DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 6 released

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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Kimi Kong » April 21st, 2015, 2:36 pm

Yeeeeeeee~! I can't wait!

Also I haven't forgotten about fixing my lines. I have them fixed but recently moved back to my hometown so I have no internet at the moment. I have to go to the library to use the web so next time I go, ill email them to you.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » April 26th, 2015, 2:14 pm

Thanks Kimi. I also emailed you and Diddy's VA regarding holding off on recording for the moment. Did you get it?
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Kimi Kong » May 1st, 2015, 3:01 am

I just noticed that Funky's voice actor on the blog is labeled as TBA. Did the voice actor want his name concealed or did he quit last minute.

Also, I did get the email and I think its a good idea.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » May 2nd, 2015, 3:32 pm

Unfortunately the voice actor never got back to me, so I will have to recast that role. Which is a shame, because I liked his version of Funky.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » May 4th, 2015, 1:41 am

Later on this year, my favourite ever video game will be turning 20. To celebrate, I started making a Source Filmmaker series based on it. The first episode is now uploaded to youtube! Check it out:

Please leave a LIKE on the youtube video - it really helps!

Subscribe for more videos: ... zw7UTYoE-g

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to bringing you more episodes!
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby spaceman2028 » May 7th, 2015, 12:21 pm

That my friend is an instant subscription. Looking forward to this series a LOT!

The way the kremlings move across the ocean floor like those zombies in Pirates of the Caribbean is epic, but the screen scrolls in on them a bit too fast for my liking. Maybe you could smoothen the animation a bit?
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » May 10th, 2015, 1:57 pm

spaceman2028 wrote:That my friend is an instant subscription. Looking forward to this series a LOT!

The way the kremlings move across the ocean floor like those zombies in Pirates of the Caribbean is epic, but the screen scrolls in on them a bit too fast for my liking. Maybe you could smoothen the animation a bit?

Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. :D

Regarding the Kremling shot, what exactly do you mean? The camera does not move - the Kremlings walk toward the camera. Do you mean they should walk slower or something?
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby spaceman2028 » May 11th, 2015, 5:04 am

I was talking about how the camera moves into the water for the "Kremlings Underwater" shot, not how they move toward the camera.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Qyzbud » May 12th, 2015, 10:05 am

Nice debut episode, Sono and co. :)

I love the atmosphere of the establishing shots; the island looks lush and inviting, and David Wise's tropical tunes fit perfectly.

On a more critical note, Cranky's model looks really rounded in some spots, and really angular in others, which is a bit strange. He also seems to be gradually sliding to the right during the scene from 0:48 to 1:02, and then downward/toward the camera in his next shot.

As for some aesthetic enhancement ideas, some bubbles, fish, rippling and/or other watery effects might be nice in the seabed scene. I think it'd feel more "right" if the Kremlings' animation cycles were a fair bit slower, too. Lockjaw's Locker illustrates all of this rather well — if you can see through the gloom. ;)

The Coca-Cola product placement is an interesting touch, heh. :P
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Kimi Kong » May 13th, 2015, 3:26 am

Haha~! Coca-Cola need to pay you for the product placement~! :D
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » May 20th, 2015, 11:08 pm

spaceman2028 wrote:I was talking about how the camera moves into the water for the "Kremlings Underwater" shot, not how they move toward the camera.

I see what you mean. I'll make more of an effort to have less crazy camera movements in the future. Although I cannot make promises, with Krazy Kremland on the horizon ;)

Qyzbud wrote:Nice debut episode, Sono and co. :)

I love the atmosphere of the establishing shots; the island looks lush and inviting, and David Wise's tropical tunes fit perfectly.

On a more critical note, Cranky's model looks really rounded in some spots, and really angular in others, which is a bit strange. He also seems to be gradually sliding to the right during the scene from 0:48 to 1:02, and then downward/toward the camera in his next shot.

As for some aesthetic enhancement ideas, some bubbles, fish, rippling and/or other watery effects might be nice in the seabed scene. I think it'd feel more "right" if the Kremlings' animation cycles were a fair bit slower, too. Lockjaw's Locker illustrates all of this rather well — if you can see through the gloom. ;)

The Coca-Cola product placement is an interesting touch, heh. :P

Kimi Kong wrote:Haha~! Coca-Cola need to pay you for the product placement~! :D

Heh, well I like Coke more than Pepsi.

You make a good point about Cranky 'sliding'. He is not actually moving - I slowly panned the camera to make the scene less static, but it does actually look like he is sliding. That's a problem...

And I did slow down the Kremling walk cycles, but I guess not enough. Thanks for the pointers!
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby vege » May 29th, 2015, 2:47 am

:krool: This is fantastic!

@Sonosublime and co: I like the songs, especially the initial song. The dialog is funny, good ambience, nice history, so i want to watch the Ep 2.
Maybe i miss more sounds of ocean waves, shore birds, It looks / sounds good by the way. :nicework:

I like the 3d models too :)
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » June 4th, 2015, 9:06 pm

Thanks for the kind words vege! It took me a long time to make that episode, but it was well worth it. I can't wait to start making more episodes soon. At the moment, I need to do some model hunting first.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll try and add some more ambient sounds next time.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » June 24th, 2015, 12:21 am

Thank you to everyone who watched the first episode of the series and made it a success! Lots of great feedback, positive comments and interest.

I have not been idle the last few weeks. This is something I've been working on...

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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Qyzbud » June 29th, 2015, 5:46 pm

Lookin' appropriately menacing! Nice work, matey! :krool:
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby vege » July 10th, 2015, 2:19 pm

It looks fantastic and epic !
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Kimi Kong » August 13th, 2015, 10:19 am

Letting you know I'm gonna work on my lines tomorrow or Friday. I've recovered finally and I have the day off.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Super Luigi! » August 18th, 2015, 9:57 am

Well done, sonosublime. You and your crew have indeed done a fine job modeling, voicing, and animating. I'm sorry for distancing myself from your project. I was busy for quite some time preparing for school and rearranging my house. Eventually, I figured I shouldn't return.

But I did. I'm here, and I don't plan on leaving like that anytime soon. If I must, whether due to natural disaster or school work, I shall let everyone know and do my best to return.

Anyway, again, well done. You and your crew are true heroes to children everywhere. I wish you continued success in your noble endeavor.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » September 13th, 2015, 5:10 am

Hi all,

First off, thanks for the kind messages and support. And a very special thank you to 'vege' from DKC Atlas, who kindly created a model of Candy Kong for me to texture and port into SFM! With her finally ready, animation for Episode 2 is finally underway, and should be hitting Youtube very soon.

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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Cyclone » September 14th, 2015, 4:31 am

cool. can't wait sonosublime
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » September 24th, 2015, 12:34 am


Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a little bit, but while waiting for some recordings from my voice actors, I decided to start setting the scene for Episode 3...
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby vege » October 4th, 2015, 6:09 am

:thumbs: You are welcome, Sono :)
Candy looks beautiful with textures :thumbs: :thumbs:

I want to watch that chapter !!
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » October 4th, 2015, 8:32 am

I really like this. Episode 1 was great! looks just like the GBA intro to DKC2. I wish I could do some short cut scenes like this for Diddys' Kong Quest 3D. But then I would have to learn source filmaker....

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I look forward to seeing more!
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » October 10th, 2015, 4:51 am

Thanks for kind words guys! Animation for Episode 2 is proceeding well, and I can't wait to see what you all think.

Vege and Cyclone, again, thank you. Your models of Cranky and Candy saved the show.
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby Cyclone » October 10th, 2015, 5:03 am

No problem. glad I could help out
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project

Postby sonosublime » October 20th, 2015, 12:17 am

Sooooo, just checking: DKC2's 20th birthday is on 20 Nov, right?
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2015, 2:37 am

That's the date I've been going with. If you hear otherwise (or can confirm it beyond any doubt), do let me know. :)
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Re: DKC2 Series Project

Postby sonosublime » October 23rd, 2015, 2:46 am

Episode 2 is finally released to Youtube! Check it out:

Please leave a LIKE on the video - it really helps!

Subscribe for more videos: ... zw7UTYoE-g
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project

Postby Cyclone » October 23rd, 2015, 7:46 am

It's a bit rough..but I liked it and added a 'like' on the video. If you want me to critique it further let me know.

Looking forward to watching the next episode. :thumbs:
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby vege » October 26th, 2015, 3:03 pm

This will go viral!! this chapter has better ambience sounds, new kongs and voices, i like it :) i feel that the color of sky could be lighter but it is only my opinion. Poor Donkey kong, surely he is very hungry... come on kongs!
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby PigmaskColonel » October 27th, 2015, 3:10 pm

Almost perfect! The only "negative" thing I can say is about Dixie's eyes... They're motionless and expressionless, and it's a bit odd. Is there no way to make her eyes move, or was it not done due to time constraints?

EDIT: Was watching on my phone, it's hard to see so I thought her eyes weren't moving even though they are... :shakehead: Disregard this post.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » October 29th, 2015, 4:09 pm

Cyclone wrote:It's a bit rough..but I liked it and added a 'like' on the video. If you want me to critique it further let me know.

Looking forward to watching the next episode. :thumbs:

Thanks. Hit me with all the feedback you've got.

vege wrote:This will go viral!! this chapter has better ambience sounds, new kongs and voices, i like it :) i feel that the color of sky could be lighter but it is only my opinion. Poor Donkey kong, surely he is very hungry... come on kongs!

I'm flattered, vege. I have been making more of an effort to focus on ambience and the surrounding environment.

PigmaskColonel wrote:Almost perfect! The only "negative" thing I can say is about Dixie's eyes... They're motionless and expressionless, and it's a bit odd. Is there no way to make her eyes move, or was it not done due to time constraints?

EDIT: Was watching on my phone, it's hard to see so I thought her eyes weren't moving even though they are... :shakehead: Disregard this post.

I appreciate your feedback, even if you ended up withdrawing it :ck-tf:
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby Cyclone » October 30th, 2015, 10:13 am

Hey, can I use your voice actors in my project as well? They are decent enough and depending on how they sound it could bring my animation to the next level. Thanks in advance. 8-)
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby Kimi Kong » October 30th, 2015, 11:25 am

I volunteer as tribute~! (Is the voice actress of Dixie and Candy) :dixiehappy:
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » November 13th, 2015, 1:03 pm

Who wants to visit a creepy abandoned shipwreck?

Diddy and Dixie, apparently.


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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » November 16th, 2015, 5:15 pm

Thanks, the fog was a pain to get looking right, but I got something workable in the end.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » December 3rd, 2015, 1:43 am

Hi all,

I'm having a bit of trouble, and would greatly appreciate some help.

I'm trying to make an animation of Diddy climbing, but, surprisingly, it's turning out to be more difficult than it was to make a running animation for him. The keyframes I've tried just do not look right.

Could someone please provide a slow motion animated gif of Diddy's climbing animation (on a rope)?
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby Qyzbud » December 3rd, 2015, 1:05 pm

Here you go, Sono — hopefully this helps:

diddy-climb-rope-slow.gif (5.44 KiB) Viewed 203236 times

If you need to examine the animation at a different speed, or with the ability to "scrub" back and forth, GIF Scrubber (a Chrome extension) could be useful.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby Phyreburnz » December 7th, 2015, 2:34 am

Okay, whatever you had planned for your next episodes... cancel it and change it to Cranky Kong Country! :ck-tf: :lol:

Seriously though, whoever you got for Cranky's voice is friggin' perfect.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby vege » December 7th, 2015, 8:59 am

This looks epic with the pírate ship, the sounds, the voices, please i want this chapter on youtube soon.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » December 10th, 2015, 12:41 pm

Qyzbud wrote:Here you go, Sono — hopefully this helps:

Thanks man, that really is helpful. Used it frames to touch up on the hand and head motions. Might watch some videos of real monkeys climbing to get an idea of how their tails move.

Phyreburnz wrote:Okay, whatever you had planned for your next episodes... cancel it and change it to Cranky Kong Country! :ck-tf: :lol:

Seriously though, whoever you got for Cranky's voice is friggin' perfect.

The voice actor has done a great job. Unfortunately, he wasn't interested in voicing any other characters.

vege wrote:This looks epic with the pírate ship, the sounds, the voices, please i want this chapter on youtube soon.

Thanks vege, I have been working on Episode 3. It's about halfway done, I am just waiting for some recordings from my voice actors before I can go further.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby Kimi Kong » December 11th, 2015, 6:18 am

I sent in my recordings. I hope they are acceptable. Can't wait to see episode 3.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » December 16th, 2015, 1:41 am

Here's a model I created (aside from the dead trees and gargoyle heads). I'm quite happy with how it turned out - a locale I'm sure you will all recognize.

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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby OneOf99 » December 16th, 2015, 9:12 am

I can only say one thing:

Man that is awesome. It is a great representation of the island! I like the crocodile heads sticking out there, however there should be more trees. Great all around though.

Also, where is Krem Quay? ;)
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » December 19th, 2015, 3:49 pm

Thanks! I had a lot of fun making this model and putting my own spin on Crocodile Isle. There are few trees as I have to watch the poly count. It's more of a representation of the fact that there is a pine and haunted forest, not to scale.

Krem Quay will be represented by a sunken ship once it is in SFM. The model will be scaled up in an ocean map.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby OneOf99 » January 10th, 2016, 3:00 am

Would you mind sending me your 3d model of the island? I would like to 3d print it because it is so dang cool! :thumbs: I am really excited about this project, it looks very nice so far.
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Re: DKC2 Animation Project - Episode 2 out!

Postby sonosublime » January 13th, 2016, 11:55 am

Sure, I can send you the model. Just make sure you post some photos of your 3D print, ok? :dk-tf: ... e.rar?dl=0
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