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What if you created DKC characters?

September 3rd, 2013, 10:08 am
by Phyreburnz
I'm sure that just about everybody has thought about this... a character idea that you thought would be just too cool to have in the DKC games.

What would they look like? What attributes would they exhibit? Are they good or evil? Kong, Kremling, animal buddy, or baddy?
I figured this would be better for fanworks, since some people may have backstories and stuff.
So what characters have you come up with? Here are mine:
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

September 3rd, 2013, 11:17 am
by Kimi Kong
Sadly, besides my children i made for the Kongs, I've never really thought of a character that could have actually been in the games. Well, not officially. I actually had a roster of kongs created about 10 years ago but i dont remember any of there names or what i had planned for them, except that they were assists in a DKC game i wanted to make.
But you're idea is really good. I like the way you described Honey and she would have made an excellent addition into the Kong family.
And you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned that there were not enough female Kongs in the Kong family. Nintendo really needs to work on that. XD
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

December 16th, 2013, 4:22 am
by Dixie Diddy
Yea Nintendo really thought that Rare should go one IN the series With Only 4 girls (Dixie Kong,Wrinkly Kong,Tiny Kong, And Candy Kong) Come one Nintendo unless some can explain why there is only three female Kongs I think I should Write a letter to Nintendo

Re: What if you created DKC characters?

December 16th, 2013, 5:36 am
by Kimi Kong
We should. I mean, they origianlly had only 3 female Kongs and then added Tiny but at the same time added two more males. They need a better ratio here. It doesnt make it fair. If anything, it makes it sexist. I love all the males but at the same time there are a very uneven number of them and females.
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

December 16th, 2013, 9:14 am
by Dixie Diddy
I agree Kimi I think they do need a better ratio
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

December 16th, 2013, 9:35 am
by Kimi Kong
I actually thought about bringing my former idea back and working on it, but the main part of it is trying to remember who all i made. I made a whole bunch of female Kongs but i don't remember any of their names.
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

February 2nd, 2015, 6:17 am
by Chunky Kong
Bumpidy Bump I would add MANLY KONG (cue explosion) He has muscles bigger than his head and has the ability to shoot lasers out of his chest. He's the reason K.Rool didn't appear in Donkey Kong Country Returns or Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. He knows what happened to Kiddy and K.Lumsy. His weakness? Post Microsoft buyout Rare games. In other words, he's pretty much Mary Sue Kong.
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

February 2nd, 2015, 8:03 pm
by Kimi Kong
Okay, i know that this was a crack post, but i laughed harder than i needed to at this!

Re: What if you created DKC characters?

December 12th, 2015, 2:48 pm
by Cranky Kong
Chubby Kong! (She's gonna get a starring role with Dixie in a fan fiction I'm writing.) She's kinda chubby, as you could imagine her being, and she isn't the most experienced Kong out there. She isn't very fast either, but she is very strong. She has very downward- facing, poofy hair, and she wears a blue cap. She is Dixie Kong's big sister.
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

December 12th, 2015, 3:44 pm
by OneOf99
Kimi and Dixie Diddy, I believe that I'll have to disagree. I do not believe that the ratio of males to females (kongs) in DKC is sexist. It was most likely chance, and besides, there are other games that have female protagonists. Take legend of zelda, for example. You got midna, fi, zorlda, ruto (i think that's how you spell it?), and I assume navi. Or you could look at metroid, where the main (and practically only) protagonist is female. And no, other m doesn't count. But anyway, sure there are more male kongs than female kongs, but think about the time nintendo has had to expand on the dkc universe- only 6 games (DKC 1-3, DK64, and DKCR and DKCTF).
Re: What if you created DKC characters?

April 3rd, 2016, 9:55 pm
by Cinder
I have some ideas about Kremlings and bosses.
Krusader - a powerful Kremling knight, armored version of Kutlass.
Katcher - an enemy who can catch your barrel and throw it back at you.
Kween K. Rooella - King K. Rool's possible wife and a pre-final boss. Why not?
Don K. Roolleone - a Kremling mafia boss.
Khan K. Rool - a Mongolian-style warchief of the Krem Horde.
Kommander K. Rool - the Kremling Kosmos Fleet leader if there was a DK game in space.