Anyway, before I start freaking out, let me take you back about two months ago....
The last day of school, it's the morning, and I'm about to take my English final. I'm sitting around, just waiting for my test, thinking about going home and watching E3. I'm mostly concerned about the 3DS and Zelda Wii (Now named Skyward Sword). So, what does all this have to do with DKCR? At school, we do one week full of academics, and one full week of shop. My shop is Internet, and everyone in it (including me) are basically huge nerds with no life. A girl in my English class, and my shop turns to me, and said that Nintendo had announced DKC4. For the next 5 or so minutes, I'm sitting with my eyes wide open, not taking my test, and daydreaming about DKC4. I finally snapped out of it, and finished my test. I later went home and learned it's name, Donkey Kong Country Returns. Current mood: freaking excited.
Fastforward to the present....
I've begun to learn that this was too good to be true. Each day that passes I've been learning this games dirty little secrets. Now it's time for me to start my complaining.... I understand that there aren't many games that are still truly 2D, and normally I wouldn't mind 2.5D, if I hadn't seen something in the games trailer. New Super Mario Bros., and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, perfectly transitioned the old Mario 2D platformers into 2.5D, however I seriously have my doubts about DKCR being able to do this. I'm too lazy to find a video, partially because I'm naturally fat and lazy, and it's 5:24 AM and I never went to bed. Somewhere in the trailer, I saw something shocking, Donkey Kong shot himself into the background. I feel like if your not just going up and down, and side to side, than it doesn't feel at all like a platformer. Because of this, DKCR is not only going up and down and side to side, but forward and backward. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like how it looks.
Whew, all that for just one detail....
Next, no water levels! I guess they were removed because Retro thought they were "too slow," or something like that. Personally, I love water levels. Some of my favorite levels in the DKC Trilogy were DKC 2's water levels. Maybe it's just the excellent music, mazes, gimmicks, hidden walls, and riding Enguarde (Who I'm seriously going to miss, goodbye my favorite animal buddy!). I feel something will be missing without these, no more rivers on the map, no more lakes on the map, no more oceans on the map, and no more sunken pirate ships on the map. That leaves snow, caves, jungle, factory, desert (okay, maybe there is still a lot of options, but a lot are missing). So, no more holding on to the ropes to avoid the enemies below in the water, I guess it was too difficult for the little kiddies, and Nintendo NEEDED to dumb it down for them.
If you can't tell, I love water.
Another complaint, animal buddies. They haven't been announced yet, but with the absence of Kremlings (one of my next complaint), I'm beginning to doubt the return of animal buddies, or at least animal buddies from the original trilogy. If there were all new enemies, and all new animal buddies, I'm beginning to wonder, DK:JB 2? Under the name of a Donkey Kong Country? I don't want that to happen. Extended family also hasn't been announced, but I would hate to see Cranky and Funky (the only two I remember in all games) trashed, they have been there from the beginning, Cranky providing hints and (some) comic relief. And Funky, coming up with new ways to let you travel around the world map.
General Gameplay up next!
There appears to be some new HP system. So the little kids the series is being dumbed down for (I just loooove using this excuse for the things I hate about today's gaming

Finally, no Kremlings. This also means, no K. Rool. No epic DK uppercut, no king, no captain, no mad scientist, and no odd golden chest. The Kremlings have been in the DKC games from the beginning, getting redesigns, new concepts, and all around ways to make them fresh and new in each game, while keeping essentially the same enemies in each game.
In the end, I probably still will buy DKCR, but no guarantees I will even like it. I made "DKC Trilogy" in bold in an earlier comment for a reason, this game will certainly not feel like a DKC, at least to me it won't, and I would prefer not to call it the DKC Quad- Four- Quadrol- whatever the word for a series of four is.... Rare, if you're out there listening, please come back to Nintendo, the place where you belong. DKC will never feel the same without you!
Edit: I must really be mad, I started thinking about what to say at 5:00, and now it's 5:59, I typed out pure anger for a whole hour. Damn. My post is huge!