Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

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Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby L_Sky » August 17th, 2017, 8:07 am

Hello guys,

I’m pleased to show you Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel, which is a reboot from the original hack from Preposterify (if you read me, thank you for this gorgeous game !) out in 2012. As I wasn’t able to speak with him (no one knows how to contact him), I decided to work on his wonderful hack with DKC Resource Editor (thank you Simion32 !!!), and I modified quite a lot of stuff in it to make it even better for me :

- New graphics on almost every level (and it was the most difficult and time-consuming stuff),
- New design levels for some levels (Stop and go station for example). Water and ice levels are still really short because of the limits of DKC editors,
- Letter KONG now available in every level (except for water and ice levels…),
- New bonuses in almost every level (there are now the same number of bonuses as in the original DKC game, except for water and ice levels…),
- New difficulty game average : the difficulty of the entire game is now quite the same as in the original DKC game (last world is no more kaizo !!!),

Hope you will enjoy it, and I will be pleased to read your comments. Don’t hesitate to signal glitches I wouldn't have seen, in order to correct them if I can.

Ps : updated IPS file, corrected some glitches.

Link :
Screen pictures DKC KRR.png
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Screen pictures DKC KRR.png (230.9 KiB) Viewed 50114 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby VideoViking » August 18th, 2017, 4:38 am

I'll give this one a look-see. Haven't looked at any DKCRE work in a long time.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby OneOf99 » August 18th, 2017, 7:50 am

I beat the first world, and I plan on continuing this... but some of the enemy placements are just mean lol
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby rainbowsprinklez » September 25th, 2017, 11:35 am

I made a TAS of the original so I consider myself well versed in his work . I saw your work and applaud you on some of your changes. Currently I am working on my own hack. However, I am not using DKCRE or any editor. I am working all old-school ;) DKCRE has some limits that I can get by in hex. Most notably, adding objects to bosses. However, the game DOES have limited objects. In the past, I found myself with spare objects in a level. I take those and add them to bosses. A simple thing, and one of the advantages to hex editing. However, no disrespect to DKCRE! It really is an amazing program and actually got me started in hex editing! Changed my very first object in hex thanks to DKCRE!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby L_Sky » April 5th, 2018, 4:49 am

Hello guys,

No more feedback on my rom hack ?? :scratch:
Would be great to know if you guys enjoyed my work !!

A lot of people ask me for making ice and water levels, but DKCRE has its limits concerning those ones. Anyone has any idea for helping me incorporating ice and water hack levels ? It would be indeed really nice ! I know DKEdit as an other DKC editor, but apparently this one also has problems with hacking ice and water levels. Anyone has a solution for me ??

Thanks, :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby VideoViking » April 5th, 2018, 8:54 am

As of now, there is no true way to edit any of the water levels or Slip Slide Ride without damaging the data. There is a special script which handles the level type and supposedly hard-coded camera boundaries. There were a couple users here who were researching vertical levels, yet there's been no word. It would be easy to research another game that uses vertical levels like Super Mario World to figure out how it's done, but the manner in how it's implemented varies from game to game. DKC2 and DKC3 use vertical levels more often, but I have no idea on its "data dump status."
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby rainbowsprinklez » April 7th, 2018, 11:30 am

I know how to move objects manually, but terrain/cameras/bananas/entrances eludes me. to be honest, object maps are very easy. Prolly why I know them :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby remek-dk » April 16th, 2018, 5:59 pm

Overall very good hack! You might need to make some adjustments on some of the tracks. plans for any new project?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby L_Sky » April 26th, 2018, 7:03 pm

Thank you remek-dk !

yes I plan on doing a DKC3 rom hack !!! It is a full rom hack, with entire new levels, enemy and objects placements. The game should be available this year if everything goes well. DKC Kremlings Revenge Remodel was some kind of training for me, in order to learn basics of rom hacking, as DKC3 rom hacking is far away more difficult than DKC with DKC Ressource Editor...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby remek-dk » April 26th, 2018, 7:47 pm

ok very interesting! i do not know any really good room hack of dkc3 that has a difficulty level that is playable for most of us! The only good rooms hacks that I know are dkc Kremlin's revenge and dkc2 lost levels they two are really good! Everyone else according to me is too difficult and not balanced at all. continue your good work!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Kremling's Revenge Remodel

Postby rainbowsprinklez » May 5th, 2018, 2:53 am

There is a few more dkc 1 hacks, but they are full kaizo lol. Guess you will have to wait on mine :)
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