My comic series: The Legend of Brandon

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My comic series: The Legend of Brandon

Postby Ninni973 » December 24th, 2011, 9:07 am

I am making a comic series, and it stars Brandon, a young boy with the powerful legendary sword, the Immortal Sword, and Donkey Kong, the king of the jungle! It features epic Dragon Ball Z fights, epic characters, and epic villains! Since I don't have a printer for my laptop, I'll just go to Grandma's house and make it. There's going to be a book and online versions. There is my list for the comics for The Legend of Brandon.

1. The Beginning (Work in progress)
2. City Beat (To be worked on)
3. ???
4. ???

List will be updated when more comics are made.

I'll also post the book version on eBay.
Jungle Explorer
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