Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

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Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » February 12th, 2012, 12:43 pm

Hello there DKCATLAS

So I pm'd qyzbud (I think I spelled it right) about possibly making my post here.

I'll make it really simple. I'm remaking dkc2 as best I can, right now an alpha stage implementation of some of the DKC2 game mechanics is underway.
I like to build game engines. So. Here we are.

Possible questions:

Is it playable?
Answer: Yes.

Will it be released?
Answer: Yes.

Answer: When it's worth distributing.

Will it have such and such feature:
Answer: Depends.. and depends.

What is the progress?
Answer: So far, I'm integrating (very basic) blast barrels, and the editing/collision mode. A better spin jump for dixie and most of dixie's controls. picking up barrels. etc.

What does it look like?
Answer: See it here: ...

How can you help?

If you want to see this project stay alive, and if you want to see it develop into a complete remake/game engine.
You can help by doing the following:

Most of the sprites in the dkc2 game have not been ripped properly or are missing frames.

Most of the backdrops in dkc2 have not been ripped properly especially their animated frames.

Figure out how the hell the honey in the honey levels works. And document it. Please.

Sound effect packs from the game:
I need somone to rip the sound effects from dkc2 and organize them. Please.. this isn't a task I can do myself and dkc2 just isn't right without the sound affects.

Pre release bug testers etc. This is a responsibility to the project not a game so if you sign up take it seriously. This project is moving along at a CRAWL. Keep it in mind.

Join the team. Pm me or something. I am doing this alone right now and a team of people with varying talents would be good.

I have a program which can seperate the tiles themselves from the images but I get this jumbled up result and it's difficult to work with. The tileset you see in the video was hand ripped from me. What we need, is a format for the tile sets that's (humanly interpretable) so that it doesn't take 8 hours to find the tiles you need. Preferably.. alot of the tiles will need to be organized and/or ripped. Maybe even label some of them. I noticed certain bramble pieces don't connect to others.. and certain ones do. The bramble tileset in particular is a huge puzzle.

Help making videos. I suck at it. I need videos that draw attention. Anyone? Maybe something flashy.. and cool.

General support from the community. It's difficult to stay motivated with something if you feel like no one is going to care about it when it's complete. So. Let's get some attention on this thing? (BUT PLEASE NOT TOO MUCH ) the last thing I need is a cease order from Nintendo.

FANS. Become my fan. I am a hard working programmer, and I'm doing college on the side of this. And will be for maybe a year or so more. Mind you the programming I do now is nothing compared to what I plan to learn.

I gaurentee no matter what I will keep working on this project. ANY WORK you put into the project will be rewarding if you are passionate about a decent dkc2 remake/engine.

And I should mention, the engine will be open source later on, along with all the embedded resources, and the editor once complete should allow someone to easily make /and load custom levels.

A note: I am looking into porting the game engine itself to C++ as well but my programming skills are lacking in that department. As I'm using playbasic for most/all the code.

That's it really.
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Cody » February 12th, 2012, 12:56 pm

Sound effect packs from the game:
I need somone to rip the sound effects from dkc2 and organize them. Please.. this isn't a task I can do myself and dkc2 just isn't right without the sound affects.

I'll rip as many as I can & upload the pack here. Then I'll see if I can help out in any other way (if I do, it'll most likely be with ripping fluid sprite animations or something as I lack any sort of programming skills whatsoever). :D
Treasure Hunter
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » February 12th, 2012, 4:06 pm

Sounds good. Can the sound files be in .ogg or .wav format? Preferably?

Any graphical stuff people can help with would be great to.
I will be active on this forum posting updates.
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Simion32 » February 12th, 2012, 4:25 pm

Lucid_Rain wrote:And I should mention, the engine will be open source later on, along with all the embedded resources, and the editor once complete should allow someone to easily make /and load custom levels.

A note: I am looking into porting the game engine itself to C++ as well but my programming skills are lacking in that department. As I'm using playbasic for most/all the code.
You remind me of the DKCLB... ;)

Seriously though, I can tell you there's a whole lot more "involved stuff" than you can imagine. I'm working on a 99.99% accurate replica of DKC's physics at this moment, and there's a whole lot of things to consider to get the collision detection absolutely perfect. In fact I can make a 100% accurate replica (I've done a very basic C++ version before) but the reason for some small deviations, is to prevent some glaring physics bugs (going through stuff at high speeds, namely).
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » February 16th, 2012, 4:23 pm

So it turns out I've got something else worked out now.
Multiple tile selection.

The way you do it is you press / on your numpad. This switches to tile selection mode.
Then, you while selecting tiles hold the left control key. And drag the mouse
You'll see a strange line of tiles start to show up.
These are rendered for you while placing tiles (And right now anytime)

For now I'm making the reset for this (So you start back with just normal tile placement) the right control key. It seems appropriate.

I want to add an animal buddy into the engine as well to test some things out. Which animal buddy should I add? Minus engaurde (No water buddies as of yet)

I'm in a close tie between squitter and rambi though squitter is my favourite. I might go with squitter tonight and rambi tommorow.


Alright fellers so I decided to go with rambi for now. I'll post a video later, So far it's incomplete.
But woo. Got his running animation loaded in. The spriting part and the code for loading all the sprites, and setting their conditions is partly what takes this so long. That and debug debug debug :/ Oh and... also. TILING. This is going to be somewhat /difficult..
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » February 24th, 2012, 7:40 am

Alright people!! Alot has changed. Now onto the good stuff.

I'm making the objects engine of the game more diverse.
So far I've coded in a basic scripts interpreter.

You can make your own paths, for sprites in game.
You can add your own custom scripts.
There will be a "Switch_script" command.
So that the script the object is currently running is switched.
This is for pros only.. who know what they're doing.

The game engine itself will have virtualized objects (tech talk) because.. the compiler IDE I'm using , when in runtime isn't aware of variable names, through user commands.
this is due to a scoping issue at compile run time. It's a common problem.
Luckily I've already moved past it.

THE GAME ENGINES global variables will be accesible to the end user through scripts.

The way it will work is that global variables will be pre_set in the script with GLOB_value name
GLOB diddyy
ALL objects in the game engine including user created ones will have their own virtualized X AND Y values.

The only objects that will not be virtualized will be the original objects from the game. Such as balloons etc. Well maybe balloons, bananas.
Anything in the game there will be multiples of.
SO I suppose the only real objects that won't be virtualized will be the players X and Y values.

I'm still sorting out how I'm going to solve the problem where one object's values are not directly known to another but I think I can link those values together through a collision event since this is really the only case that we need to know the values and states of both objects.

There will be button input script commands with conditional linking. This is mostly for scripting objects such as barrels.
however.. this gets complex as I look more into how my engine has so many variables already.

infact.. the way I coded the engine in such a way.

If dixie collides with a barrel from the left or right side
if the Y button is being held
If she is NOT spin gliding.
If she is NOT jumping.
if she is facing the direction from the side which she is grabbing the barrel from.
If she is not already holding a barrel.

The barrel object itself would need to access all of the above values in order to do this check properly.
Right now, those checks are hard coded into the game engine.
I don't know if I should continue trying to create a scripting environment for the game engine since all of this is going to create complications at first which will make debugging, and in some ways make parts of the game engine function in a more complex way.

However.. for those who aren't programmers this would still be good news. Since all of the conditions and actions could be represented in plain english.
IE you set up an object in the editor.
You pick it's sprite frame sheet.
You create a new event for the object.
The event is called init.
Each object in the game engine will have an init event.
in the init event things like it's Coordinates, which animation frame it starts on. Etc. are set up.
You can add local variables to the object in the editor I'm making.
Unfortunately.. other objects can not access this objects local variables.
But it works good for this object's own condition checks
ALL OBJECTS will have GLOBAL X1 Y1 X2 Y2 that the game engine can see on all scopes.
This is so that collision events can be triggered.

There will also be a clone object command, delete object, advanceframe command. IE
advanceframe(targetobject, amount of frames (usually 1) )
destroyobject(itself) ;destroys this object.
switchobject(thisObj, barrel_being_destroyed)

(Say this is a barrel object script. If the barrel is being destroyed. Instead of doing all the destroy commands in the same object. We switch it to the object of which the action applies, that way it's cleaner)

Being able to change this object, into another object gives us the ability to script things out so that events play on eachother dynamically without relying on the game engine directly.
The scripting interpreter will deal with these events.

This gives us a more dynamic and less limited approach to design.

The other thing I'm working on is sprite paths.
I have it figured out. Part way. I'll use offsets and let the user draw the path along either the actual level. IE A literal path.
Or, I will have a window the user can draw a path in. The first dot is ALWAYS the same as the original X and Y of the sprite.
That way, you have plenty of room. Then the rest of the path will offset from that sprite etc.
Basically then you can without any coding knowledge.
Set up a special version of the bee.
Which goes in circles. Until it sees the player. Here's what it might look like

X1=mapx1 //this just tells the engine that the bees coordinates are the same as it is placed on the level
Y1=mapy1 //same
x2=mapx2// same
playercrosspath(thisobj, changepath(chaseplayer )

ok so what we have here is the same object, but by changing the object's path. (basically the bee will now chase the player instead of circling.)
This means you can have a bee idling in a circle. Perhaps around another object.
The player may not at first expect to be chased by the bee when he or she crosses the bees path.

basically this scripting system if I implement it would mean a better donkey kong country 2 engine.
One with flexibility.
One where each individual object instance could be programmed in a very special way. Without changing the code of the engine at all (once implemented)

This externalizing of the games programming is what could make it very flexible.

If any of you don't understand do not worry I will be making a demo shortly to show how this could play into the nature of the games original mechanics.

Certain things will still have to be hard coded...of course.
Such as the handling of objects paths, sprites, and drawing layers.
That's another thing I may do... I may enable sprite layers and have a command which can switch the layer the sprite is on.
If sprites colliding with other sprites are not on the same layer, the collision events will not occur.
This could mean... you have bees or enemies moving in the background. which do not normally hurt the player.
Then an event could perhaps.. shake it up and BAM... The enemy is on the same layer now. SHITE GUYZ WHAT TO DO! RUN!.. or throw a tnt barrel .

The other BIG thing on my agenda right now.
When I do finish this labourius task, along with adding all the animal buddies.
WHICH by the way for now the game engine WILL NOT have scripting. Only for ease of development.
But I will be slowly re modeling how some of the game engine works to support scripted commands from external files.
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » March 24th, 2012, 12:41 pm

Cody if you are still around the forum I'm wondering how that sound affects ripping is going.
Would like to hear from you?

As for the other stuff. :P I haven't made alot of posts on here but the game engine is coming along quite nicely and I have been brushing up on my C++ as well for when I port it.

new additions involve:

added dk coin animation frames
better jump for dixie
spin hellicopter spin is going decently
Riding on a rhino? the start of the animal buddy system currently no dismount and running into barrels glitches it. (I'll have to recode how this works)
You can jump while riding on rambi and move left and right while on rambi.
Rambi currently spawns somewhere in mid air near the start of the stage at the top.
Added Krook (The hook throwing guy) first stages. He can fall (gravity applies) and walk left or right. So far, the hook throwing part isn't coded up yet.
Added hooks into the game engine/editor: haven't made them interactable yet.

While editing you can now select multiple tiles in a row and place them.

What's needed?

HEY THERE DKC-Atlas community. If you're willing to help? I need a good tileset rip from dkc2. A GOOD one.
Uhm, and I need it to be in a single image file and I need the tiles to be visibly set up so you can tell which ones go where. Is this too hard?
I have an alternative solution possibly. It might be complicated though.. Hey anyone got a full image rip of some of the levels in dkc2? how about the rickety race levels or some of the boss rooms? I know they're on here somewhere.

For those of you running the site if you want to help me with this project I'd appreciate it if you could maybe post a link to some resources, maybe some images or something, snapshots of the actual levels?

I still also need tileframe animations of most of the backdrops Ie the tileframes from the torches, in the background on castle crush type levels. Things like that.

The game engine is coming along nicely . The game mechanics themselves are not fully developed yet but I'm getting there.
Oh yes, I also added the dk barrel animation, and a few other things. Today I am working on adding the buddy up system mechanic to the game (A simple version) with just one frame for diddy. If that works I'll work on the rest.

ALSO watching beta videos of dkc2 where diddy and dixie can't swim in water yet made me go 0_0 gave me some ideas.

keep watching for more?

A decent video capture screen recording program or somone willing to take the beta that I have so far and do a recording of it's features ? I suck at this either that or my pc sucks. Anyone ?
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Simion32 » March 24th, 2012, 1:56 pm

You can use DKCRE for Terrain rips and tile PNGs.

NOTE: For DKC2 you'll need to download DKCRE v0.0.5.0 as the higher versions don't have DKC2 available yet.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » April 13th, 2015, 5:16 pm

Wow two years?

This isn't dead.
I have not worked on it in a long time but it certainly is not dead.

I found some sound effect rips.
I am working on adding some sounds to the game and music.
It's easy since most of the code events that deal with things like "barrel shoots dixie", are all pre coded and such in neat if statements that
only fire once upon collision.

I still am having issues finding good backdrops!!
I'm considering re constructing one of the mining levels.
Like I said it's been a LONG time since I worked on this project but it is not dead.
I have just been busy learning OTHER things and now my interest in the project has come back.
I still have not bothered to port it to C++ yet, I think I'll stick to the language I originally used to make it for ease of development.
It can't be that hard to finish.
I'm alot better at making map editors now as well. Though this map editor is still quite good..

Anyways.. Yeh. I'll post a video sometime when it's worth showing off something more than what I had previously.

So everyone knows yeah I'm still working on this! It's just very slow because I do not work on it every day... infact
This is the first day I've worked on it in a long time. I thought I wanted to make a space game for a while, then I changed my mind and put that on the back burner to.
Back to this project again finally. Heehee.. actually I'm having fun with it again ;)
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » April 13th, 2015, 11:03 pm

So I made some progress uhm and I came up with THIS:

It is nothing new.

And then, tada.. There is this:

This is showing the spider can be ridden on near (and even in barrels)
This is a very nice addition so far because before not even rambi could be ridden in a barrel and I may have solved that glitch now!

So yes, progress is made!
Oh and look at those tiles! Heehee...
Please note also everyone.. this engine may look a bit sloppy er..
It is still in ALPHA. For an alpha project it has a fairly large amount of gameplay complexity possibilities already. ^^;
Uhm so please be respectful about it.

Also, collision.. so needs to be completely re worked.
It has too many bugs.. yup I mean a complete re work of how it's handled.
Same with the "camera"
OH well... we'll get there in time.
So yes I hope people enjoy looking at these nice pics and if they have any questions about the other progress from before I added squitter tonight.
They can check out THIS video right here ;) ...
And they can very easily comment there with questions, I check youtube more often than any other site.
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » April 15th, 2015, 6:06 pm

Another update!!

Loudness warning so turn your speakers or headphones down before watching. ...

I fixed some bugs, and this video is more thorough in showing off the newer tile editing features as well.
It also shows the earliest implementation I can possibly show right now because it is all I have, of squitter. Mm so yeah.
Enjoy people's.
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby Lucid_Rain » April 15th, 2015, 9:10 pm

WHew I got lots done in the last two days!! Yup I did.

I've even added extra life balloons now, a basic overworld. (Nothing special promise!)
Hmmm buut.. It still needs more. Alot more.
I am also thinking of new ways I can now modify the newly modified object engine to be even more efficient.
I want to start actually making playable levels for the demo now.
So I am pushing the engine in that direction since otherwise it will just be a fancy tech demo.
So after a few revisions of the level editing features I should be able to release maybe two or three short levels.
Then it can go from there.
We will see though, I need more gameplay elements.
Levels I do add will most likely be minimal in terms of the objects they can have and borrow from dk1's archetypes the simpler ones.
But rotating blast barrels, and animal buddies so far are not hard to implement so I am thinking of some levels
with some challenging jumps, a few bees to avoid, and possibly some blast barrels, and possibly some other things.

Now I need to give the game a map, OF a map.
That means I have to make functions that can swap tilesets and data without having to reload a whole level out.
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Re: Introducing, DKC2 Game Engine (And eventually remake)

Postby UltraEpicLeader100 » June 7th, 2016, 3:27 am

Do you get to play as Donkey Kong and Kiddy Kong as hidden characters? :huh:
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