Dkc Enemies To SMW Custom Sprites

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Dkc Enemies To SMW Custom Sprites

Postby Jermboy27 » July 17th, 2010, 6:53 am

Could Someone make a Clam From DKC That Shoots Pitchin' Chuck's baseballs At Mario?
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Re: Dkc Enemies To SMW Custom Sprites

Postby Simion32 » July 17th, 2010, 7:35 am

You really expect someone to hack games for you? Learn how to do it yourself, n00b. :roll:

Besides, this is not the place for SMW hacking. This is the DKC Projects/Fanworks forum. I really doubt anyone here has the time or wants to take the time to hack a custom sprite for *SMW*.

EDIT: Not to mention that making said custom sprite would be unduly complicated...

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