Kowbrainz wrote:...you could make it a little like the bonus room in Krack-Shot Kroc, DKC3 where you shoot...
Or you could (although this gets rid of donkey...) have Cranky or Kiddy [...] throw balls at the enemies like in Swanky's Sideshow...
Those are both really nice ideas for keeping the game concept within the range of DKC's gameplay styles. It seems like DKC3 added some innovative play mechanics, eh? I guess it would be fine to adapt the game so that it was perhaps Cranky who was defending the young'uns. I wanted it to be DK because then it was a game about my three favourite playable Kongs, but it might be even better to have it be Cranky. That way it could basically take place during the events of DKC2, when Diddy and Dixie get worn out on their mission to save DK, and have to rest. Cranky notices and (after making a few bitter comments about how so-called game 'heroes' today aren't like they used to be) he decides to see if he still has what it takes to bowl over a few opponents... Something he was rather good at back in his day. Not that he's past his prime now, no no!
That might be an even better approach to the storyline, in addition to giving the playable character a lot more presence.
As for bosses (or maybe
one boss, anyway...), I really like the idea. Hey, it will give me/us a chance to design something better than
Kroctopus- anyone could do that! This opens up the design potential of the game a fair bit, which may be a good thing or... an overly complicated thing. I'm sure we could do this, though.
Oh, and an edition of this game for each DKC would be great, wouldn't it?