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Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

April 20th, 2016, 4:18 pm
by Quaraage
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

April 20th, 2016, 7:32 pm
by Jeffrey_Bones
This is exciting. I look forward to the sprite editor option!
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

April 21st, 2016, 1:13 am
by Eliko
Ah nice big thanks for your hard work quaraage, can't wait to see it in the next week, especially the next version in may
It seems that your screenshots doesn't work can you fix it?
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

April 21st, 2016, 5:53 am
by VideoViking
Will the SGM2 allow for importing PNG files to a level, like how DKCRE does it?
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

April 21st, 2016, 6:46 am
by Quaraage
Currently, SGM2 does not have plans to supporting media file or image file.
SGM2 loads all GFX resources (Sprite GFX and Tilechip GFX) from ROM Image and SNES GFX data are far different from general image file like BMP, JPG, PNG, etc...
So it is so difficult to completely compatible importing GFX data from image file.
In addition, it'll take so much coding cost and may cause big amount of bugs but will not improve so much convenience.
For these reasons, SGM2 will not support image file.
SNES GFX data don't have any color data. SNES needs GFX data and color palette data to create image data.
SNES GFX data only have index of color of each pixel, and can use 16 colors.
But general image file, like BMP etc... have color data.
SNES only can use RGB555 color, but general image can use RGB888 or RGBA8888.
These difference make it hard to import image file.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

April 21st, 2016, 8:53 am
by OneOf99
I can't wait for this! However, I am a skeptical person, so allow me to inquire about a few things before I believe this to be real... jk I just want to know a few things.
1. Why have you waited so long to showcase this? Only one week before the release?
2. I assume that like all other DKC editors you cannot edit the number of enemies per level, but meh, let me ask. Can you edit the number of enemies per level?
3. What is the "charge editor"? Just want to ask.
4. How expansive is the world map editor? (aka. 'can we edit number of paths' or 'amounts of levels per screen')
Anyways, I can't wait for the release!
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

April 21st, 2016, 9:58 am
by Quaraage
1.All of coding and ROM analysis has been done by only one person (me), so development period is unpredictable. This is main reason.
2.Yes. However, if you increase the number of sprites, please specify a different address before saving. Not limited to the sprite, this editor does not provide size check in order to allow flexible data editing. Therefore, you need to be careful to data size. If the data is larger than the original, when you save without changing its address, subsequent data will be corrupted.
3.Hint/Quiz/Fright charge editor. (Edit how many coins need to use hint/quiz/fright)
4.Number of path is expandable. (Need to edit rominfo.ini. rominfo.ini is configuration file for loading ROM data.)
Number of levels contained each world is not expandable with this tool. But if you have skill to hex editing, it may be possible.
I'm considering to provide size check and world map expansion. They may be added to June Beta Test. If possible, I'll add size check to May Beta Test.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

September 21st, 2016, 3:25 am
by Quaraage
SGM2 September beta test was released!Main UpdatesAdd in-game resource management function (For more info, see top of this board.)
Add SPC700 disassembler
Fix some issues
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

September 21st, 2016, 9:31 am
by OneOf99
What version of the rom does this require? I tested with (USA) (En,Fr) and it did not work. Do I need (J)?
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

September 21st, 2016, 10:40 am
by Quaraage
SGM2 supports NTSC-J/U/PAL-E ver1.0
SGM2 initial setting is for NTSC-J.
Before loading ROM, press Alt+U for NTSC-U or Alt+E for PAL-E.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

September 21st, 2016, 12:12 pm
by OneOf99
Ok, thanks!
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

September 30th, 2016, 12:50 pm
by Cyclone
This is unusable I can't read anything. English translation?
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

September 30th, 2016, 5:29 pm
by Quaraage
If SGM2 UI isn't translated automatically, you need set UI language manually.
Here is.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 1st, 2016, 9:23 am
by Cyclone
I checked the boxes for english and restarted the program but it didn't work.
Help apreciated looks really prommising.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 2nd, 2016, 12:42 pm
by Cyclone
I am eager to try your program out but I cant get it it set to English.
Please respond.
Thank you!
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 4th, 2016, 10:39 pm
by Jungle
This looks amazing! I might have to play around with it unless it isn't in English yet.
If it isn't I guess I'll just have to wait

(starting to LOVE the community and all the projects going around, might start something of my own)
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 5th, 2016, 8:47 pm
by Raccoon Sam
Wow. This has insane potential!
Haven't tried it yet, but especially the Sprite Editor looks amazing. Is there any chance for automatic tile parsing for sprites? Like, you could import a sprite and it would auto-calculate the optimal tile size and tile count and re-arrange them to take as little space as possible in VRAM?
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 12th, 2016, 11:59 am
by gdmc
this editer is cool
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 19th, 2016, 1:04 pm
by Cyclone
please get the english translation working, I really want to to use it.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 21st, 2016, 8:18 am
by OneOf99
Cyclone wrote:please get the english translation working, I really want to to use it.
Yea, same...
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 2nd, 2016, 12:49 pm
by Marcolate
Shows this error when i try to install it:'s written there?
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 3rd, 2016, 10:25 am
by Cosmicman
It does not translate to english when I choose the option. I really want to try this, specially the sprite editor.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 25th, 2016, 12:12 am
by riki2321gamer
Guys, you have to run the program in administrator mode to change the options and make them save, I did this and changed to english and it worked perfectly

Try that.
Edit : Found way to export tilesets and i made a simple test level
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 25th, 2016, 2:28 am
by Quaraage
riki2321gamer wrote:Guys, you have to run the program in administrator mode to change the options and make them save, I did this and changed to english and it worked perfectly
Ah... I'll fix this issue for next release. Thank you!
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 26th, 2016, 4:51 am
by riki2321gamer
Also I have suggestions for program and some bug reports
-Make it so when you save the level the ISD is saved before the level saves, because everytime i edit, I have to go into isd mode and then save. (I'm not sure if i am doing it wrong)
-Free Ram finder (Empty RAM finder) So we could place more stuff by finding empty spots on the ROM

-Import BRR samples (not using wavs, but using actual BRR files that can be made with SNESBRR)
-Automatically find ROM region
-Add CTRL+Z to revert a movement like moving a sprite.
-Add more images for sprites! I don't like staring at red letters with numbers.
-When the level tilemap is changed, you get a unhandled exception and it says that you have to close the program.
-Opening the text editor from menu or CTRL+T causes a unhandled exception.
Great program, by the way, This has a lot of potential!

Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 26th, 2016, 6:03 am
by Quaraage
1,2,3 → I'll try them.
4 → Sometimes, region code in ROM is tampered. So SGM2 cannot use it to judge its "real" region.
5 → Undo/Redo will be implemented in the next major update.
6 → I'd like to make them such, but some sprites don't use any images or common animation, so it is hard.
Cannon barrels don't use common animation, but fortunately, I found their animation data in their ASM code. In the next major update, cannon barrels will be shown with their images.
Bug report
OK. I'll fix them next major update
In addition, I confirmed in some functions, SGM2 writes invalid address/ pointer in case that data is stored in bank $00-$3F. It is FATAL issue, so I'll publish minor update that has been fixed this issue in Jan, 2017. (Cases that data is stored in bank $40-$5F, SGM2 writes correct address/ pointer)
Thank you for your cooperation.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 26th, 2016, 2:06 pm
by VideoViking
What method/script will you be using to implement Undo/Redo? That is one of the most difficult features to program, as far as I know.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 27th, 2016, 1:09 am
by OneOf99
Quaraage wrote:\6 → I'd like to make them such, but some sprites don't use any images or common animation, so it is hard.
Cannon barrels don't use common animation, but fortunately, I found their animation data in their ASM code. In the next major update, cannon barrels will be shown with their images.
If you would like, I can make some "animations" for animations. Just tell me what ya need

Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

December 29th, 2016, 2:13 am
by riki2321gamer
Ah, can you also include the "Mapchips" for DKC 2 next update?, Couldn't find them anywhere.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

January 11th, 2017, 3:06 pm
by Quaraage
SGM2 January beta test was released!
This is a minor update.
Main Updates
Fix invalid address writing issue. (This is a fatal issue, so I recommend you to update SGM2.)
Fix the issue that user setting aren't applied without administrator mode.
Some sprites including cannon barrels are shown with their images.
Add mapchip bitmap exporting.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

June 28th, 2017, 3:43 pm
by Quaraage
About delay in development <apologies> 2017/6/28
Currently, I am developing RC version.
For more details, see
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

February 13th, 2018, 3:27 pm
by riki2321gamer
why isn't level ISD working? It just crashes the tool.
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

February 14th, 2018, 7:27 pm
by Quaraage
SGM2 Jan Beta Test Hotfix (SGM2 Ver0.7.2) is now available.
For more details, show the top post or
Re: Super Gorilla Maker 2 (New DKC2 hacking tool)

October 23rd, 2019, 4:58 am
by rainbowsprinklez
I was playing with palettes, and I noticed something interesting. DKC2 (much like DKC1) uses an entirely new palette for when you blink with invincibility. Those palettes are $6556 for Diddy and $6646 for Dixie. On the 'Sprite palette editor' tab of your program, this is inaccessible. I ran into the problem that if I edit kong color, they flash back to normal on invincibility. Can you please add support for these 2? A minor gripe, as these can still be edited.