Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

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Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby HavocReaper48 » August 19th, 2010, 1:41 pm

Hello people of DKC Atlas. You could say I'm a fan of the site for some time, but it's now that I make an account here. I come here with a request for assisting the very incomplete Donkey Kong Wiki:

It is in need of major work. I am HavocReaper48, the main admin on the site (I wonder if any of you recognized my name?), and I have been giving major additions to the site- articles, overhauls, image uploads, all DKC-trilogy related. However, this is not a one-man job. I hope you guys, my fellow DKC fans, can help me. As you may of noticed, some articles there have a ton of red links, have a major lack of content, do not exist entirely, or are copied from a different wiki. I am currently working on the latter situation; I know about it, please do not comment about it.

Again, I ask for anyone's assistance. Articles, images, everything is needed... I need every editor I can recruit. I will answer any wiki-related questions or concerns.
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 23rd, 2010, 6:50 am

Hm... I'll try taking a crack at this, but I fear the Super Mario Wiki may be stealing some of your thunder (what with covering Donkey Kong and all.)

But yes, I'll help!
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby HavocReaper48 » August 23rd, 2010, 7:44 am

Yeah, I've noticed that too. I'm trying to make DK Wiki have more info than Super Mario Wiki myself. Thanks for helping! So, what will your username be? The one you have on here?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » October 30th, 2010, 2:54 pm

Well, the Donkey Kong Wikia:

seceded from Wikia today to:

and it's a billion times better. Dumb Wikia, forcing unnecessary change on us...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Jomingo » November 4th, 2010, 11:06 am

HavocReaper48 wrote:Well, the Donkey Kong Wikia:

seceded from Wikia today to:

and it's a billion times better. Dumb Wikia, forcing unnecessary change on us...

Are you guys joining the NIWA? That would be a really great idea, don't let them tell you it overlaps the Mario Wiki because it is a fullsized wiki on it's own.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » November 4th, 2010, 12:35 pm

About NIWA: Yes, and we're set to officially join on Nov. 12. We'll need a blurb (which I have been drafting mentally, any suggestions welcome), and I agree that MarioWiki is a bit... overflowing with DK info. It's cool to see you on, Blaziken- I would recommend whoever's interested to join, there's a level article project which aims to write pretty detailed info about DKC's levels. Unfortunately, I, being the top contributor there only having the DKC series, have little info beyond that (in other areas there's been decent progress).

Hey, maybe you guys could consider a partnership with the new DKWiki? Heck, it could increase the userbase size for both sites and it would boost both of the level article progresses.

About the copying: Yeah... long story. Back while the wiki was still with Wikia, the low userbase there was pretty desperate in need for some good articles... and so, a bunch of articles were taken straight out of MW. I've been doing my bets to differentiate them. Some early articles were in a complete mess (compare to

On a side note, I was busy, taking candy from all of those open baskets the people around my neighborhood on Halloween instead of writing a quick "Happy Halloween!" here! :lol:
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Blaziken257 » November 5th, 2010, 2:07 am

Cool, so it is going to be on NIWA! So anyway, I did make a few minor contributions (all of which have to do with the DKL series in some way, considering I know a lot about it given that I played them before any of the DKC games). I also made a very barebones userpage :P

I wonder if it's OK for me to copy stuff that I originally wrote/uploaded on SMW -- after all, I contributed to it, so it shouldn't be a problem, should it?

Now I'll try to bug some people to join, although I always have a hard time convincing people to join wikis in general...

By the way, now I understand what Kiddy14 was talking about earlier. Sometimes pages don't load at all and just hang. Earlier today I tried to go to some page and it wouldn't load and I had to wait for a few minutes before I tried again XD Although it worked after that. It seems that the server gets busy sometimes...

Finally, I'll say one more thing before I turn this post to a very long one (I tend to do that a lot): I used to like Wikia, but it SUCKS now due to that hideous new layout. Seriously, the basic article/discussion/edit/history links are way too hard to find (I spent about 5 minutes trying to find them), and the sidebar is enormous. It sucks, because one of my favorite wikis (for a certain very underrated Japanese game that nobody's ever heard of) is hosted on Wikia which bothers everybody who contributes there... I'm glad that DKWiki moved to another host that isn't Wikia. It seems that Wikia is alienating everybody now...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby HavocReaper48 » November 5th, 2010, 6:17 am

Blaziken257 wrote:Finally, I'll say one more thing before I turn this post to a very long one (I tend to do that a lot): I used to like Wikia, but it SUCKS now due to that hideous new layout. Seriously, the basic article/discussion/edit/history links are way too hard to find (I spent about 5 minutes trying to find them), and the sidebar is enormous. It sucks, because one of my favorite wikis (for a certain very underrated Japanese game that nobody's ever heard of) is hosted on Wikia which bothers everybody who contributes there... I'm glad that DKWiki moved to another host that isn't Wikia. It seems that Wikia is alienating everybody now...

Why do you think we moved! I'm very happy with the move myself. The staff members even have the nerve to come around offering a custom version with DK images in the skin... the cross-wiki new skin is called "Oasis" by the way. Feel free to complain to the staff blogs at Wikia Central.

As for the copying, we're strongly against further plagiarism from MW, but re-wording is fine. You can upload the same images from MW just be sure to accredit the site.

About the loading issue: the DKWiki has undergone a "database dump", meaning all of the pages and files were saved under one gigantic file and dumped onto the new server. As such, it will take time for the system to recognize older contributions (notably all 3K edits I had on the Wikia), so it's lagging. Just when you lag stop it from loading, go back and try again. Hopefully it won't be too long before it can run fast 24/7.

And thank you for helping, Blaziken. Lastly, do you think this discussion should be moved to it's own topic?
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby Jomingo » November 5th, 2010, 6:30 am

The posts have been merged and the discussion can continue here.

As for an affiliation in the near future: I can see that being a possibility. We've had our own plans of making a Wiki for a long time, and at one point that was a great idea. The Super Mario Wiki was the only real competition of coverage, and the DKU wiki was awful. Now that's not likely, since there's the Super Mario Wiki and the DK Wiki, and the DKU has plans to introduce a new wiki altogether. So seeing as it would be a waste of time for us to make our own, I don't see why we can't affiliate with you guys. Of course, this is all hypothetical and is not at all under my jurisdiction, but it is a possibility.
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby Blaziken257 » November 5th, 2010, 11:29 am

OK, I see why it lags. Hopefully it will get better sooner rather than later...

And I'll upload the various DKL3 images that I had uploaded on SMW, and I'll be sure to credit the site.

Now for the main reason why I'm posting: Here's something that's bugged me ever since I've been to SMW. It's the levels in DKC2 and DKL2. For each level (except for Haunted Hall and Castle Crush, since their names are different in DKL2: Krazy Koaster and Dungeon Danger respectively), should there be information about the DKC2 and the DKL2 versions in one article, or should there be separate ones (i.e. an article for the DKC2 Pirate Panic, and a separate one for the DKL2 Pirate Panic)? I'm thinking that the latter makes sense, as the layouts are generally completely different. And I noticed that the DKL and DKC3 versions of Pot Hole Panic have separate articles too, so... yeah. :P

By the way, now that I just reminded myself of DKL, I just realized another potential issue: the instruction manual mixes up two of the level names in the fourth world (Big Ape City). They mix up Construction Site Fight and Balloon Barrage. The mix-up is obvious when playing the game: The level that the manual refers to as "Construction Site Fight" doesn't take place in a construction site, and it has LOADS of balloons. Meanwhile, the level that the manual calls "Balloon Barrage" only has one balloon (and it's in a bonus stage), and it DOES take place in a construction site! Should we refer to the level names the way they were clearly intended to be, or the way that the manual erroneously calls them? The former would make so much more sense, and it bothers me that SMW opts for the latter solution (see here and here). Although it at least does acknowledge the errors... (I'm personally surprised that SMW doesn't call Birdo "Ostro" and vice versa...)

So... yeah.
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby HavocReaper48 » November 6th, 2010, 7:33 am

Well Blaziken, draft a DKL2 level article of Pirate Panic in the wiki sandbox ( ) , and we'll see how different it is from the DKC2 version. You can delete the other stuff in the sandbox is you want, just be sure to use the level template and follow level article standards.

About that random trivia: whoa, uh, interesting. I would have to say that we refer to the levels as they are in-game. I don't own DKL myself, if you would like to bring up a strong argument about it start a forum on the wiki (we don't bite... at least, not much ;) ). Carulosu and Slipknot Darkrai are two other active contributors that own DKL if you'd want to bring it up to them first.
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby Jomingo » November 25th, 2010, 9:13 am

Well, I've now finished DKCR and so I will probably be inspired to write about it on this Wiki. I have the player's guide, so that might have some valuable info in it.

EDIT: I edited the golden temple article because whoever posted it had some weird information wrong on it. It still needs to have a lot more done to it, but I threw in a spoiler warning and fixed his errors. Also, I was clicking random page, and I cam across the article called "Fruit", and I don't really see any point in it existing. It just says that fruit plays a role in DK64, and seems extremely pointless. It seems to me that any information regarding "fruit" items could be put directly into the DK64 article. I would suggest deleting this Fruit article.
I hope you check these forums still, because I have no idea how to format a discussion page on a wiki to post these kinds of suggestions there.
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 7th, 2010, 10:23 am

Y'all know on Donkey Kong Wiki DKC-Atlas has an article?
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby HavocReaper48 » December 7th, 2010, 3:08 pm

Chibisai Kong wrote:Y'all know on Donkey Kong Wiki DKC-Atlas has an article?

Of course it does! The biggest DK forum certainly is relevant to a wiki on Donkey Kong (Jomingo himself also helped make it, if you'll see the page history).
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Re: Donkey Kong Wiki - editors wanted!

Postby Jomingo » December 8th, 2010, 9:53 am

I just edited it yesterday after it was pointed out here because I thought it put too much emphasis on our forum (which is far from our main focus). Also, we're definitely not the biggest DK forum just so you know, that would go to the We're pretty tiny actually. The forum isn't the big thing though, it's our main site that we're proud of.
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