Working on your own project related to the Donkey Kong Country series?
This forum is your place to discuss fangames, artwork, stories and so forth which are DKC relevant.


Postby Chibisai Kong » November 26th, 2010, 5:45 am


Sorry. Couldn't resist the corny reference. Anyway, I challenge all who read this to making character sheets for the DKC characters. They can be your humanize versions of them or how they really look. Me, personally, I go with the himanized versions because I can't really draw how they look. These are the requirements:

Full-body drawing of them
Clothing details
Accessories (if any)
Facial expressions
Coloring (DEFINITELY required)
What their alias would be (i. e: Cranky---Crabby curmedgeon)

Optinal requirements:

Full name (if you want to even bother trying to think of a full name)
Real name (of course, this will only apply to Cranky and Wrinkly)
Relationship status

Other challenges:

Fruit challenege (assign a fruit to a character(DK's would be pretty obvious))
Music challenege (assign a song to a scene including the characters)
Human challege (this is basically where it's mandatory to humaize them)

Please know that I have already worked on some of these challenges but cannot upload them because my camera won't go in the SD slot
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Postby Chibisai Kong » December 1st, 2010, 2:59 am

Oh, and another challenge you can do would be like the character sheets only using YOUR DKC characters. The mandatory and optional requirements still apply. I dare everyone to try to figure out where the 'CHALLANGE APPROACHI!' thing is a referrence to. And about the age (optional requirement) thing, you can try to think of an age or birthday but if you can't, skip that.
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Postby Chibisai Kong » December 5th, 2010, 2:19 pm

Now, once you begin you must name what you've used in challanges other than the humanize challange. An example would be something like the following.

Fruit Challenge:

DK---Banana (oh c'mon, that one should have been obvious from the start!)
Karate---Merichino cherry

Music Challenge:

'Viva La Vida' by Coldplay
'Picture To Burn' by Taylor Swit (that one was between me and my ex)
'Her Diamonds' by Rob Thomas
'All The Things She Said' by tAtU (my algebra teacher laughed at me because I sang it alot and it took me years to learn that it was a lesbian love song)
'If You Were Gay'---I have no clue who did this song but I do know it was actually a Final Fantasy character threatening to shoot me if I didn't stop singing it
'Heart-Shaped Box' by Nirvana
'Boulevard Of Broken Dreams' by Green Day
'Lonely No More' by Rob Thomas
'This Love' by Maroon5
'Wake-Up Call' by Maroon5
'Misery' by Marron5
'She Will Be Loved' by Maroon5
'Family Portrait' by Pink
'Who Knew' by Pink
'What Hurts The Most' by Rascal Flatts
'I'm Moving On' by Rascal Flatts
'Every Time We Touch' by Cascada
'Hate Me' by Blue October
'Fireflies' by Owl City
'Because Of You' by Kelly Clarkson
'In The End' by Linkin Park
'What I've Done' by Linkin Park
'Re-Education Through Labor' by Rise Against
'Behind These Hazel Eyes' by Kelly Clarkson
'Total Eclipse Of The Heart' by Bonnie Tyler
'Over You' by Chris Daughtry
'It's Not Over' by Chris Daughtry
'What About Now' by Chris Daughtry
'Do I Make You Proud' by Taylor Hicks (I know he wasn't the one who actually wrote it but it's his version)
'Under The Bridge' by Red Hot Chili Pepper
'Sk8r Boi' by Avril Laving
'Smile' by Uncle Kracker
'If I Had You' by Adam Lambert (so what if he's a flaming gay?)
'I'd Come For You' by Nickleback
'How You Remind Me' by Nickleback
'Run This Town' by Jay-Z ft. Rihana and Kanye West
'Dead And Gone' by T. I. ft. Justin Timberlake

Lyrics that were used in the Music Challenge(those pics that are finished, of course):

'Just a puppet on a lonely string---Oh who would ever wanna be king?'-Viva La Vida
'If you were gay, that'd be---' "I swear to god that if that sentence doesn't end with 'It would not be OK', I will kill you."'-If You Were Gay (Cid (the one from Final Fantasy XII was threatneing to shoot me, even pointing his gun at my face)
'You're a redneck heartbreak who's really bad at lying'-Picture To Burn
'And I don't know what I'm supposed to do so I sit down and I cry too---But don't let her see'-Her Diamonds
'And I'm serious, I feel totally lost---If I'm asking for help, it's only because being with you has opened my eyes---Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?'-All The Things She Said
'Mama please stop crying, I can't stand the sound---Your pain is painful and it's tearing me down---I hear glasses breaking as I sit up in my bed---I told dad you didn't mean those nasty things you said'-Family Portriat
'Daddy please stop yelling, I can't stand the sound---Make Mama stop crying cuz I need you around'-Family Portrait (v2)
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