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DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project PHASE ONE COMPLETE

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 10:37 am
by Cyclone
Any Constructive Comments Requested

Hey All,

Well it is about time I started this project... 3 years overdue. My skills are out of date too, since it's been awhile since I modeled/animated anything. I will be creating various characters, items and level objects. This will be an ongoing project influenced by patience. ;)

Completion Status and Checklist
Second Pass

0:00 Plain "It was a dark and stormy night..." text could be more like as seen here Looking for font type.
0:10 Redo this shot. Especially the hill the House sits on.
1:00 Diddy should get freaked out after talking instead of during.
1:20 Improve Krusha?
2:10 A little bounce/jostle in the tyre's movement might look good
2:25 Add tongue inside DK's mouth
3:08 2:25 Add tongue inside DK's mouth

Wake-up scene

  • 1:10 DK's right foot and leg (on the left, from our view) look distorted, banana clips through his left leg. ← NEW
  • 1:12 Clipping between Cranky's fur and right eyebrow (his right, our left).
  • 1:14 (and elsewhere) Tread of tyre is see-through. ← NEW
  • 1:15 DK's pupils flicker, tie is partially black, Cranky (and lighting in general) is of draft quality.
  • 1:16 DK seems to get his guard up a little too early (his reaction time ought to be a bit slower — half a second, maybe?). ← NEW
  • 1:17 Bounding boxes of scene objects are visible, tyre moves on its own, etc...

Added since first posted:

Dialogue speed: I might just be a slow reader, but it seems as though all of the dialogue text is a bit hard to read through in the time we're given — even just having one more second per line would help a lot, I think.

Outside treehouse

  • 1:36 DK's rolling pose still looks goofy as anything.
  • 1:37 DK's jumping pose looks deformed around the shoulders, and the skin of his ankles clip through the fur.
  • 1:38 That dust cloud when DK lands is a bit excessive, completely dominating the view; I think it ought to be much smaller and more subtle — a "nice little touch" rather than an overwhelming spectacle.
  • 1:40 The dust particles fall like clumps of dirt, and are sized in such a way, too; perhaps a few small clumps could be part of the effect, but I would think it ought to be mainly just a small cloud of fine dust. What you have here would certainly require that a crater/deformed ground be part of the scene, but I personally don't think that a massive cloud like this is the way to go.
  • 1:41 A gentle breeze in the trees would look good here.
  • 1:48 The tree trunks are moving in a rather unnatural manner. :?

Empty banana cave

  • 1:49 As has been mentioned, the cone of light coming in should be straight (perhaps continuing at its initial angle, towards the upper-left corner) rather than curved. It'd also look good for the light to fade a little at the top edge. Come to think of it, I might again just be rephrasing what sono said earlier...
  • 1:50 Not only does the snake (a Slippa, surely?) move to fast, but it appears to be hovering a foot or so above the ground, and its shadow is being cast on the wrong side (assuming the cave entrance is supposed to be the dominant light source). The snake also needs textures (it it's supposed to look like a normal Slippa), and a slither
    Remove this portion of the shot.
  • 1:52 DK's back legs move/are posed really weirdly.
  • 2:00 etc. As awesome as it looks, that confetti-dust is certainly a bit out of place; smaller, plain-shaped, monochromatic particles would be my suggestion.

sonosublime wrote:Looking very nice, my friend!

I have some suggestions for improvement/some issues I noticed:
1. "It was a dark and stormy night..." should fade in.
2. Do not add scene changes (fade in/outs, dissolves, etc), unless the script specifically states so.
3. Take away the second shot of zooming in toward DK sleeping.
4. Make the shots in the treehouse last a little longer. They change so fast, and it's a little jarring.
5. After you zoom toward DK's window, have another shot, showing the stormy jungle outside, and then zoom in toward the cave entrance/banana hoard, before starting the banana hoard scene.
6. Give Diddy eyes.
7. Add the shots with him pacing up and down and panicking to himself, before the Kremlings appear.
8. When the title appears, have the screen start out black, and then have the title fade in (over the black) and slowly move toward the screen. After a few seconds of this, then the clouds and Squawks can appear. This is to give the sequence a little more time for me to fit the music to it.
9. Have DK roll out of bed a bit faster.
10. Reduce the camera shaking and dust cloud when DK lands from his treehouse.
11. The snake moves too fast.
12. When Cranky walks, his arm holds the cane too high. Either reduce the length of the cane, or have Cranky hold onto it at a lower point.
13. DK should turn to face Cranky when he starts talking.
14. Keep the text size of the subtitles consistent. If you need more room, just go on to a second line.
15. Move the animation where DK starts looking angry to right before he says, "I don't know who did this, but whoever they are..." That way, there will be a slight pause in the dialogue to add more emphasis.
16. Every now and then, I notice spelling mistakes and missed letters and apostrophes in the subtitles.

A couple more things:
1. The animation might seem a little bland at the moment, but trust me, once all the music, sounds and dialogue is added in, it will look great.
2. I suggest going with this workflow for a scene:
Do the basic animation, including leaving time for dialogue, etc.
Once the scene is basically finished, go through and refine everything:
- Refine the camera movements. This will make a scene much more dynamic and interesting. Again, make sure you use the Rule of Thirds. Also, something I like to do for a longer shot is have the camera slowly pan to the side (but not by much). The scene itself does not really change, but adding this slight camera movement will make it much more interesting.
- Refine the animations. When someone is talking, every now and then, have them glance off to the side, gesture with their hands, blinking, make the characters look at each other, change facial expressions, etc. Think about idle things you do when you're talking to someone.

Once you've refined the scene, send it to me, and I can add the music and subtitles/dialogue.

DKC Atlas Gallery - See most of the models I created for the project so far.

DKC Atlas Facebook gallery of my more completed Characters and renders. Thanks Qyzbud.

DKC Box Art Title in 3D - Note I posted in another topic. Will post smaller version when I get the chance.


Cyclone's site is currently down. Previous location of the image above:

Downloadable versions of these clips:

Jungle Palms
Cyclone's site is currently down — previous images:

Butterfly from box art
Previous location:

Animation (tried to animate to match in-game):

(Download this clip) ← currently unavailable

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 11:06 am
by Qyzbud
Outstanding. I've been looking forward to seeing more of your 3D modeling expertise... and these first examples do not disappoint. :D

Gnawty is modeled and textured very well indeed. I'm loading the turntable animation at the moment; looks sweet so far! The jungle palm is looking promising (I always wanted to make a model of it myself), and the butterfly is brilliant — beautifully modeled and animated.

Keep up the excellent work! :D

The links have been fixed, so my comments about them (spoilered below) are unnecessary. :)
Just one thing - the walk cycle animation video file might need to be renamed so that the dot is after the bracket... and then the link will need to be updated, of course.
Edit: fixed!Edit: the butterfly animation link ( isn't working for me, either. :oops:
Edit: Fixed!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 11:22 am
by Cyclone
Thanks for your comments. Sorry for the typos... What did you think of the walk cycle. Just rigging and skinning it was hard. Had to relearn.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 11:23 am
by VideoViking
Caution: loading the following AVI files using Winamp will crash the program. It's already happened to me twice.

But, very nice stuff, Cyclone.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 11:29 am
by Qyzbud
The walk cycle just finished downloading... looks good!

I think everything about it is just about spot on, except for the leg/foot movement. I bet that's the hardest thing to get right, huh. :lol:

The biggest problem is that it doesn't look like his feet (heels) leave the ground, so it kind of looks like a 'forwards moonwalk' rather than proper walking... if you get what I mean. I think with a bit more lift of the feet/knees, and perhaps a more side-to-side rocking motion as he walks, the animation would look a lot more believable.

Stunning work so far, though!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 11:36 am
by djsubtronic
Those are awesome!

I agree with Qyzbud about the moonwalking though. Maybe you can make the model bob up and down slightly during the walk animation.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 11:41 am
by HellFire
Good job on the models, man! Gnawty is very close to the original :thumbs:
The animation need to be improved though. Gnawty's feet are strange as well as the way the butterfly flies, plus it lands on the leaf in a "flat" way.
Keep the good work!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animaton Project

PostPosted: November 6th, 2012, 12:46 pm
by Cosmicman
Awesome work so far! :nicework:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 8th, 2012, 5:36 am
by leo_core
I love this Jungle Hijinxs tree! You could post only the tree without the background?

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 8th, 2012, 1:24 pm
by Cyclone
Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

In the first render I tried to capture the same type of lighting, colours and atmosphere that is present in-game.

Jungle Hijynx Palm Tree
Previously embedded image locations: (broken until Cyclone's site goes back up)

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 8th, 2012, 1:49 pm
by Qyzbud
That's a great improvement!

The updated colours and lighting, and the added details in the model's geometry make it much truer to the DKC art style. :D

Love the progress — keep it up!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 9th, 2012, 4:52 am
by leo_core
Thanks! You could post the 3d model of your Gnawty?

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 10th, 2012, 10:09 am
by Cyclone
DK's House (In game Version)

The texturing will be redone from scratch and there is still a few details to add to the house.

Previous image:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 10th, 2012, 10:35 am
by Qyzbud
Wow, that is sweet. Can't wait to see it once you've refined the model and redone the textures. :)

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 12th, 2012, 12:21 pm
by Cyclone
Here is Slippa complete with slither animation.

Previous images:

Slippa Slithering

(Download this video)

(Download this video)

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 12th, 2012, 12:27 pm
by VideoViking
Not bad. Not bad at all.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 12th, 2012, 1:17 pm
by Qyzbud
Hey, great job! I can't fault this one; it's a simple model, but you've absolutely nailed it. With regard to the colours/texturing, though; a little antialiasing/smoothing of the red/white joins would be an improvement, but the model and animation are both superb.

On all of the various players I've tried, your videos have displayed with a somewhat pixelated horizontal line thing going on. Not sure how to explain it exactly... it's like it's interlaced poorly, or something. ← Hmm, that's a train-wreck of an explanation. :lol:

Here's a pic to illustrate:
3d-animation-pixelation.jpg (38.61 KiB) Viewed 549838 times

Do you see what I mean?

It looks a lot better if I reduce the video window size to about 50%, so maybe your encoder's doubling the size in a not-so-desirable way? Hopefully you can sort this out, because your animations look amazing, and certainly deserve to be viewed in full quality. :)

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 13th, 2012, 10:23 am
by Cyclone
Thanks for the critiques. My texturing skills need work. That video is weird. I don't have that problem on my end. I will try a different codec next time.

Here is a small update. Slowly piecing together elements of the jungle Hijinx environment.

Jungle Hijinx Fern Version 1
Previous image:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 13th, 2012, 12:28 pm
by Cosmicman
Slippa is more than perfect. Wow.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 13th, 2012, 2:51 pm
by Tonberry2000
Really enjoying this topic. Amazing work.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 15th, 2012, 5:29 am
by Cyclone
Not sure on this one. What do you think?

Jungle Hijinx Palm Version 2
Previous images:


Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 15th, 2012, 5:37 am
by Phyreburnz
I think version 1 looks much more like those in DKC.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 15th, 2012, 11:43 am
by Cyclone
Is this better? Before I was using colour reference from rareware renders. This update the colours again are more like in game.

Previous image:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 15th, 2012, 11:50 am
by Phyreburnz
Well, it looks like there are (at least) two different types of palm trees in the game. It looks like the two you have look like the ones in-game. I'd definitely keep both. They both look very good.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 15th, 2012, 12:20 pm
by Cyclone
Thanks. I'm still not sure about version # 2. I may decide to improve it as the scene comes together.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 17th, 2012, 12:18 pm
by Cyclone
Redid the texturing and added some details found in Rareware's Tree House promo render.

DK's House (In game Version)
Just a quick test showing what it might look like in a complete scene.
Previous images (unavailable while Cyclone's site is down):


Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 17th, 2012, 2:33 pm
by Qyzbud
Cyclone, that's just too badass for words. As soon as we have a bit more of your expertly crafted terrain/foliage/scenery in these renders, it'll start to feel like we're really there.
Amazing work. :thumbs:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 17th, 2012, 2:51 pm
by Cyclone
Thanks Qyzbud. Glad you like it. Do you or anyone else have critiques to offer. Thanks

Edit - Still looking for more feedback. What do you like about it and what don't you like about it. How can it be improved. Much appreciated thanks!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 18th, 2012, 7:27 am
by Tonberry2000
These are just amazing. Are you going to do the tire swing outside DK's house?
I can't wait for more!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 18th, 2012, 8:54 am
by Qyzbud
Okay, I've cast my critical eye over this scene...

  • The retexturing job you've done is brilliant — an enormous improvement — but I must say the repeating texture on the roof takes away a little from the presentation/realism.
  • I think the vines ought to be tied/looped/hitched a little higher on the posts, and should probably be a bit of a darker, more textured green.
  • The the rock/dirt embankment out front of DK's house seems a bit too vertical — it ought to be maybe a 76.5°slope, rather than the roughly 90° it appears to be now.

What is that little doodad near the top of the exterior wall? It looks like it has D.K. printed on it, just like the sign above the door. Also, I'm a bit curious about the crucifix-shaped patch directly beneath that doodad... does it have any significance? It it present in a render somewhere?

What renders/images did you use for reference, by the way?

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 18th, 2012, 10:19 am
by Cyclone
I agree with your comments. Thanks. The roof I wanted to contrast with the rest of the house. But I can randomize the texture a bit.

The 'doodad' is a speaker? In dk64 wasn't dk listening to music in the intro?


Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 18th, 2012, 11:20 am
by Qyzbud
No worries, I'm always happy to offer feedback.

That cropped scan you posted looks familiar — where is it from? That scene is in the DKC instruction booklet (page 20 — that page is where I got the idea for the name 'DKC Atlas', actually), but most of what we're discussing is cut off. Now that I see the doodad, it does look like it could be a speaker, perhaps... but I've always thought of DK just using his boombox for blasting his jamz through the jungle — at least that's what the DKC intro (and the DK64 new game intro) would suggest. Interesting that it and the crucifix-like plank thing appear in just that one render (as far as I know), and are absent from all others I've seen.

Actually, looking at the plank thing, I'm realising that it's not attached to DK's house, but is leaning against it... maybe it's a crudely constructed toy sword that DK and Diddy use for play/training? That's a cute idea. :) Maybe DK even uses it occasionally to ward off occasional ill-advised hoard raiding attempts by rogue Kremlings! :lol:

Oh, and about the 'speaker' — it looks like you've given the top of it a dark texture, but I think it's only meant to be in shadow. Just thought I'd give my thoughts. ;)

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 18th, 2012, 3:18 pm
by Tonberry2000
Yeah, the wood cross is definitely just leaning against the house. I have no idea what that speaker thing is supposed to be. :P

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 19th, 2012, 3:43 pm
by Cosmicman
I wanted to do the DK house but I wasn't going to come even close to what you did :thumbs:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 19th, 2012, 6:57 pm
by DKCplayer
Oh wow, these 3D models are looking really nice! All of this must've taken you a while to make.
The mysterious wooden "speaker" thingy on the tree-house interests me as well. I wonder why it has DK's initials on it? :scratch:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 21st, 2012, 10:50 am
by Cyclone
Cosmicman wrote:I wanted to do the DK house but I wasn't going to come even close to what you did :thumbs:

Cosmicman. You don't give yourself enough credit. Your characters have a likeness that my models lack. My Gnawty lacks the likeness of the original. Something I have trouble with. And who says you can't model DK's House to?

Currently working on another character. May post an update tomorrow but it will be a very early wip. This character is going to take a long long time to complete...

Again thanks for the positive feed back!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 21st, 2012, 10:50 am
by Crammalamma
Qyzbud wrote:Oh, and about the 'speaker' — it looks like you've given the top of it a dark texture, but I think it's only meant to be in shadow. Just thought I'd give my thoughts. ;)

I was about to say this! :thumbs:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 21st, 2012, 7:10 pm
by Tonberry2000
You know, maybe it's a notch from a support beam.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2012, 12:32 pm
by Cyclone
Here's a small update. Trying to get the likeness down. What do you think? This is the time for comments before I work on the side view and merge the two halves together. You can see the seam where the incomplete snout is.Thanks


Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2012, 12:44 pm
by Qyzbud
I'd say you've nailed the likeness. Definitely looks like the big bad regal reptile. :D

All of my critiques would just be the usual texture/geometry refinements that you'd likely work on later anyway; improving the blood-shot eye texture (and perhaps the shape of the eyeballs?); giving his scales a more textured bump-map; adjusting the base of his teeth to be wholly 'within' his mouth, etc... nothing you haven't already spotted/planned, I'm sure. ;)

Also, it's quite hard to give further critique with only a front view to observe. :P

Awesome stuff, again — can't wait to see more!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2012, 6:11 pm
by Tonberry2000
Definitely digging it! Well done!

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 26th, 2012, 1:20 pm
by Cyclone
Been working on the side view. Kinda Deviated from the front view reference though...

What do you think? looking bad,good? Thanks for the critiques. :)

Previous images:


Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 26th, 2012, 3:24 pm
by Qyzbud
Looking good! Very good. B/

The scaly texture makes him look awesome — top stuff!

Do you suppose your animation skills would allow for realistic (or semi-realistic) lip synching/facial expressions, etc. of a model like this? That could be incredibly cool — especially if we can find someone who is able to do a suitably sinister K. Rool voice...

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 27th, 2012, 12:42 pm
by Cyclone
It would be really tricky to animate a face that long. I would have to take a look at the DK tv show and see how they did it.

Working on the body right now. I will refine the face later. I still think it needs work.

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 28th, 2012, 6:31 am
by Ribbedebie
Oh my gosh that K. Rool face looks amazing. Just like the real thing!

Yeah, I'd like to see him talking! Perhaps you can try out something with his voice from DK64's intro? I'd suggest the TV show's K. Rool's voice but that one doesn't really fit with the games' rendition of the character...

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 28th, 2012, 9:50 am
by Geno
Wow. That K Rool is the best 3D K Rool I've ever seen!

Why didn't Nintendo hire you?

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 29th, 2012, 1:29 pm
by Cyclone
Best K.Rool? I'm no expert but thanks!

Here's a small update. Added the cape body and feet. Makes a huge difference I think. Body feet, texturing needs works still.


Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 29th, 2012, 2:04 pm
by Cosmicman
I don't see any room for improvement, its perfect :thumbs:

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 29th, 2012, 2:14 pm
by Cyclone
Was that sarcasm? How is it perfect... Still needs arms lol

Re: DKC 3D Modeling/Animation Project

PostPosted: November 29th, 2012, 3:30 pm
by Cosmicman
No sarcasm there, I know he is not complete, so perfect so far.