DKC2 comic (German Club Nintendo) scanlation

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DKC2 comic (German Club Nintendo) scanlation

Postby Milo » January 4th, 2013, 1:38 pm

Hello DKC Atlas! I bring to you a freshly-translated comic all the way from 1995. The German magazine Club Nintendo made these comics to promote games (they were the Nintendo Power of Germany), and now we have the chance to read them in the Queen's English! I say so because I used a few Britishisms when editing this.

Major credit to Caramelman from the DKVine forums for translating all the actual words and phrases. I mostly did the rest.

This took me a while, so please enjoy it! Oh yeah, the link. My post on Tumblr has more explanation and download/viewing links. Please let me know what you think of it in this thread! Thanks!
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Re: DKC2 comic (German Club Nintendo) scanlation

Postby Qyzbud » January 4th, 2013, 3:37 pm

Great stuff, Milo — thanks for sharing! :)

Have you seen this topic: DKC Comic Strips! (from Club Nintendo magazine, Germany)?

With that selection of originals and translations, your previous DKC2 4koma gag manga contribution, and now this one... we English/Deutsch DKC fans have a lot of comics to enjoy. :D
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Re: DKC2 comic (German Club Nintendo) scanlation

Postby Ribbedebie » January 5th, 2013, 12:01 am

Oh, it's so awesome to read this one. :D Awesome work, all of you!~ The translation is really good as well, even though I can read German just fine it's easier reading it in English.

I really like the art style, any information on the artist?
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Re: DKC2 comic (German Club Nintendo) scanlation

Postby EvangeliKong » January 5th, 2013, 1:39 am

Man, thanks for these!

Also I like how Dixie calls Zinger "mother buzzer"
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Re: DKC2 comic (German Club Nintendo) scanlation

Postby Milo » January 5th, 2013, 2:34 pm

Thanks for the kind words, everyone.

Qyzbud: I surely have seen those, that's what inspired me in the first place- this was the last comic that hadn't been Anglified from the German. It's too bad we never got any DK comics in Nintendo Power- the only English one we have was that bad 2-page Disney Adventures one. :facepalm:

Ribbedebie: Thanks for the kind words, although lol at being able to read it anyway. As for the artist, Caramelman mentioned to me that the Club comics were farmed out to Japanese mangaka for the art and the scripts were done locally. As for who exactly it is, I couldn't say as any scans I have are comics only, not full magazines with the credits pages. Maybe we can compare the art with the comics found in Nintendo Power, I think they employed a similar process so they may have used the same artists.

EnvangeliKong: You're welcome! That line was all Caramelman, but looking at it now it seems to use the German words for buzzing and a modified form of the F-word, so it's not too far off literal! I also love the line for the CBFD reference! :swanky:
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