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The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 6th, 2009, 7:30 am
by Jomingo
Well, it's that time of year again... wait a minute? Weren't these elections in September and March? Well, no longer. From now on, the Bi-Annual DKC Atlas Elections will be held during the months of July and January. July eh? Hmmm... isn't that already underway? Correct! As usual, I am late, so let's get the show on the road!
For those of you who are new to the DKC Atlas community, or if you just forgot, here's a rundown of the DKC Atlas Election. The DKC Atlas Election is a community event held twice a year. This is the Primary. During the primary any member can nominate a character that is their favorite. Any character that gets nominated by more than one individual will have made it through the primary round, and onto the Ballot. This primary round will last for 2 weeks, until July the 21st, at which time this topic will be closed and a poll topic will be created.
- You may nominate one and only one character for this election.
- The character you picked must have been featured in one of the three Donkey Kong Country games. That's right, only the DKC Trilogy.
- Duplicate characters will all be counted as one.
- When you want to nominate a character,
your post must be in this exact formatting:Donkey Kong
You must post the name of the character in bold formatting, and then a space between that and any reasons or other text.
Any nominations not in this format will not be counted.
- If anybody is caught trying to double vote or any foul play of the like, then they will be disqualified and nothing they have contributed will count.
- If at any time I feel it necessary to change the rules, I retain the ability to do so because I run this election, so deal with it.
Happy nominating everybody!
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 6th, 2009, 9:25 am
by Kiddy14
Cat O' 9 Tales
I like cats, and the color blue =P
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 6th, 2009, 12:13 pm
by Jomingo
Kiddy Kong
For the third time. And if K. Rool wins again, I will not be happy.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 6th, 2009, 12:51 pm
by DK4Ever
King K. Rool
I'm sorry Jo but I'm going to have to do it..again
Reasons - Reasons? He's K. Rool, he's a very in-depth villain, he likes to cosplay, he has a gun, a helicopter-jetpack, a pirate ship, and a cape..and a very, very shiny chest.
And let's face it, he's the best damn crocodile/kremling ever.
King K. Rool, everybody!
THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN EDITED BY JOMINGO: DK4Ever, I know this is different from last time, but I gave very clear and specific instructions about the formatting of your post. All text is to come one line after the nomination. I have fixed yours, but this is the ONLY one that I will fix. This is a reminder to all, please follow the guidelines.
That is all.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 3:28 am
by DKM
Cranky Kong
He's the man. Also provided good comic relief in the games. DKC wouldn't be the same without him.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 7:11 am
by PotoGamer
He can either be an enemy or be helpful, and I like that type of enemy. The barrel blasting also makes good puzzles (such as trying to beat Koin with the steel barrels he throws).
K. Rool is cool and all but I don't want the big boss to win all the time, that would be unoriginal.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 7:32 am
by The Guy
Cranky Kong
He's awsome in his ways.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 7:33 am
by gamer_boy997
Donkey Kong
He's the main character of it all, he deserves to be nominated!
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 8:10 am
by Cupcake Ninja
Manky Kong
He was only in one game but he was awesome.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 8:20 am
by JadeRoseofChaos
KleeverThe most original boss in a Donkey Kong video game I have ever seen. Imagine fighting a possessed sword... in a volcano.

Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 8:52 am
by Soniccuz
Dixie Kong
When Diddy got to prove his worth he got to bring along his girlfriend. When she got her chance she had to put up with her baby cousin.
I think she earned it.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 9:25 am
by Jomingo
And yet Diddy got his own game, while Dixie missed out on DK64. Life's not fair.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 12:41 pm
by FefeRawft
He can jump high, he is a snake, he's a replacement for one of Cranky's favorites, he's a snake, he's green. Also he's the best animal buddy. Oh ya, he's a green snake.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 3:02 pm
by Sockpuppet
The coolest animal buddy, with the most useful and unique abilities. Unlike most people I really like the web platform sections. And Krack-Shot Kroc is fun! =D
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 4:30 pm
by CoolStyleE
This'll interest a few:
Dixie Kong
It must be that hair, or her hat, or the way she treats her date, or her guitar, or everything. Dixie was one of those characters that just stood out in a crowd, and wasn`t afraid to show of her skittles. She puts the cool in coolio. I dom`t expect her to be forgotten for a long time.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 7th, 2009, 4:46 pm
by DK4Ever
Jomingo wrote:And yet Diddy got his own game, while Dixie missed out on DK64. Life's not fair.
Sorry mate, I thought I had set up my post in the right format, when I looked at the way you edited it, I thought that's how I had set it up before, I don't usually miss these things, y'know

But Jo, If I might say so, using the above quote as an example, I think you're being just a tad too serious about this whole thing, it's just the primaries after all.
Cheers, anyway, and..I do have to say I honestly hope K. Rool doesn't win..I'll probably end up dead.

Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 8th, 2009, 2:05 am
by Jomingo
CoolStyleE, your vote doesn't count because it's not in the proper formatting.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 8th, 2009, 4:33 am
by Rare Lover
Still my favorite animal buddy. I remember riding him the first time on the first stage.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 8th, 2009, 5:33 pm
by Lampje4life
Was a difficult choice, but Rambi got his own Music in DKC2!
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 9th, 2009, 12:17 pm
by K.Rool the Krool
Cat O 9 TailsHe seems like one of the most unique villans in all three games and as far as I can tell is the only cat-like enemy in the entire trilogy

Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 17th, 2009, 5:25 am
by Jomingo
NOTICE: There are only 5 days until the primary is closed! Anybody who hasn't made their nomination yet better do it soon!
So far the following characters are already going to the final round:
-Cranky Kong
-Rambi the Rhino
-Cat 0 9 tails
I'd also like to take this time to remind CoolStyleE again that his vote for Dixie Kong does not count until he fixes it's formatting.
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 17th, 2009, 5:31 am
by Simion32
Dixie Kong
Out of all the characters in the Trilogy, she has the best-looking model with lots of varied colors (vs Donkey Kong's almost-all-brown coloring). Plus, she has the ponytail twirl move which comes in handy quite often - it is more versatile than Diddy's cartwheel.

July 18th, 2009, 10:02 am
by asmodeus
SquawksShort: Squawks is my favorite buddy

Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 21st, 2009, 8:26 am
by Stone
Manky Kongbecause I think it wouldn't have made sense to put another character into play now, who probably wouldn't get a second vote this late.
And it seemed like an unusual but interesting choice to do. I've also prevented another K. Rool win so far. At least for the next few minutes/hours.
Otherwise I'd have picked Winky, I always liked him, his design and his high jumping ability. (even with Rattly being much more controlable)
Re: The Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections: Primary

July 22nd, 2009, 5:16 am
by Jomingo
Well, today is the 21st of July, and as promised, it is the end of the Primary round of the Third Bi-annual DKC Atlas Elections. Ample time has been given, and anybody who's going to vote already has, so I will be closing this topic and moving on to the final round.
Those who have made it past the Primary Nomination process are listed below:
-Cat 0 9 tails
-Cranky Kong
-Rambi the Rhino
-Dixie Kong
-Manky Kong
I have to say, I am quite surprised. All of the previous contenders are completely absent from this new Ballot. This should be interesting...