Yello, everyone! my nam is pig and i lik 2 make TEH MUZIX!!!!11!!!!!!!!111121!!!!!! wait gais wher u going WAIT NOAZ

On a more serious note, hi! As a way of introducing myself to everyone, I thought I'd start a project. My favorite DKC soundtrack has always been the massively underrated DKC3. Something about the ambient and moody feel of the soundtrack is really appealing to me, which is why I love the soundtrack of games like Wario Land 4. but that's not what this is about huehue
I've been playing the piano for a couple of years now, and I've occasionally played around with a few different DAWs and soundfonts. However, I've never made anything that I've felt confident in enough to release. So, being a Rare fan and a new composer, I finally decided to do something useful with my time and start a project... Donkey Kong Country 3: Orchestrated! A full orchestration of every single track from the SNES version of DKC3 (keep in mind a few of the tracks will be put together as a medley). i might sneak in some not-very-orchestra-ish sounding instruments too huehue It's a very intimidating thing for me, since I'm a novice, but I hope that with the help of some great fans and musicians, I can make this work!
Here's the current tracks and drafts I have uploaded to Soundcloud:
The Heroes' Return (Dixie Beat)
Crazy Calypso
The New World (Medley of Northern Kremisphere, Sub-Map Shuffle, and Krematoa Koncerto)
War for the Kremisphere (Medley of Wrinkly's Save Cave, Get Fit A-go-go, and Wrinkly 64)
The Otherworldly (Medley of Crystal Chasm and Mama Bird)
Prancing the Boardwalk (Stilt Village)
Intruding the Sawmills (Mill Fever)
Frosty Frolics
A Greater Foe (Boss Boogie)
Sound of the Trees (Treetop Tumble)
Hot Pursuit
Tropical Dangers (Enchanted Riverbank)
Industrial March (Nuts n' Bolts)
Down into the Rapids (Cascade Capers)
Kascading Kopters (Cavern Caprice)
Kremling Behind the Kurtain
Alarm! (Rocket Run)
Oh, the Kremlings Outside are Frightful (Jangle Bells)
Another thing: I'm taking name ideas for each piece, so feel free to give me your ideas (credit for "Prancing the Boardwalk" title to Donkey Kong Fan).
Thanks for reading! And don't forget to leave some feedback; it helps a ton.

Thread on DK Vine: