Cyclone wrote:I got shots 1-6 pretty much done and with sound. For the near final phase of the of act 1.
I have been working the sound affects and scenes to create an affective stormy atmosphere.
Feel free to point out areas that need improving and also areas you do like.
The suggestions will used for the final pass of the animation. I know there isn't such thing as a final but whatever.
Thanks for the continued feedback.
I like the atmosphere you've created with the sound effects, Cyclone.

Here are some observations/suggestions:
- I think it would feel better if the thunderclaps matched the lightning strikes. Currently, we see a lot of lightning, and we hear only a few claps of thunder, but from my experience, it's more common to hear strikes you don't see than vice-versa.
- After looking closely at the movement of the trees, it appears that many of them are actually shifting side to side — trunk and all! It's definitely nice to see them swaying, but hopefully you can have them do so while keeping the base of the trunks secured in place.
- It looks like the splashing droplets move too quickly, which gives the impression of a miniature world, rather than a life-size jungle. If you slow down the splash animations (perhaps to around 50% of their current speed), things might look a bit closer to what you'd expect from a full sized environment.
- [0:12] DK's arm fur seems to protrude through his hand a little, and it also flickers a bit. Hopefully these are easy for you to fix with a bit of brushing and/or settings tweaks.
- [0:18] DK and his immediate surroundings seem to be displayed on a separate layer in this scene, which oddly separates from the rest of the scene as the view zooms. Hard to explain, but I'm sure you'll see what I mean.
- [0:20] There still seems to be some odd scenery switching/glitching outside the window.
Apart from these issues, I really like what I see and hear!