DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

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DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

Postby +Kramer+ » January 1st, 2011, 10:42 pm

Hi to all, im spanish.

Im making new levels for Kongo Jungle for have fun; i cant edit water levels with dk edit yet. In less than a week i will release it. This is the "promo video"; a lot of fun making this video too. Ah, and for me best dck is the 1. Greetings.

:arrow: --link removed by moderator due to ROMs--
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Re: DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

Postby +Kramer+ » January 3rd, 2011, 4:40 am

Done! Finally i make it today, water level too. I worked hard and having a lot fun. If you play tell me what do you think, thanks.

See ya! ;)

--link removed by moderator--
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Re: DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

Postby Simion32 » January 3rd, 2011, 9:23 am

BANNED until March for posting links to ROMs.
Sorry, but that is not tolerated here.
Direct links to ROMs are against the Forum Rules. :ugeek:

The file contained "DKEdit en español" but the .rar also contained a DKC ROM, so it became a ban-able offense. Sorry, but as a moderator I won't bend the rules. They are here for a reason.

EDIT a few minutes later: Decided a permanent ban was too harsh, changed. Further rule-breaking after the ban is up WILL result in a perma-ban.

Sage of Discovery
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Re: DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

Postby Simion32 » January 3rd, 2011, 9:53 am

*Unlocked for Discussion*

IPS of this hack (which wasn't in the offending RAR he posted, by the way - but the hack itself was still in raw ROM format :roll: ):
Kramer's Hack in IPS form.
(6.1 KiB) Downloaded 808 times
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

Postby +Kramer » January 4th, 2011, 12:30 pm

Too fun that. Ok,ok, sorry. I have to cry now? :mrgreen:
Is not tolerated here but people download the rom from here.

Peace. Have fun, be happy but bye for always. Just i wanted make people happy. :roll: ;) :D :mrgreen:

Re: DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

Postby Simion32 » January 4th, 2011, 12:41 pm

Kramer. Duplicate Accounts are NOT allowed. Your other account has been banned, and you MUST wait until the ban expires.
EDIT: Your duplicate account is now BANNED, and you can wait until the time on the other account is up and then continue posting with the old account. Please don't make me ban your IP address :roll: .

You didn't read the PM I sent on your other account, did you? We use IPS Patches here. It's the rules.

If you want to distribute your hacks, IPS Patches must be used:

Download Lunar IPS :arrow: http://fusoya.eludevisibility.org/lips/ ... ips102.zip

To use it you must have both the original game file and your hacked version. This program allows you to create a patch which saves only what has been modified in the hack. In this way, we are not distributing copyrighted materials. Using an IPS patch means that you're only distributing those changes you made to the game, which is perfectly OK.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DCK-New levels for "Kongo Jungle"

Postby TheUltimateKoopa » January 9th, 2011, 12:05 pm

I wonder if he'd understand better if it was in Spanish?

I don't speak Spanish as you (now) know but here's what Google translated your post to:
From "If you want to distribute your hacks...":

Si desea distribuir sus hacks, parches IPS deben utilizarse:

Descargar Lunar IPS http://fusoya.eludevisibility.org/lips/ ... ips102.zip

Para utilizarlo debe tener tanto el archivo del juego original y su versión hackeada. Este programa te permite crear un parche que sólo guarda lo que se ha modificado en el hack. De esta manera, no estamos distribución de materiales con derechos de autor. El uso de un parche IPS significa que usted es sólo la difusión de los cambios realizados en el juego, que está perfectamente bien.

Just to check how bad that was, here's the English translation from that:
"If you want to distribute their hacks, IPS patches should be used:

Download Lunar IPS http://fusoya.eludevisibility.org/lips/ ... ips102.zip

To use it you must have both the original game file and version hacked. This program lets you create a patch that just saves what has changed in the hack. In this way, we are not distributing copyrighted materials. Using an IPS patch means you are only distributing the changes to the game, which is perfectly fine."

Meh, it's pretty much the same, so if he hasn't already acknowledged this, he should read the text above in red.
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