DKC Mania

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DKC Mania

Postby rainbowsprinklez » August 9th, 2020, 8:41 pm

Hey Atlas I got a hack that Hankhill89 and I wanted to share on here
it's called DKC mania it remixes old and new much like the game that inspired it Sonic Mania. I looked into some of the levels from DK's handheld past for some inspriation as well. I (Hankhill89) tried making the game as balanced as could so players old and new alike can enjoy it I mainly looked to DKC 2 for difficulty balance some colors and music
in some levels have been swapped too and some level archtypes now have more then one color scheme.
I (Hankhill89) hope you will download at RHDN and enjoy -
I (Hankhill89) also have a beta of Mania 2 if anyone wants to test it out warning though complete save file is needed due to some broken levels. ... nYbMVx_9Co
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Re: DKC Mania

Postby L_Sky » August 11th, 2020, 7:03 pm

Congrats on your work, that's amazing!
How did you manage to edit water and ice levels? I still am waiting for an editor to help me finishing these levels on Kremlings Revenge Remodel...

Will Dkc Mania 2 be for Dkc 2?
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Re: DKC Mania

Postby rainbowsprinklez » August 15th, 2020, 1:57 am

L_Sky wrote:Congrats on your work, that's amazing!
How did you manage to edit water and ice levels? I still am waiting for an editor to help me finishing these levels on Kremlings Revenge Remodel...

Will Dkc Mania 2 be for Dkc 2?

Yes, Mania 2 will be for dkc2. I have played a bit of it and love it so far. What are you talking about, exactly? As far as colors, I have released tools for that. Editing object maps is a bit more complicated but not impossible. Your situation though might be a bit more complex. Might. You see, editing with the base game as a start is fairly straightforward. You are editing Kremling's Revenge, and we don't yet know exactly what Preposterify did. Editing camera, terrain, etc. is not something I have looked into yet
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Re: DKC Mania

Postby L_Sky » August 19th, 2020, 7:56 am

Ok. In fact, I already edited Kremlings Revenge Remodel levels with Dkc Ressource Editor which does not allow editing tiles, enemies positions and objects in water and ice levels. That is what I would like to do without DKCRE but I do not know how to proceed...
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Re: DKC Mania

Postby L_Sky » August 19th, 2020, 8:12 am

The fact is that I would like to finish editing water and ice levels of Kremlings Revenge Remodel, because it currently is like "unfinished"... Can I draw tiles of the level with platinum and then insert it in the game? How can I proceed for editing cameras, objects and enemies without an editor as DKCRE?
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Re: DKC Mania

Postby rainbowsprinklez » October 19th, 2020, 7:19 am

The short answer is idk what black magic Preposterify used. Ever notice how bad (laggy) 4-4 is? Also, 4-2. You can hear a dk barrel or a bee depending on how many kongs you start with. I haven't used platinum before, so idk about that. Unless you can get in touch with Preposterify to reverse those levels, I fear it is impossible to change (at least, as far as I can tell)
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