mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby ShakilKhokhar » May 19th, 2014, 10:27 am

hey mentholcase. amazing hack, definitely kept me on my toes. good work. just one thing, i cant figure out how to get the kremcoins. can you please help me? ive tried and tried i cant figure it out!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » May 19th, 2014, 3:09 pm

As he already stated, ShakilKhokhar, there aren't any Kremcoins, except at the end of boss battles, so you'll have to do his Kremcoin trick. Welcome to the forums, by the way. I hope you actually plan to participate in other discussions!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby ShakilKhokhar » May 20th, 2014, 6:10 am

thanks for welcoming me. sorry i forgot to clarify i meant the kremcoin trick. i am aware that you can only get them at the end of boss battles but im having a very hard time figuring out how to do that hack. i know how to make them appear, i know about going left in the beginning, only up until that diddy barrel that i cant get inside. please help me im really looking forward to playing the lost levels
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » May 20th, 2014, 2:17 pm

I know how you feel. Trust me, I was in your position once. My advice: Watch mentholcase's movements carefully and see where he's going at the end.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby congaski24 » August 16th, 2014, 12:01 pm

i can't open the file every time i do i says bad rom :scratch:
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Qyzbud » August 16th, 2014, 12:14 pm

In case you hadn't noticed this part of the original post:

mentholcase wrote:This project was made with the (U)(V1.0) version of DKC2

So firstly, make sure you're using that version, and that it's a verified "good rip".

Also, congaski24 and ShakilKhokhar, please make an effort to use capital letters and punctuation where applicable when posting here; it helps keep things looking respectable, and people will be more likely to want to help you if you show that you care about what you're writing. :)
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby bdrum » October 9th, 2015, 6:32 am

Sorry I have been away from this site for so long; I've been real busy. As a matter of fact I'm still quite busy, but here's a little something as a thank you to everyone who has downloaded, played, enjoyed, and/or left feedback for my little project:

A video showing the first half of the process to get all 75 Kremkoins in my hack.

I find the 75 kremkoins in your hack. But, I coudn't find some dk's in a few stages. :/ :shakehead:
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Jinx » December 9th, 2016, 3:27 am

Thank you, mentholcase, for creating this hack. While "kaizo" style isn't exactly my favorite, this hack is very possible (albeit using many save states).

I am having difficulty locating the DK Coin in Gusty Glade.

I read the hints, but at this point I have bounced off the barrel and thrown Diddy Kong up at seemingly every possible point near the end of the level. I have obtained the single banana above the bees/goal at the end, but there does not appear to be a DK coin near it. Is there anything I'm missing or is it simply a matter of searching the skies?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » June 24th, 2017, 7:44 am

Five years later...

So I'm thinking about redoing some parts of this hack... Mainly, instead of needing both Kongs to finish a level, you may take a hit and still finish, but you must have both Kongs to get an item (such as a DK Coin) from the End of Level Target. Certain levels, such as Hornet Hole, Krockhead Klamber, and Arctic Abyss, would still require a sacrifice at the start, since having both Kongs (or a certain Kong) makes those levels so much easier. Also, I'd like to get rid of the Screech's Sprint camera craziness.

Just a little update.

Oh, and question for anyone wishing to answer: Which level was the last level you found the DK Coin in? That is, which one was the hardest for you to finally discover? Alternatively, you could list the levels with hidden DK Coins by rank of easiest to hardest to find.

Thank you kindly.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby wladyalx » February 11th, 2018, 1:04 pm

Great hack!!! It's hard in its difficulty and the puzzles to find the DK Coins. I'm almost done with my normal run, but I can't make it to the 75 kremcoins :( Mentholcase, help :(
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby lukefsje » July 9th, 2020, 2:36 pm

I know it's been 8 years, but I just wanna say this is still one of my favorite Rom hacks, and I would love to see you make a similar hack of DKC1 or DKC3
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Jinx » May 8th, 2022, 4:07 am

I know it's been a while, but are you still considering making adjustments, mentholcase? I think your suggestions above would be great. Do let us know if you ever go back to it!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » September 6th, 2022, 8:01 am

Jinx wrote:I know it's been a while, but are you still considering making adjustments, mentholcase? I think your suggestions above would be great. Do let us know if you ever go back to it!

Another five yrs after my last "five yrs later" post.. :lol: (life be funny like that)

I've done another major revision! Including all the things I spoke of on my last post. You don't need both Kongs for most levels (definitely do in all the K. Rook Keep & Lost World stages), and a fair amount of improvements to most stages. For example, major map editing has been done to what was originally Gangplank Galley so those fall deaths make a lot more sense now :lol:

Uploading the latest revision now! :D
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » September 6th, 2022, 8:12 am

wladyalx wrote:Great hack!!! It's hard in its difficulty and the puzzles to find the DK Coins. I'm almost done with my normal run, but I can't make it to the 75 kremcoins :( Mentholcase, help :(

If you still need help, I sent you a PM.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » September 6th, 2022, 9:02 pm

...aaand I discovered a new bug in v3.. Game freezes after beating Kleever. Working on it now.

EDIT: Fixed
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » September 18th, 2022, 3:18 am

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