Epic Rap Battles of DKC?

You all know of the Epic Rap Battles of History, yes?
Well, last week I discovered the Epic Rap Battles of Hetalia where it was one of the rap battles between two Hetalia characters(you're taking an already made rap battle and using two of the nations as the fighters). The reason for saying this is because it kind of made me want to do something like it with DKC.
I already have a few figured out. I just don't know who should be who in the one where it's Dixie vs. Candy. They're doing Marilyn Monroe vs. Cleopatra and I can't decide who would be better for which part. O.o
Any help or suggestions would be wonderful.
Well, last week I discovered the Epic Rap Battles of Hetalia where it was one of the rap battles between two Hetalia characters(you're taking an already made rap battle and using two of the nations as the fighters). The reason for saying this is because it kind of made me want to do something like it with DKC.
I already have a few figured out. I just don't know who should be who in the one where it's Dixie vs. Candy. They're doing Marilyn Monroe vs. Cleopatra and I can't decide who would be better for which part. O.o
Any help or suggestions would be wonderful.