'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

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'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 17th, 2008, 1:49 pm

I wanted to make a game a while back called 'Apes in the Woods'.

It was to be a simple point & click 'shooting' game, where you play as DK and try to defend Diddy and Dixie from all sorts of baddies.

Here's a concept shot I developed:


Baddies would enter the scene on either side (or occasionally top/bottom, perhaps), and you would have to click to 'fire' at them. Some would be easily defeated, others would take more shots, maybe some (like Klobber) would have certain vulnerabilities, but be otherwise extra tough. I figured there would be lots of ways to have plenty of character involvement, such as from Squawks, who could bring in extra ammo for you, or drop TNT on baddies.

I had so many cool ideas for this. Why must time be a limited resource... :roll:
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby BlueTronic » March 17th, 2008, 2:05 pm

Sounds like a game called "Defend Your Computer" except enemies only come from one side and you have unlimited ammo.

It's a clone of "Defend Your Castle" which was WAY better than Defend Your Computer.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Simion32 » March 17th, 2008, 2:20 pm

This is a great idea! It has so much potential...

Qyz, would you mind if this be a game mode in the DKCLB game engine? I'll give full credit. :)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby nickp17 » March 17th, 2008, 2:20 pm

are you pursuing the idea of putting this bad boy together?
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Simion32 » March 17th, 2008, 2:24 pm

nickp17 wrote:are you pursuing the idea of putting this bad boy together?

I would, but by the looks of that screen shot it may be a while before I get around to DKC2. Although, it wouldn't have to be that complicated (i think).

EDIT: I was thinking that if Qyz wants to design it, then he can (it's his idea anyway) - I really meant to ask if I may include this into the DKCLB.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 17th, 2008, 3:33 pm

That's a really nice thought, Simion. I'd be honoured. It's really a matter of how much free time I can rustle up. Another issue is whether I could create it in a way that is compatible with the Level Builder's programming architecture. Do I have much flexibility there?
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Simion32 » March 17th, 2008, 4:28 pm

Qyzbud wrote:Another issue is whether I could create it in a way that is compatible with the Level Builder's programming architecture. Do I have much flexibility there?

I'd say you can do pretty much anything. There may be some things I'm not aware of that will be impossible, but the way I program games will definitely be in a way in which it will work with the rest of the engine. One thing - when/if you do get around to working on this, It'd be best if it were made using either Game Maker, Multimedia Fusion 2, or in C++. I don't know any other programming 'languages'. As long as I can understand what your game is doing, then I can convert it to c++ (if needed) and insert it into the game engine. [The game engine is a C++ windows application made using Dev-Cpp, with the Allegro library used for graphics.]

By the way: The Speed-Zeroing Patch is almost complete. I have a few odds and ends to fix, and then it will be done. Maybe even today. :)
PS: The game engine is named DELTA. That should be easier than saying 'DKCLB's game engine' every time I refer to it. I'll edit this into the DKCLB topic. Feel free to ask if you're wondering where I came up with the name DELTA.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Kowbrainz » March 17th, 2008, 5:24 pm

Simion32 wrote:PS: The game engine is named DELTA. That should be easier than saying 'DKCLB's game engine' every time I refer to it. I'll edit this into the DKCLB topic. Feel free to ask if you're wondering where I came up with the name DELTA

Just guessing, but DKC4? Since Delta means 4? Edit: Yeah, that's what I meant... 4th letter, lol.

Anyway, this game looks like something rather fun; something that I'd love to click on my desktop and play when my internet is being an ass (which is pretty common, lol). I'd love to see something soon! :)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Simion32 » March 17th, 2008, 5:53 pm

Kowbrainz wrote:Just guessing, but DKC4? Since Delta means 4?

Yes, because Delta is the fourth Greek character. Also, in terms of geography, a delta is where a river meets an ocean or bigger body of water. That represents the 'ocean of possibilities' which can be had using the DKCLB.

My MMF2 DKC project's name was actually called DKC DELTA before cfh and I teamed up. I had never mentioned this old (and maybe canceled) project, so it's not likely you've heard about it... it was basically my own version of a DKC level editor. The DKCLB project has basically replaced this 3 year old project. Some things may be inherited from all the old stuff sitting on my hard drive...
</history lesson>
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 17th, 2008, 7:07 pm

Simion, that's awesome. Simply awesome.

I've gotta go, but just wanted to say cheers for all your hard work! ;)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Jomingo » March 18th, 2008, 11:08 am

If you guys ever actually get this thing going(I say this because I know your both busy with more important things), then I would definately play it. It sounds awesome.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 18th, 2008, 9:03 pm

Well that's good to know. We already have a fan! :D

I reckon it'll be great to take shots at Kaboings as they spring by at varying heights/speeds, and to have the extra challenge of defended guys with tough exteriors, like Klobber and Click-Clack. I can't decide whether to have DK throw coconuts (which take a fraction of a second to hit a target, so you have to aim a little in front of them) as his main attack, or to have an 'instant hit' as soon as you click directly on a baddie. Maybe this could be a user option, or a 'powerup' Squawks brings in... and you eventually run out of 'instant hit' ammo. I don't like guns at all, especially in DK games (yeah, DK64 bothered me...), so I'd rather have DK throw things than fire them.

Oh yeah, and I really want to have the game keep track of high scores online if that's at all possible. How awesome would that be? :)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby cfh » March 18th, 2008, 9:20 pm

I'm sure it's possible, I've seen Game Maker games with it before. There's probably an example somewhere on the GMC...
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Jomingo » March 19th, 2008, 6:31 am

I don't make games (other than Pacman on TI Basic calculators), but it doesn't sound too hard to make highscores. That would kick ass.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby cfh » March 19th, 2008, 9:24 am

Highscores are easy, it's connecting with the server and all that fun stuff that would be hard.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 19th, 2008, 1:02 pm

I had a feeling that might be the case. Still, I think it would be an excellent feature. I wonder if I could work some concepts into the game which would give those with a truly in-depth understanding of DKC2 an edge... at least for high-scoring. It would be crap if people who were just really good at clicking, but clueless about DK got all the high scores. Any thoughts?
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Kowbrainz » March 19th, 2008, 5:51 pm

I don't think you can really avoid that. Even knowledge of the DKC enemies (ie that Klump is impervious to most aerial attacks) aren't really going to do much because anyone picking the game up for the first time would probably know those things anyway (Klump has a hardhat on).

I guess you could make it a little like the bonus room in Krack-Shot Kroc, DKC3 where you shoot at the Buzzes and Rekoils; but even then a non-DKC player would be able to pick up how the game goes fairly easily... :|

Or you could (although this gets rid of donkey...) have Cranky or Kiddy at the bottom of the screen and get them to throw balls at the enemies like in Swanky's Sideshow/Bleak's House. But again, same problem.... >_<;
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby CM August » March 19th, 2008, 8:12 pm

How about a Boss feature? You clobber enough enemies / rack up enough points / stay alive / etc. long enough, and a boss will appear. Here you must use a more inventive shooting tactic, such as deflecting the boss' attacks and projectiles, 'batting' it away at the right moment, or utilizing an environmental object, in addition to (or even without the need to) blast it with mouse-clicks. Apon defeating the boss you move up to the next difficulty level.

Obviously this adds more complexity to the game, for better or worse, but I'm just throwing it out there.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Jomingo » March 20th, 2008, 7:25 am

I really don't see any way of avoiding it, you don't really need any DKC knowledge to be good at the game. Maybe if you have a Swanky's trivia game inbetween levels, where you can spend points for more lives? It would require DKC knowledge.
I like the idea of bosses, and there should definitely be TNT barrels that can illiminate large amounts of enemies at a time. Maybe there could even be the barrel shield monkeys in some levels, protecting you this time, by deflecting enemy attacks. Maybe there could be a version for each game, DKC, DKC2, and DKC3? I'm just spitting out ideas here.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 20th, 2008, 2:31 pm

Kowbrainz wrote:...you could make it a little like the bonus room in Krack-Shot Kroc, DKC3 where you shoot...
Or you could (although this gets rid of donkey...) have Cranky or Kiddy [...] throw balls at the enemies like in Swanky's Sideshow...

Those are both really nice ideas for keeping the game concept within the range of DKC's gameplay styles. It seems like DKC3 added some innovative play mechanics, eh? I guess it would be fine to adapt the game so that it was perhaps Cranky who was defending the young'uns. I wanted it to be DK because then it was a game about my three favourite playable Kongs, but it might be even better to have it be Cranky. That way it could basically take place during the events of DKC2, when Diddy and Dixie get worn out on their mission to save DK, and have to rest. Cranky notices and (after making a few bitter comments about how so-called game 'heroes' today aren't like they used to be) he decides to see if he still has what it takes to bowl over a few opponents... Something he was rather good at back in his day. Not that he's past his prime now, no no!

That might be an even better approach to the storyline, in addition to giving the playable character a lot more presence.

As for bosses (or maybe one boss, anyway...), I really like the idea. Hey, it will give me/us a chance to design something better than Kroctopus- anyone could do that! This opens up the design potential of the game a fair bit, which may be a good thing or... an overly complicated thing. I'm sure we could do this, though.

Oh, and an edition of this game for each DKC would be great, wouldn't it? :)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby BlueTronic » March 20th, 2008, 2:55 pm

Sounds like a good game. I actually had an idea for a game where you'd get a banana, an enemy would appear, and you'd have to dodge that enemy to get to the next banana, and so on. But I didn't think it'd get good feedback.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Jomingo » March 21st, 2008, 7:04 am

I'm really lovin' the sound of this game so far. There's a lot of good ideas being said. We need bosses though. Definitely.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 21st, 2008, 9:32 am

Alrighty, how should we do a boss, or bosses? I think we'd pretty much have to take a pre-existing boss from a DKC game and work out an inventive approach. Maybe we could have Master Necky come in from the sides spitting nuts? You have to take out all of the nuts before the Kongs get hit, and then hit him as much as possible before he disappears.

That's a bit lame. Maybe you'd have some better ideas.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Kowbrainz » March 21st, 2008, 10:16 am

Lol Bleak. 8-)

There should be a few things you have to look out for: beating the level within the time limit else the kongs get kidnapped and taken away by the Kremlings; and avoiding things coming your way like in Bleak's fight.

I probably wouldn't go about creating new bosses, but doing the old bosses in different styles sounds like a cool idea.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » March 21st, 2008, 10:49 am

I actually wanted the game to be one of those 'play forever' games, like DK Arcade, where if you're quick and skillful enough, the game just goes on and on, getting faster and harder, and your score keeps climbing. Although that implies that Diddy and Dixie will never wake up... The story I named the game after was actually called 'Babes in the Woods'. It's about two young children who fell asleep in a forest, were taken care of by animals, but never woke up. I don't want that to happen to my monkey friends. :cry:
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby BlueTronic » March 21st, 2008, 11:01 am

Make it like a Rip Van Winkle type thing where they wake up but not for 10 years...

...Then put a timer in the game: After someone plays for 10 years, they win! :)

Just make sure the handheld video game it's on has a gooooood supply of batteries. ;)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Stone » March 21st, 2008, 6:56 pm

Qyzbud wrote:'Babes in the Woods'

Sounds like Cammy and Chun-Li could take over the role of the main protagonists ;)
I would really like to kick those Kremlings with them both, you see :D
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2008, 3:05 pm

I was thinking if you don't want the story to happen to your kongs, you can do it by levels, but don't just do the same level every time, maybe you can change the backround. For example, the first level can be a backround like jungle hijinxs, and you can have baddies from jungle hijinxs try to attack the kongs. The end of every level can also have a boss. For example, the jungle hijinxs's level boss can be Very Gnawty, and he will jump towards the kongs, and if you hit him, he will go back to the side he came and come out the other side, and every time he will go faster. I also like Jomingo's idea, you can answer Swanky's Trivia questions, and you can get extra points, or you can answer enough questions to enter a shop where you can get shields and stronger coconuts that defeat the tougher enemies quicker. These are my ideas though, but if you like them, you can go ahead and add them! Good luck making the game, I hope you make it soon.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Jomingo » June 12th, 2008, 3:22 am

I forgot about this game for a while. So...about the bosses. I think that we should do each boss from the game. For example, Very Gnawty could jump around, and if you shoot him he jumps higher up. This way, everytime he gets close to the Kongs, you shoot him and he bounces over them. Then there would be TNT barrels on the sides, and when he gets close, you have to shoot them so the explosion hurts him. You could do something different for every boss. Qyz, I like your idea about Master Necky. I think that Dumb Drum would be cool, because you have to kill all the enemies he spits out before you can hurt him.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby gamer_boy997 » August 7th, 2008, 7:59 am

I just thought of another idea, instead of having the kremlings "hurt" the Diddy and Dixie, you could have them somehow, "pick them up" and "carry them back to the side" and once both kongs are taken out, you get game over. You can also have bonus levels, where you're in Haunted Hall, and kacklass flies around, and you need to hit the + barrels to get more time, and the longer you last, the more extra points you get. I really want you to remember this game so you can work on it, because it looks interesting, so I decided to also give you a little bump for your board. ;)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Jomingo » August 7th, 2008, 11:13 am

Yeah, except that he's kinda busy with the site. I think thats a little bit more important.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Qyzbud » August 7th, 2008, 4:22 pm

For now, perhaps the site's more important... but thanks for the ideas; I look forward to working on this game sometime down the track. ;)
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Kimi Kong » November 10th, 2011, 4:25 am

Nice. I would like to see it in action.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Markster » November 10th, 2011, 4:33 am

You bumped a topic without putting useful info, that is against the rules.

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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Kimi Kong » November 10th, 2011, 4:44 am

:oops: Sorry. I felt like replying to it saying it was a nice idea. I didnt know that was against the rules.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Markster » November 10th, 2011, 4:47 am

It is okay, I made tons of mistakes when I started back a year ago.
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Re: 'Apes in the Woods' ...a game that doesn't exist yet.

Postby Simion32 » November 10th, 2011, 6:43 am

Eh, that's alright. I've bumped worse in my internet saga (two year old RWP thread on Stop & Swop when I was younger).

The likelihood of DELTA being able to run this game is becoming ever so likely.

If you've been keeping track of DELTA's progress then you'll know about the mouse cursor advancements where we can do multi-player Krosshairs. Perfectly fits Qyz's game here. :)
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