Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » August 7th, 2008, 7:41 pm

Egruntz being a good friend of mine, I've played the demo, and I've got to say, the game brings in some of the great things Brawl left out or missed, as much as I love Brawl.

(For instance, air-dodging can be done like in melee, directionally, and one can wavedash like in Melee. The creators of this game have a huge team working with them, and the physics are really unlike any flash Smash Bros. game I've ever played, so close to the real thing it's crazy.

The game is being created by, if any of you visited before Brawl's release, 2nd Stamp, the guy who created Smashdash, a series to look forward to waiting for Brawl.

He did a great job, and his expertise as well as that of his co-creator and all of his help, is really showing in this game.

Of course, all I needed to get hyped up about this, was 1. finding about how different it is than the other flash games, and 2. the fact that K. Rool is in it.

K. Rool... with the ever-so-obvious K. Rool moveset of course, but you have to have that.

And in the demo, DK is the best of the 4 charactrs, it's crazy how well you can combo with him.

(Of course, I've been told that before I give you the demo link, I'd have to check with Taro and 2nd. (Or, Egruntz would, anyway)

But I'll get it on the site (If, of course, you'll allow me to) as soon as I can.

The game is very impressive, and if any of you were disappointed with Brawl (I definitely wasnt, but this catches my eye more (wavedashing and K. Rool) so this looks more interesting to me) then this is the game for you all.

(And no, no real release date has been given yet, just, 2009.)
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Qyzbud » August 7th, 2008, 11:38 pm

This sounds fantastic, and very ambitious! Those screenshots give a good feeling of quality, too.

I must say I think this belongs in the (newly renamed) Mario and DK Titles board. I think it will receive plenty of attention even now that I've moved it across, as there seems to be almost as much Smash Bros. talk on this forum as there is DKC discussion. ;)
Last edited by Qyzbud on August 8th, 2008, 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Updated to make a bit more sense, after this topic was moved
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 8th, 2008, 12:36 am

I can't wait to see K. Rool in there. This looks awesome!
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 8th, 2008, 4:26 am

Thank god. I can't believe he wasn't going to include him. He's the next obvious choice for a character, and if this roster is going to have in the 60's that's plenty of room to include him.

Funky Kong, not so much. I'd rather have Dixie.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby egruntz » August 8th, 2008, 4:34 am

TaroNuke is talking about sizing down on the roster. He wants to have 51 instead of 60+. Even so, that's an amazing number (+15 more than brawl had >.>).

Also, I have a playable demo for you! He cut back on DK and Bowser and some of the stages since he didn't want to show everything in the playable version just yet: Have fun? O_o
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 8th, 2008, 4:42 am

In a roster of 51 I doubt we'll get Dixie or Funky, but K. Rool is still a given...
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby egruntz » August 8th, 2008, 4:50 am

TaroNuke says that Donkey Kong will have 3 representatives:

K. Rool

Funky Kong is out, as well as Dixie and all other Kongs that you can think of, lol. Still, I'm glad that he came to even accept K. Rool. Even so, TaroNuke is skeptical about Diddy because his bananas will be hard to code. I'm sure that he can just replace the bananas with another move, lol.

Confirmed Cuts:
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 8th, 2008, 4:59 am

Sorry, but that demo was almost unplayable. I played as sonic against Mario on Battlefield, and I couldn't figure out how to do any of my moves, and it seemed like there was an invisible version of both of us because I kept getting attacked when Mario was on the other side of the stage, and it showed that somebody kept dying even when neither of us died. Then at one point there was two of me, and when I moved they both moved, though they were both on separate sides of the arena, so if I moved to far in either direction one of them would walk off the side. This whole time Mario was off in dadda land completely ignoring me, and I was still getting hit by something invisible. Also the camera kept moving all over the place.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » August 8th, 2008, 6:10 am

Hmm, that's odd Jomingo, then again that's what they're looking for.

I played the demo and it worked for me, maybe Battlefield is just having problems, try playing on Metal Harbor, it's a great stage, and the music is...great...

Also, we're in need of someone to help animate Diddy and K. Rool's characters, and, most likely, develop Diddy's model, making him look like the other characters in the game (same style, yeah)

So if anyone has any spare time they could offer to help animate those two, that would be amazing :)
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 8th, 2008, 8:49 am

I'm with Jomingo on this one: That demo was confusing, and kinda stupid. (No offense to anyone, of course.)

But I'm sure it'll be better with K. Rool! :D
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 8th, 2008, 10:16 am

Egruntz, actually before the match started it showed battlefield but the characters didn't show up. The backgrounds kept changing but the characters weren't even there. So then I rightclicked and clicked play.

I tried it again, and it worked fine. It's actually kinda addictive, though it's pretty hard controlling with a keyboard.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Qyzbud » August 8th, 2008, 10:22 am

Jomingo wrote:Sorry, but that demo was almost unplayable.

Tiptup Jr. wrote:I'm with Jomingo on this one: That demo was confusing, and kinda stupid.

You guys are nuts. That was incredibly polished - amazing Flash programming! It already feels like a Smash Bros. game. 8-)

Whatever went wrong for you, I'd say it's a fault at your ends. You're not using AOL/IE are you, perchance?
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 8th, 2008, 10:34 am

You guys are nuts. That was incredibly polished...


I tried it again, and it worked fine. It's actually kinda addictive...

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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 8th, 2008, 10:45 am

Qyzbud wrote:Whatever went wrong for you, I'd say it's a fault at your ends. You're not using AOL/IE are you, perchance?

No... The only moves I could do in the demo were jump and standard attack. I have no idea what went wrong, but like I said; It will be undeniably awesome with K. Rool in it.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » August 8th, 2008, 11:00 am

Well Tiptup, was your s button not working? I've had nothing but smoothness that feels, unlike any other flash Smash Bros. game, just like the real thing. I use firefox though, could that have been your problem?

Also, who else agrees with me that Metal Harbor = teh awesome?
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby CaptainEddie » August 8th, 2008, 12:26 pm

Yeah, Metal Harbor was good. That was my favorite level in SA2B, so....yeah.

The demo is...okay. I'm hoping you are gonna have items because I didn't hear you say anything and it wasn't in the demo. :|
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » August 11th, 2008, 12:28 pm

Just to let you all know,

Banjo and Kazooie are playable in this as well, woot.

Their Kirby hat involves a brown-haired Kirby, with a backpack.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 25th, 2008, 8:39 am

K. Rool and Banjo are truly awesome, but there are a few choices I don't necessarily agree with. Really, Shadow the hedgehog? He isn't even that important to the Sonic series. If you have to choose another Sonic character I'd take Tails, Knuckles or Robotnik anyday. At least they'd be original.
And Geno? I never understood why people wanted him so bad, he was a main character of one game from like 15 years ago... but I guess since everybody else seems to want him I see why you chose him.

And then theres Megaman. I have never understood the appeal of the Megaman series, but he seems to be a popular choice....

Though, if you have Megaman, or even fricken Shadow then you have to include Pacman! If Megaman is in this and Pacman isn't I'm never going to play it. Pacman was the first popular character that wasn't a spaceship. He's appeared on almost every video game system to date. He is easily the most recognisable video game character in the world, and he'd have a great moveset too. He has to be in this.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 25th, 2008, 9:00 am

Well, as I stated, I understand that both Geno and Megaman were popular choices and though I don't agree with them, you have to please the fans.

But Shadow is just a dumb choice. Tails has been in every Sonic game since the 2nd. Robotnik has been in every one. Oh, and the fact that Shadow had his own game is a moot point. Tails, Knuckles and Robotnik have all had at least one of there own games.

I understand that people disagree about Banjo and K. Rool, but K. Rool is a very logical choice. He's a very popular and recognisable villain from Nintendo's third largest selling series! Banjo was very popular on the N64, and he's one of Microsoft's huge releases this year(though I agree, he's a bit less logical than K. Rool).
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » August 25th, 2008, 12:53 pm

Banjo's Model! I finally see it!

And K. Rool looks spiffy.

I'm with you Jomingo, I personally never saw the appeal of Geno (At least in the insane way he's receiving it) and I never liked Shadow much.

And people who don't think Banjo is a better character than either of those, will be receiving letter bombs from me.

Anyway, yeah, lookin' great, the final version will definitely be amazing.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Sean » August 26th, 2008, 1:18 pm

If he gets a second F-Zero character in there he gets, oh I dunno, a chocolate bar. I'll pay for the shipping and handling.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Qyzbud » August 26th, 2008, 2:57 pm

If they include James McCloud, that could make fans of both Star Fox and F-Zero happy... or just very confused. ;)

That said, I think there have been enough humans and Star Fox characters in the SSB series already...
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 26th, 2008, 11:56 pm

Samurai Goroh needs to be in. Falcon has been in SSB since the begining and still doesn't have another player.

If they added a Starfox character I'd like it to be Krystal. She's pretty popular I think, and she's more unique than the three they have already.

Oh, and either Ridley, Dark Samus, or a Metroid need to be playable.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 28th, 2008, 1:18 am

egruntz wrote:And you might want to check THIS out: ... rosim6.png

Banjo! K. Rool! And Peach, TEH HOTNESZ!1!

I am officially looking forward to this.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby whitepony » August 28th, 2008, 3:10 am

this is looking great! everything brawl forget or just neglected! but im one of those Dk fans who really dosent want k rool in this game. ive love every Dk game and think hes a great villain but i would definetly rather see any kong including dixie, kiddy. or lanky before K rool. i understand the demand for him just giving my 2 cents.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Jomingo » August 28th, 2008, 7:35 am

WhitePony, please follow our rules when you post. Pay close attention to the rules about spelling and grammar.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » August 28th, 2008, 1:09 pm

The thing is, WhitePony, that TaroNuke, one of the game's co-designers, is not an enormous DK fan, like we are.

He's looking more at characters that would have very unique B-moves this time around, and I honestly can't think of any for Dixie, and really, despite how awesome Lanky is, K. Rool is MUCH more important to the series than he, and his moveset potential is through the roof.

Although I understand you were just expressing your opinion, I thought I might clear up a couple things about the situation :)

Can't wait to see Banjo's moveset!
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby TaroNuke » August 29th, 2008, 10:48 am

OMFG I registered.

Just to clear things up, I actually started the project :roll:
I am the only one with the game .fla

And that's why it's called Super NUKE bros, named after my animation crew, the Nuke Bros.

Anyway, yeah, the roster isn't final, it's prone to change.

Another confirmed cut: Ice Climbers.

Due to the logistics of flash, it's just not possible to include characters such as IC and Olimar, sorry.

Also, another demo: ... _debug.php

-Set the number of lives at the top of the character select screen by clicking the arrows
-Set teams for players by clicking on the word "Teams?", clicking toggles.
-Click on the word "Human", "CPU" or "None" to toggle the player settings.

-There are no controls for players 2, 3 or 4 yet when set to "human".
-No (real) win screen yet.
-Matches can start with unusual team settings, ignore this.
-DO NOT have a person on "no team" when there are other people on teams.
-Character Icons are 45x45, we can fit 47 characters (plus random button) in there.
-Camera still has *SOME* issues, hasn't been updated from the "2 players only" demo.
That shouldn't take too long.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 30th, 2008, 8:30 am


That sucks. I liked those crazy bastards.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » August 31st, 2008, 1:39 am

Well, look at it this way Tiptup, you lose the Ice Climbers, but you GET K. Rool and Banjo.

And I'm just as upset for losing Olimar, but hey, both characters WOULD be very tough to work properly in a flash game.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » September 14th, 2008, 4:24 pm

Hooray! New Demo! Lookin' great, Taro, Yoshi's pretty much amazing this time around. :)
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Raccoon Sam » September 15th, 2008, 12:08 am

Aw yeah, Callum showed me some pics of this. Great work so far.
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby DK4Ever » May 6th, 2009, 9:31 am

Sorry guys! I actually have to cut this short, egruntz tells me I'm not supposed to leak the newer demos anywhere, so I guess it'll have to wait til the ban is lifted, eh?

Well, keep checkin this thread, new stuff will occasionally show up soon I think.

(For anybody who hadnt checked or been here, I posted a demo link with all kinds of crazy stuff I wasnt supposed to post yet and was unaware :( )
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Re: Super Nuke Bros. Melee

Postby Simion32 » February 6th, 2011, 11:49 am

I was wondering, has this project gotten anywhere?

Or was it randomly scrapped/cease-and-desisted/etc?

There hasn't been a post in ages. Come on! Out with it!

egruntz wrote:
And where the Nuke have egruntz's posts gone? Editing posts after they are replied to is against the forum rules.
Not that I can DO anything about it now, though, but... why?
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