How to dump videos with Kega Fusion 3.6 or 3.64?

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How to dump videos with Kega Fusion 3.6 or 3.64?

Postby CrankyMan » September 5th, 2010, 11:03 pm

I know there is a button which says: Log AVI file, but when I open an AVI file from Fusion in KMPlayer, it says something about missing codecs. The music from video plays correct. Can you help me?
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Re: How to dump videos with Kega Fusion 3.6 or 3.64?

Postby Kingizor » September 5th, 2010, 11:16 pm

In the Kega Fusion folder, there should be another folder called "Video Codec". Select the two files inside, right-click, and select install. This will install the codec, allowing you to playback the videos.

Oh, and certain media players that use their own codecs (such as the KMPlayer ) may not use the codec, therefore may not play the video. It should work on Windows Media Player, though.
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