[...]Qyzbud I'm missing your awesome creative feed back on my previous posts! Or are you getting tired of it?[...]
You're right, I've been slack! I've had a few really busy days recently, and am just getting back to forum stuff today — feels good!

I've actually been really impressed with your past few updates, so please don't think my lack of feedback is due to a lack of interest or enthusiasm... far from it; I really admire what you're doing, and will always put any assistance I can render* as a high priority — when offline life permits, of course.

So, here's my 2¢...
Jungle breeze animation
Fantastic progress — the shadows look great, and the fully animated grass and ferns are very convincing. The palm leaves have improved, but still look a little 'papery', rather than thick, dense leaves like I imagine them to be. Again, I'm not 100% sure that my vision of them is how they are really meant to be... I'd love to hear what others think about this. Either way, this is looking very nice indeed. One thing though; is that a group of
floating trees I see in the top right corner?

Banana animations
Top job on the modeling and animation here — looks spot on. The lighting looks great to me, as I tend to enjoy high-contrast, colour-saturated graphics on a dark background... but to my eye, there needs to be a slight hint of orange (or a more 'muted' yellow — less intense), and perhaps a little lower contrast to match the in-game banana look, if that's what you were aiming for. The arrangement of the bananas themselves within the bunch is close to the in-game appearance, but not a perfect match... not sure if that matters to you (or me, or anyone...), but I thought I'd mention it.

Kong Radials tire
Looking good, but I agree with Phyre about the 'bounce' animation — it's definitely meant to bend in the middle rather than being squished down on either side... also, I'm thinking the font choice could be improved; I remember the text on the tires being more 'angular'... I'll take a look at some fonts when I get a chance and make a recommendation, if you like.

Phyreburns wrote:[...]one question about the tire... do the originals really say "Kong Radials" on them?[...]
They do say that, but I believe you can only see it in one or two official renders.
I'll post a pic when I get a chance if nobody beats me to it.Edit: I've added a couple of images a few posts down.
Also; here's
my take on the objects you circled in DK's treehouse:
- I think Phyreburnz is right about the vines, and I have no better suggestion than 'a piece of paper' for the object behind the tire.
- Rather than a hose, I always figured that coiled up thing was a rope — just because they're a prominent aspect of DKC — but it does look a bit more like a hose.
- I think the 'pants' are actually just a blanket — it's draped over the bed post a bit, which makes it look like it splits in two, but I think it's just the way it's hanging that makes it look that way.
- As for the top object you circled, it looks like it might be a light source of some kind... just look at the light/shadows beneath it and you'll see what I mean. I don't think it's a candle, but perhaps it's just an electric lightbulb, like the ones the walkway levels have?
I'll let you know if I can work out any more of these things more clearly, but that's all I can suggest for now.
* no pun intended!