The 2012 Discussion Topic

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The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Simion32 » March 30th, 2009, 6:13 am

As you may know, there have been many prophecies of doom and gloom set to occur around December 21st 2012. I thought I would start a topic so that we may discuss the upcoming events, and speculate about what may happen, if anything at all.

As a particular note, I'm unusually interested in this, I usually don't get into things that are so esoteric. I fact I've spent quite some time reading on Divine Cosmos instead of working on the level builder project(s), which has caused significant delays in the upcoming DKCRE release (sorry about that guys! :oops: ).

Although, I don't believe the doomsday-ers; rather I think some of us may be in for quite a shock near the end of 2012. I'll just quote the description from my YouYube Playlist ( ... 04B9A746A3):
Zimion32's December 21st 2012 playlist wrote:Unlike the Y2K craze which was based on assumption, David Wilcock's view of the 2012 event has been heavily studied - his research is supported by masses of scientific evidence, prophecies by Edgar Cayce and ancient civilizations, channelings such as the Law of One material transmitted by the entity known as Ra, and even the Bible itself. All of the evidence and prophecy fit together seamlessly to explain paranormal events and suspicious areas such as the Bermuda Triangle, along with a nearly crystal-clear description of what 2012 is all about.

If you're interested, stop by David Wilcock's website ( and find out more...

DISCLAIMER: You take responsibility for your own opinion regarding 2012. I am not forcing anything on you, just presenting videos which I believe explain the MOST PROBABLE outcome of the 2012 event, IF it happens. THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE THAT THE 2012 EVENT WILL HAPPEN, SO DON'T BLAME ME IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.

I do think that the "Planet X" predictions have absolutely no merit. I was stuck on that false prophecy until I realized that the Planet X 'predictions' were being used as hype to rip people off. There may be a Planet X, but it's not likely to effect earth at all.

Just read this and everything else on Divine Cosmos - you'll understand what I mean. There's tons of SCIENTIFIC evidence that David Wilcock provides, to support his views. From what I understand, this will be something along the lines of a mass-evolutionary event for humankind as we know it. I must say, though it does seem far-out at some points, it is by far THE most reasonable explanation of 2012 that I have found thus far.

So, what do you think it will be? New World Order? Apocalypse? Ascension? Discuss!
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby BlueTronic » March 30th, 2009, 6:38 am

All bogus.

Just some wild theory made by people who want to make everyone scared for their life/are obsessed with attension/want to watch the world burn.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Simion32 » March 30th, 2009, 6:57 am

Indeed. I don't think that much will actually happen, despite all the speculation and whatnot. :roll:

Definitely not doomsday. The world is not going to explode because of an asteroid. The government isn't going to take over the world and enslave us all, to many people would revolt for that to be possible. Planet X is a load of crap designed to rip people off.

The only thing that's guaranteed to happen is the presidential election. Other than that,there's not much else we know for certain.

A lot of this stuff seems to be pulled from random little things here and there, and they try to formulate it into an actual workable theory.

However, I think that something significant may happen. Maybe not as weird as David Wilcock suggests, but there may be a slight bit of truth to some of what he says. The rest of the 2012 stuff seems to be completely made-up.

EDITS: Although, I was sort of hoping this not to end up being a completely one-sided topic. :roll:
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby BlueTronic » March 30th, 2009, 7:09 am

Simion32 wrote:Definitely not doomsday. The world is not going to explode because of an asteroid. The government isn't going to take over the world and enslave us all, to many people would revolt for that to be possible. Planet X is a load of crap designed to rip people off.

That's probably the main reason: Tricking dumb people into financing it. :ugeek:

Simion32 wrote:However, I think that something significant may happen. Maybe not as weird as David Wilcock suggests, but there may be a slight bit of truth to some of what he says. The rest of the 2012 stuff seems to be completely made-up topic. :roll:

That's propbably where it's all coming from. They find out that something uknown will happen based on evidence without even knowing what it is, and they just say out of nowhere that it's doomsday. :roll:
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Simion32 » March 30th, 2009, 7:20 am

Especially the Mayan calendar stuff... they're like "the Mayan calendar is ending? ZOMG DOOMSDAY!!1"...

A lot of what I've read doesn't actually provide any proof at all either, so there is nothing to show that the prediction is even plausible. And they start dragging it out to say all this crazy stuff is going to happen.

If someone does their research, and provides sources, then I may consider it to be possible (again, this is the only reason I've extensively read on David's website - he actually gives sources of scientific research/experiments instead of saying out of nowhere "Its DOOMSDAY ROFLWTF!!!1one2"). But most of the 2012 predictions are dead-end rabbit holes, because they are formed solely on the fact of one thing happening (eg. end of the Mayan Calendar).
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby BlueTronic » March 30th, 2009, 7:48 am

Simion32 wrote:Its DOOMSDAY ROFLWTF!!!1one2

:lol: funny

I'm going to put that as my status on MySpace for December 21, 2012.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Kiddy14 » March 30th, 2009, 8:26 am

Simion32 wrote:Especially the Mayan calendar stuff... they're like "the Mayan calendar is ending? ZOMG DOOMSDAY!!1"...

I remember I saw something like that in History class...
That's because in that date, according to the Mayans the actual Sun is going to die and a new one will be born. Not in a physical way but spiritual; because the "Sun" actually refers to the society.
So, no... an asteroid is not coming in that day; but a really big, and outstanding event will take place...
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby gamer_boy997 » March 30th, 2009, 11:17 am

Hmm... I'm trying to picture what will happen that day.

I don't think anything very, very, very, very unusual will happen, but I can picture people running around the city screaming in terror of the "interesting event" taking place , and causing danger, such as fires :shock: .

And that will be the "interesting event" :lol: .
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 30th, 2009, 12:11 pm

Hmm . . . With Diddy in Brawl, the Saucer of Peril lying in defeat, and the Nintendo DSi unleashing the power of SD card support, it seems that my purpose in the gaming world is almost complete. After the release of Tooie on the Xbox Live Arcade, which will bring an end to the Stop 'n' Swop Era, I will temporarily leave on a journey to spiritual enlightenment and self-awareness. This will prepare me for the apocalyptic events predicted to occur in 2012, which will dethrone Nintendo as the leading manufacturer of video games and plunge millions of the world's people into suicide. It gets hazy after this, but I believe the dimensions will then merge at this point and reduce the Milky Way to a heap of smoldering rubble and noxious fumes. Once the Chosen Ones establish the placement of computer technology in this new universe, I will visit the DKC Atlas again to determine if those of you who haven't been killed are worthy of immersing yourselves in the new, and vastly superior, world of inter dimensional video gaming. For now, I bid you all farewell; ye shan't be forgotten.

Like I said, all Hell's gonna break loose. Also, it's the year I'll be graduating. My actual predictions/thoughts:

1. After nabbing re-election in the states, Barack Obama gets assassinated, triggering mass hysteria in cities such as New York, similar to the "Terror threat level" warnings following 9/11.
2. The video game market really does collapse, and makes everyone under 40 realize how pointless their lives are. This is where the suicide comes in.
3. My old betta, Larry, will descend from Fish Heaven and become ruler of the multiverse after the dimensions merge. Like in the Super Mario Bros. movie, except it doesn't suck.
4. Tragic love scene featuring me and . . . well, her name's not important.
5. Then she dies.
6. Darth Vader.
7. Epic Stickerbrush Symphony montage.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Kiddy14 » March 30th, 2009, 12:31 pm

gamer_boy997 wrote:[...]but I can picture people running around the city screaming in terror of the "interesting event" taking place , and causing danger, such as fires :shock: .

Nah xD people said something similar would happen in the Y2K and nothing happened xD
You know, I actually think this has to do with the US Presidential Election, or the "supposed" "World's Financial Crisis".
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Blah

And then Humba'll die.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Raccoon Sam » March 31st, 2009, 6:30 am

I'm making a fine dime out of the idiots who think this is true.
By that I mean I've made tens of bets with people of if there'll be a doomsday.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 31st, 2009, 7:25 am

Kiddy14 wrote:And then Humba'll die.

And then Tiptup Jr. will cry. :cry:
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Rodent » March 31st, 2009, 8:13 am

Raccoon Sam wrote:I'm making a fine dime out of the idiots who think this is true.
By that I mean I've made tens of bets with people of if there'll be a doomsday.

The best bit is, if you lose, you'll be too dead to pay for it.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Kiddy14 » March 31st, 2009, 10:44 am

I do think it is true.
Take, the Y2K for example again. The predicted problems did happen, like some cellphones started erasing new messages and some programs failed to operate; but nothing like nuclear bombs launching or airplanes falling happened...
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby PotoGamer » April 1st, 2009, 10:47 am

Kiddy14 wrote:I do think it is true.
Take, the Y2K for example again. The predicted problems did happen, like some cellphones started erasing new messages and some programs failed to operate; but nothing like nuclear bombs launching or airplanes falling happened...

Yeah, but wasn't that because of the year changing to 2000? You know, since they thought computers would get confused and put the wrong date and start doing crazy stuff?

Anyway, I highly doubt that any disaster will occur (except people rampaging). And if it is true, only small, insignificant events might occur.

Ummmmm...right? :? *starts digging hole rapidly*
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Kiddy14 » April 1st, 2009, 2:25 pm

No XD Take this logic:
Programmers said that because of saving a little of memory, programs were going to catch up the incorrect date of January, 1st, 2000 and may malfunction; rumors started spreading of a possible nuclear doomsday because of a January 1st, 19100.
Paleontologists said that the Mayan calendar finished in December 21st, 2012, according to it the Mayans predicted that date as of time to re-start society; rumors started spreading of a possible doomsday because of big creatures rampaging Earth and killing everything in it.

Nothing bad happened in the Y2K, nothing bad will happen in 2012.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Simion32 » April 1st, 2009, 2:28 pm

I think that Y2K was actually just blown way out of proportion. Of course some devices had the predicted problems, but not much else happened. There was little underlying proof that "missiles would be launched" or "airplanes would fall out of the sky".
[I just know I'm going to get yelled at for saying/typing the remainder of this post... ugh :X]

However, I'm willing to side with Kiddy14, in that I do believe something of significance will happen, even if it's negligible or we don't notice it. Remember, the information that originally mentioned 2012, whatever it is, has to come from somewhere. After that, the conspiracy junkies caught on and started siphoning money out of super-gullible people by exploiting all the data and metamorphosing it into phony theories. I remain heavily skeptical of any Asteroid/Planet X/NWO doomsday theories, as such things are astronomically unlikely.

I give my 111 grains of salt of credibility to DW, the rest are complete shams. You really should watch 2012 Enigma (1:35:47), I recommend it no matter how skeptical you are. Great thing to watch if you've got some time to burn. And a 3.5-hour interview as well... [Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV] Along with the fact there are countless radio shows and articles to sort through.

I believe that DW gives way too much evidence for it to be even 33% fake. Not just videos, but the fact he has a lot of publicity is something to be aware of. He doesn't seem to be one of the several hundred internet-based fear-mongers. :ugeek:

by the way, do your own research. If you don't read anything and say it (will/will not) happen, then your opinion has absolutely no backup whatsoever. ;)
[awaits impending flame war from clashing opinions lulz]
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby DK4Ever » April 1st, 2009, 3:16 pm

I was incredibly worried about this for a while. and then I actually started thinking about it.

-Nostradamus was supposed to have predicted doomsday on this day also, with more of his "proven" predictions as backbone, until one realizes that most of his predictions were actually false, and the methods used to determine his prediction for 2012 is also wonky and flawed at best. More research on this to come.

-The people who apparently originally predicted doomsday were also the people who sacrificed others to gods and drank their blood to gain their strength. I'm not saying they weren't intelligent..or am I? But they were obviously prone to crazy ideas about whatever. This is no exception.

Let the skepticism continue!
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Jomingo » April 2nd, 2009, 8:56 am

OK, first I'd like to say before anyone starts badgering me for sources, I don't care enough to search for them so just take everything I say as speculatory.

Second, it's less than 50 degrees F in my basement that I'm typing in, and my fingers don't move with as much dexterity as they should. So if I make any mistakes take it easy on me.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what is going to happen. I was watching some program on the History Channel that said that scientists have made a startling discovery that they originally didn't associate with the 2012 doomsday, anyway, they realized that on exactly December 21st 2012 our Sun will move into the exact center of our the Milky way galaxy, which could reverse all our poles and a bunch of other wierd stuff. Anyway, they said that one of two things might happen; 1, The Earth's poles reverse and possibly cause our entire crust to shift around on the mantle, causing planetwide disaster and extinction in the matter of hours, or 2, Maybe nothing whatsoever will happen. Perhaps the Mayans didn't predict the end of the world, but just recorded the end of a cycle, the same way the seasons and everything are based around the movements of the cosmos...

Anyway, I haven't heard anything about this "Planet X" you guys keep referring to, would someone care to fill me in?
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Simion32 » April 2nd, 2009, 11:36 am

Jomingo wrote:Anyway, I haven't heard anything about this "Planet X" you guys keep referring to, would someone care to fill me in?
Back in the 90s (or sometime around there) scientists predicted that there was a tenth planet past pluto affecting the orbit of Neptune. It was suggested that the "planet" may be a companion star or brown dwarf - to the sun - and that it was the source of Neptune's orbit discrepancies. However, a few people started misconstruing the scientists' speculation and formulated a theory that stated that Planet X would pass into the solar system in 2012 and cause apocalypse.

Jomingo wrote:(...) on exactly December 21st 2012 our Sun will move into the exact center of our the Milky way galaxy (...) poles reverse and possibly cause our entire crust to shift around on the mantle (...) recorded the end of a cycle, the same way the seasons and everything are based around the movements of the cosmos
According to David Wilcock, (from what I can gather, this isn't an exact quote) the following will happen:

Simion32's Personal Summary of 2012
According to research done by David Wilcock

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A PERSONAL SUMMARY AND IS LACKING SOURCES. Please read David's free online books on if you want to know where I'm pulling this stuff from. Be warned, it involves a lot of metaphysics stuff and can seem almost crazy at times.
1. Up until the 21st, the entire solar system has/will experience(d) climate change due to the ongoing ~75,000 year cycle which ends at the winter solstice (11:11 UST) on the 21st. The time/event may not be this exact down to the minute, but whatever. This coincides exactly with the the end of the Mayan Calendar.
2. The clock strikes 2012 (obviously).
3. A massive influx of energy due to the alignment of earth's North/South pole with the center of the galaxy (the sun is only a way to track this cycle, not the actual cause) will occur.
4. At this moment, there will be enough energy to cause a "Bermuda Triangle" effect across the entire earth. It is uncertain whether we will be able to notice this effect immediately. Anyway, when this effect takes place, the physical earth will be shifted from space/time (3d space, linear time) to time/space (3d-ish time, linear space) due to wave-particle duality, in which particles will become waves. This happens because of the massive tsunami of energy slamming into earth.
5. The earth will shift its material density/dimension up one level from 3D to 4D (e.g. the more energy, the more dense it is). During this process, the pole shift will occur. The earth will supposedly re-align to 20 degrees East of Magnetic North, due to the altered density level and an internal magnetic realignment event that occurred back in the 1900's. This pole shift will effectively completely destroy civilization as we know it. However, we WILL NOT be on the physical earth when this happens, rather we will be on the time/space earth.
6. The human ascension/harvest process will occur (unknown how long this will take within time/space but will be effectively instantaneous in space/time). Depending on your actions towards others on earth, you either go to:
A. 4D earth (generally 51% good or better) which is now solid because of the energy shift,
B. a replica of this earth constructed by higher entities that exist within time/space (between 95% bad and 51% good) to repeat 3D until you are definitively good/bad, or
C. what could be referred to as a 4D negative planet (generally 95% bad or worse... this is where past super-dictators and such will go, there won't be many people of such negativity according to the RA material).
Apparently, from what I gather the 4th Density will allow for profound psychic abilities to be commonplace in the extremes to which humans would never currently be capable of.
7. Whatever is going to happen after this will be out of the scope of the 2012 event itself, although it may be highly interesting.
That's a decent summary of what I've gathered so far from David's material. It does seem to be astronomically incomprehensible to imagine what it will actually be like, provided David's right about this. He may say a lot of this that seems impossible, but if you look at the science behind the words, it all makes a lot of sense.(which is why I said above to read his online books and articles if you want sources, and not to mention watching/listening the videos/radio shows)
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby DKM » April 6th, 2009, 6:37 am

This is all my opinion, but I think that it is human nature to spread lies and rumors to make others scared. Look at Y2K, the LHC getting the planet engulfed in a black hole, and even the Conficker worm that was supposed to update itself on April 1st. None of this happened (For the most part, whatever did happened was way less than what everyone thought), yet so many people got scared and believed it all.

People today are so gullible. They believe whatever is said to them.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Markster » September 26th, 2010, 1:43 am

The world is NOT going to end in 2012.
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Re: The 2012 Discussion Topic

Postby Simion32 » September 26th, 2010, 3:30 am

Well I'm all too sure the world isn't going to end, but your one-year BUMP is going to 'end' this thread.


P.S. I can unlock this if anyone wants to post something WORTHWHILE, but you'll have to PM me about it first.
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