Need a Programmer a project...

Working on your own project related to the Donkey Kong Country series?
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Need a Programmer a project...

Postby Grunt Von Veizatun » February 24th, 2012, 10:48 pm

I wasn't sure where to post this, so feel free to move it if I posted this in the wrong place. I'm planning on making a game and I was wondering if there are any programmers out there who could possibly code it. At this juncture, I'll accept any type of programming, Flash, C++, making a custom ROM etc. So long as it's not game maker. We have the plot line, sprites and music planned out already, but we can't find a programmer. For the record this game is a reference to the Donkey Kong ARCADE, and not DKC so if I posted this in the wrong spot let me know.

Here's the original thread with the basic gist of the game:

so can anyone help? Thanks.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2010

Re: Need a Programmer a project...

Postby Lucid_Rain » March 3rd, 2012, 8:19 am

If you really want a programmer who's flexible I can help but I don't use flash.
Posts: 13
Joined: 2012

Re: Need a Programmer a project...

Postby len8946 » April 20th, 2012, 2:26 am

I read your post.
I love the idea of your game, and I think I could code it though I do use game maker.
Oh and by the way game maker would be fine, I can easily make custom scoreboards, and you can export as standalone .exes as well.

Game maker is better then people give it credit for, so long as you know what you're doing.

Well except for 3D. It's useless at that.
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