. game, including some I've never even thought of. Personally, I could list most of them here, but I want to give Young Horsetail credit. Plus, embedding a link is easier! :dixiehappy: ... ed.324269/
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Re: Smash Bros. 4: What do you want/expect?

Postby CaptainEddie » March 13th, 2014, 3:13 pm

That would certainly be an interesting addition…

What do you guys think are the chances of seeing Dixie in some form?
I mean, snippets of her were in Brawl's code and she WAS just featured in Tropical Freeze…

Speaking of which, how about a Tropical Freeze stage?
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Re: Smash Bros. 4: What do you want/expect?

Postby Super Luigi! » March 13th, 2014, 3:21 pm

Although nothing in life is certain, but death, taxes, and deathly taxes, I'd say Dixie has a strong chance of appearing in Super Smash Bros. Also, from the 2 second-long DK introduction, a Tropical Freeze stage is likely.
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Re: Smash Bros. 4: What do you want/expect?

Postby Super Luigi! » January 6th, 2015, 2:54 pm

So, please forgive my double post, but here we are, many months later. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U have been released, and I've unlocked everything for the Wii U version.

And I must say, I'm disappointed.

I'll be brief, so as to not waste your time. SSB4 feels very much like Brawl. Sure, the physics have changed, and we have new characters, but the roster is largely disappointing, and the overall game feels just like a more polished Brawl. I almost can't believe I thought it would be different. Almost. Don't get me wrong, this game is fun to play, especially with friends. However, there's just no reason to.

Look, I'm not saying, "Well, Lip didn't make it in, so this game is terrible." Sure, not having ANY mention of the Fairy of Flowers is disappointing, yet expected, but it's not the only problem. Sure, there's a new DKC stage, but we still only have DK and Diddy to play as. I guess Dixie didn't prove her worth enough?

I remember the days when I thought anything was possible for this game. Sadly, I'm reminded yet again that Super Smash Bros. retains it's "Buy our games!" mentality by only adding new Mario, Pokémon, and Fire Emblem characters. Nobody seems to care for puzzle-swapping fairies or barrel-throwing Kongs. Oh, but let's be sure to add Wii Fit Trainer and Duck Hunt Dog as playable characters, because they're really relevant!

Can we please go back to how the original Super Smash Bros on the N64 felt? Can we please just have a simple fighting game that celebrates all of Nintendo, and not just what Nintendo wants you to remember? And most importantly, can we please get back to the issue of the gravy?
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Re: Smash Bros. 4: What do you want/expect?

Postby CountryFan » January 6th, 2015, 5:52 pm

Fully agree with you about Lip, considering that her Flower Rod has appeared in the last two games, and again in these two. I would LOVE to see her as DLC, even though we already have enough princesses, due to the needless inclusion of Rosalina, who would have been much better as a Luma-slinging' Assist Trophy. (though she is still a better choice than Dark Pit!)
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