DK Coin

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DK Coin

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 16th, 2011, 8:44 am

(Doesn't look exactly as depicted above)

I've lately made myself familiar with a service called Shapeways, which, in a nutshell, prints your 3D model into a physical object.
I made this DK Coin, which is available in two different gold platings and the default white plastic. It's 4 centimeters wide and high and 0,7 centimeters deep.
I've also made the K-O-N-G-letters but I haven't uploaded the models yet. You can check my shop for all my models. I'm also working on the other coins throughout the DKC series.
The service is really awesome and I encourage everyone to join.
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Re: DK Coin

Postby Markster » October 16th, 2011, 9:44 am

Wow, it looks like Rareware made it, good job.
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