
Share and discuss all facets of DKC ROM hacking...


Postby rainbowsprinklez » October 14th, 2022, 6:59 am

I'm working on an editor for DKC. I've been working on this editor for a while. I've been working with my bud Sch1ey to work out all the kinks. So it will be a short time longer. I am thinking I will release it side-by-side with his DKC1 hack. He has exclusively used my editor. There are really some crazy things in it, but I won't spoil you all :)

In the meantime, I'd like to share a brief clip I made this morning that shows off a bit of the capability of this editor.
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Re: Eventually

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 14th, 2022, 7:36 am

Well that's exciting! Good luck! :parry:
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Re: Eventually

Postby Cyclone » October 14th, 2022, 12:15 pm

Wow that's cool.. how you changed K.Rool's motion.
Keep it up. Looking forward to the finished version.
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Re: Eventually

Postby Super Luigi! » October 14th, 2022, 1:32 pm

I also like this. Keep up the great work and take your time.
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